[TYPES/announce] Reminder: International Conference on Homotopy Type Theory 2019

Michael Shulman viritrilbia at gmail.com
Wed Jul 24 17:20:05 EDT 2019


12-17 August 2019
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh USA


The Invited Speakers will be:

- Ulrik Buchholtz (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
- Dan Licata (Wesleyan University, USA)
- Andrew Pitts (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Emily Riehl (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
- Christian Sattler (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
- Karol Szumilo (University of Leeds, UK)

There will also be a special Vladimir Voevodsky Memorial Lecture given by

- André Joyal (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)

The schedule, programme, and registered participants list so far is
now available on the web site, as is a link to register:


We encourage everyone who is planning to come to register soon, so we
can get an accurate count for catering purposes.  After 1 August, the
registration fee will increase from $60/$90 (for the summer school and
conference, respectively) to $80/$120.  In addition, there are still
some rooms still available at the Hotel Indigo at a discounted price
for the conference, but these must be reserved by 29 July.

The topics and instructors for the associated Homotopy Type Theory
Summer School, in the preceding week August 7th to 10th, are:

- Cubical methods: Anders Mortberg
- Formalization in Agda: Guillaume Brunerie
- Formalization in Coq: Kristina Sojakova
- Higher topos theory: Mathieu Anel
- Semantics of type theory: Jonas Frey
- Synthetic homotopy theory: Egbert Rijke

We look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh!

The Scientific Committee

Steven Awodey
Andrej Bauer
Thierry Coquand
Nicola Gambino
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
Michael Shulman, chair

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