[TYPES/announce] CFS: Programming Languages for Quantum Computing

Robert Rand rrand at cs.umd.edu
Mon Sep 30 11:04:40 EDT 2019

Call for Submissions

We invite members of the programming languages (PL) and quantum computing
(QC) communities to submit talk proposals for the First International
Workshop on Programming Languages for Quantum Computing (PLanQC 2020),
co-located with POPL 2020 in New Orleans this January.

PLanQC aims to bring together researchers from the fields of programming
languages and quantum information, exposing the programming languages
community to the unique challenges of programming quantum computers. It
will promote the development of tools to assist in the process of
programming quantum computers, as they exist today and as they are likely
to exist in the near to distant future.

Submissions to PLanQC should take the form of 2-4 page abstracts, with
links to larger preprints when appropriate (work-in-progress is welcome).
We hope to make PLanQC maximally accessible to the programming languages
community. Thus, abstracts should cover cutting edge ideas and results, but
not be opaque to new, potential entrants to QC coming from PL. Abstracts
will be reviewed for quality and relevance to the workshop, and accepted
authors will be invited to give talks or poster presentations. We will not
be publishing formal proceedings, but the extended abstracts, along with
links (where available) to full papers will be posted to the workshop’s
Invited speakers:

   - Jennifer Paykin, Galois Inc — Quantum Computing for PL Researchers
   - Peter Selinger, Dalhousie University — Quantum Programming Languages
   - Fred Chong, University of Chicago — Quantum Compilation
   - Bettina Heim, Microsoft Research — The Q# Language

Workshop topics include (but are not limited to):

   - High-level quantum programming languages
   - Verification tools for quantum programs
   - Novel quantum programming abstractions
   - Quantum circuit optimizations
   - Error handling, mitigation, and correction
   - Instruction sets for quantum hardware
   - Other techniques from traditional programming languages (e.g., types,
   compilation/optimization, foreign function interfaces) applied to the
   domain of quantum computation.

Important dates (anywhere on earth):
Abstract submission deadline Mon 28 Oct 2019
Notification Thu 21 Nov 2019
Workshop Sun 19 Jan 2020

*Website:* https://popl20.sigplan.org/home/planqc-2020

*Submission:* https://planqc2020.hotcrp.com/
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