[TYPES/announce] PhD and PostDoc positions at Aarhus University
Andreas Pavlogiannis
pavlogiannis at cs.au.dk
Tue Oct 1 08:05:41 EDT 2019
The Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University, Denmark, offers a considerable number of PhD and PostDoc positions in the areas of Logic, Semantics and Programming Languages. Our research spans a wide spectrum of topics concerning models and logics for programming languages and type theories, language-based security, blockchains, theoretical foundations and practical tools for program analysis, formal verification and model checking.
Aarhus University admits PhD students on the basis of a bachelor's degree (for 5 year PhDs) or a master's degree (for 3 year PhDs). If admitted, all tuition is covered, and a generous stipend is provided<https://phd.scitech.au.dk/for-applicants/phd-study-structure-and-income/>. Postdoc positions can be for 1 or 2 years, and with the possibility of renewal (depending on the individual projects and sources of funding).
Interested applicants at all levels are encouraged to contact the respective faculty for details, enclosing a CV and a short description of interests.
Logic and Semantics group: http://cs.au.dk/research/logic-and-semantics/
Aslan Askarov<http://askarov.net/> (language-based security, web security, type systems, program analysis)
Lars Birkedal<https://cs.au.dk/~birke/> (higher-order concurrent separation logic<http://iris-project.org/>, type theory<http://cs.au.dk/~birke/ghott/index.html>, program verification)
Bas Spitters<http://users-cs.au.dk/spitters/> (computer aided proofs in cryptography, homotopy type theory, formal verification of blockchains<http://cs.au.dk/research/centers/concordium/>)
Jaco van de Pol<https://www.cs.au.dk/~jaco/> (parallel & symbolic model checking, synthesis, graph games)
Programming Languages group: https://cs.au.dk/research/programming-languages/
Magnus Madsen<http://cs.au.dk/~magnusm/> (programming language design, functional and logic programming, type systems)
Anders Møller<https://cs.au.dk/~amoeller/> (static & dynamic program analysis, program analysis and automated testing for web and mobile software)
Andreas Pavlogiannis<https://tildeweb.au.dk/au648021/> (algorithmic & computational foundations of model checking, quantitative verification, static & dynamic analysis, concurrency)
Aarhus University is realizing an ambitious multi-phase digitalization initiative<https://newsroom.au.dk/en/news/show/artikel/aarhus-universitet-lancerer-ambitioes-digital-satsning/> which will help prepare researchers, students and the labour force for the digital transition of the future. The initiative aims at significant expansion<http://cs.au.dk/news-events/news/show-news/artikel/exciting-expansion-plans-for-computer-science-at-aarhus-university/> of the Department of Computer Science for faculty and students.
Next deadline: November 1st, 2019
Information about the PhD program: http://phd.scitech.au.dk/for-applicants/application-guide/
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