[TYPES/announce] two industrially-funded PhD positions at VERIMAG, Grenoble, France

DAVID MONNIAUX david.monniaux at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Tue Jan 5 15:32:57 EST 2021

VERIMAG, a leading academic research laboratory, co-operated by the University of Grenoble and the National center for scientific research (CNRS), proposes two industrially-funded (CIFRE) positions : 

1) With industry partner The MathWorks: algorithmics of convex polyhedra in floating-point. 
[ https://www-verimag.imag.fr/Convex-polyhedra-in-floating-point.html?lang= | https://www-verimag.imag.fr/Convex-polyhedra-in-floating-point.html?lang= ] 

2) With industry partner STMicroelectronics: certified compilation for security 
[ https://www-verimag.imag.fr/Certified-compilation-for-security.html?lang=en | https://www-verimag.imag.fr/Certified-compilation-for-security.html?lang=en ] 

In both cases, the candidate is to be hired on a 3-year contract by the industry partner, and will spend half time in the academic laboratory, half time in industry. 

These topics and related areas are also available as regular PhDs, but then the candidate will need to apply for a 3-year scholarship, granted on a competitive basis. 

Contact me for more information. 
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