[TYPES/announce] Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2021) Final Call for Participation

Dominic Orchard dom.orchard at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 17:12:08 EST 2021

We have a really exciting lineup of papers and keynote speakers at PADL
this year,
co-located with POPL 2021 and scheduled for Monday 18th - Tuesday 19th of

PADL continues to be a stimulating forum for research into the practical
and applied sides of the broad spectrum of declarative languages
(functional, logic, constraints) and their combinations.  The list of
accepted papers can be found online:

Topics this year include gradual types, logic programming for repairing
states, reversible debugging, fuzzing, validation, declarative debugging,
server-side web programming, foundations of logic programming
implementation, blockchain safety, concurrency primitives, and pattern

We have two keynotes:
- Semantics-based Synthesis in miniKanren - William Byrd (University of
Alabama at Birmingham)
- SMT-based Constraint Answer Set Solver EZSMT - Yuliya Lierler (University
of Nebraska)

Participation is of course online and anyone can register either as part of
POPL or just to attend PADL itself:

This year the registration price is modest ($100 for ACM members or $50 for
ACM students, + $25 for non ACM members) and there is even a discount
option of $10 for those who do not have a source of external funding, to
further enable wide participation. Early registration rates end January
10th, after this the price goes up by $25 (but the discount rate remains

We do hope you will join us and/or catch the recorded videos which will be
made available online.

Dominic Orchard and Jose Morales
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