[TYPES/announce] Call for Papers: HotSpot 2021

Toby Murray tobycmurray at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 22 02:34:03 EDT 2021

HotSpot 2021:
7th Workshop on
Hot topics in the Principles of Security and Trust
Co-located with EuroS&P 2021, 7--11th September 2021 in Vienna, Austria
Organized by the Theory of Security working group IFIP WG 1.7.

Aim and scope

The principles of security and trust remain an area of intense and
creative work.  This work is focused primarily on defining security
and trust goals, developing methods to verify that systems meet those
goals, and to synthesize systems that meet those goals by

The areas of interest for HotSpot cut across many application areas,
including hardware-software connections, vulnerability discovery
and program verification, distributed and cloud systems, big data,
machine learning for (and against) security and privacy, and
single-purpose systems such as voting, electronic currency and
smart contracts. The areas of interest are unified however by a
focus on rigorous models and reasoning, clear semantics,
and a balance between proof and empirical methods.


The one-day workshop will be divided into a sequence of four main
sessions.  Some sessions will be devoted to a set of talks on related
topics, both with invited talks and submitted papers. We expect the
session topics to be drawn from the following list:

  Privacy and information flow
  Properties of voting protocols
  Machine-learning for (and against) security
  Hardware basis of security
  Vulnerability discovery and program verification
  Distributed ledger technologies
  Cyber-physical systems

Submissions on all formally-grounded topics related to security,
privacy and trust are welcome. They can either be

(a) an informal submission, consisting of an abstract or a paper that
may appear formally elsewhere.

(b) a full submission, to be included in an IEEE Xplore volume
accompanying the main IEEE EuroS&P 2021 proceedings.

See submission instructions on our website:


Catherine Meadows
Catuscia Palamidessi
Jan Juerjens
Jean-Jacques Quisquater
Joshua Guttman
Lucca Hirschi
Mark D. Ryan
Peter Y. A. Ryan
Pierpaolo Degano
Sebastian Mödersheim (co-chair)
Steve Schneider
Toby Murray (chair)

Important Dates

Workshop papers submission: May 02, 2021

Workshop notification date: June 01, 2021

Workshop final papers:      July 02, 2021

Workshop date:     September 06, 2021

Submission instructions

See http://hotspot.compute.dtu.dk

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