[TYPES/announce] 2-year researcher position in HoTT, Stockholm University; deadline 9 April

Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine p.l.lumsdaine at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 08:31:47 EDT 2021

Dear all,

I’m pleased to announce that we’re hiring for a researcher position in
Homotopy Type Theory at Stockholm University.  It’s a 2 year position,
provisionally starting this August, in the logic group of the Mathematics
Department, supported by the Wallenberg Foundation project grant “Type
Theory for Mathematics and Computer Science” (PI Thierry Coquand).  The
application deadline is 9 April.

We welcome all applicants interested in working on homotopy type theory and
related topics — either with previous background in HoTT, or with
background in related fields but interested in moving into HoTT.

Full details and application at
Departmental webpage: https://www.math.su.se

Please get in touch with me if you have any questions about the position!

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