[TYPES/announce] One-year postdoc position on category theory for lambda-calculus and proof theory, in the Paris area

Gabriel Scherer gabriel.scherer at inria.fr
Tue Sep 28 12:51:51 EDT 2021

We (Gabriel Scherer and Noam Zeilberger) are looking for candidates for 
a one-year post-doc position, ideally starting in January 2022, at INRIA 
Saclay / École Polytechnique (in the Paris area, France), as part of the 
[Partout](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://team.inria.fr/partout/__;!!IBzWLUs!AieDZCGwuwPDfX6iSfYr6GdXfU_bK2i8s9wyqkZ8OOtKXIsSmddTgUhJweA1Fbgv82-3YG6zXRCrxw$ ) research group.

Broadly, the subject of the postdoc will be categorical perspectives on 
the lambda-calculus and proof theory. Potential topics of interest 
include, for example, (multi)categorical structures capturing notions of 
focusing, as usually formulated in sequent calculi for various logics, 
as well as fibrational structures capturing different notions of type 
inference for lambda-calculi.

Interested applicants should contact us directly:
   Gabriel Scherer <gabriel.scherer at inria.fr>
   Noam Zeilberger <noam.zeilberger at lix.polytechnique.fr>
please include a CV with your application.


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