[TYPES/announce] ECI 2022: Call for course proposals - Buenos Aires, July 2022

Alejandro Díaz-Caro alejandro at diaz-caro.info
Tue Sep 28 14:56:08 EDT 2021

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From: ECI 2022-chair <eci2022-chair at dc.uba.ar>

*Call for course proposals*

*35th Informatics Sciences School - ECI 2022*

*July 25 to 29, 2022*

*Buenos Aires, Argentina*


  26 November 2021: Proposal submission deadline

  End of January 2022: Notification

This is an invitation to submit proposals for courses in all areas of
Computer Science to be included in the program of the "35a Escuela de
Ciencias Informáticas" - ECI 2022, to be held at Departamento de
Computación, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de
Buenos Aires, from July 25th to 29th, 2020. The Escuela de Ciencias
Informáticas (ECI) has been held annually at our department since 1987. The
goal of ECI is to offer to Computer Science students and practitioners
intensive, top-level courses on topics not covered by the regular
curricula. These courses are taught by prestigious lecturers from
universities and institutions from all around the world. Each year, between
400 and 800 people participate in ECI, taking one, two or three courses


ECI courses last 15 hours in total (3 hours per day from Monday to Friday)
and are addressed to advanced undergraduate or graduate students. These
courses should include a final evaluation, which can be a take-home to be
sent by e-⁠mail to the lecturer. Submissions for courses to be taught in
Spanish or English are accepted. The school will cover travel, hotel and
local expenses of ECI 2022 lecturers.

*Given the current health crisis, a full decision whether the event will be
a physical conference or a virtual one will be taken later this year
(around December 2021). Please let us know if a virtual format would be
acceptable for your class if needed.*


Proposals should be submitted using the following form:


The submission must be done in PDF format, containing only the following

* Title

* Abstract (At most 1300 characters)

* Objectives of the course  (At most 1300 characters)

* Topic (You must choose among the first level of ACM CCS (
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://dl.acm.org/ccs/ccs.cfm__;!!IBzWLUs!AH_W1hxo-dvysVNwdEEfJ-4nvOdAMDPFdpOHFRJ1cIbtOavVpOXRCqXtWPsjO0Ho45elFltk-Hticg$ ), e.g. "Computer Systems Organization").

* Language: [English/Spanish]

* Brief index (a list of topics that will be covered during the course)

* Schedule (Approximate timeline of how these topics will be presented from
Monday to Friday).

* Suggested bibliography (At least three books or papers that are related
to the topics of the course)

* Student's preferred background (Background the students should have to be
able to follow the course. A general description in the form of course
names or topics will suffice.).

* Will the course have a lab section? [Yes/No] (Optionally, your course can
have a lab section for hands-on practice. In this case, the ECI
organization will assign lab space with computers for the students).

* Would you be willing to teach the course in an online format if needed?

* Optional: Local contact. (A local contact in the Department of Computer
Science, FCEyN, UBA is desirable, but not mandatory)

* A CV must be attached to the end of the proposal.

For information about previous editions, please refer to
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.dc.uba.ar/events/eci/2019/anteriores__;!!IBzWLUs!AH_W1hxo-dvysVNwdEEfJ-4nvOdAMDPFdpOHFRJ1cIbtOavVpOXRCqXtWPsjO0Ho45elFlvl5nS4Jg$  or send e-⁠mail to
eci2022-chair at dc.uba.ar.

Maria Vanina Martinez (Chair)

Emmanuel Iarussi (Co-Chair)

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