[TYPES/announce] PhD and postdoc positions at Université Paris-Saclay, CEA List institute, France, in Advanced Program Analysis for Software Security

BARDIN Sébastien sebastien.bardin at cea.fr
Wed Dec 22 09:37:37 EST 2021

The BINSEC team (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://binsec.github.io/__;!!IBzWLUs!CMjGi_C3VMplAl-GA7VN6dpwnuOZ_yM50eEvYtbVWyfoMzjZT5W4UVs-D_tugvcwHig_JyaX2NKdpg$ ) opens two PhD and one postdoc positions to work with Michaël Marcozzi and Sébastien Bardin on automatic detection and prevention advanced software vunerabilities.

. Start: as soon as possible in 2022. Duration: 3 years (PhD), 2 years (postdoc).
. Keywords: binary-level security, program analysis, formal methods, symbolic execution, static analysis, fuzzing, speculation



OUR TEAM - The BINary-level SECurity research group (BINSEC) is a dynamic team of 9 junior and 4 senior researchers. The group has frequent publications in top-tier security, formal methods and software engineering conferences. We work in close collaboration with other French and international research teams, industrial partners and national agencies. The team is part of Université Paris-Saclay, the world’s 13th and European Union’s 1st university, according to the Shanghai ARWU Ranking in 2021.

OUR WORK - The team has high-level expertise in several binary code analysis approaches, namely symbolic execution, abstract interpretation and fuzzing. We apply these techniques to improve software security at the binary level, covering notably vulnerability detection, code (de)obfuscation and formal verification. See our website at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://binsec.github.io/__;!!IBzWLUs!CMjGi_C3VMplAl-GA7VN6dpwnuOZ_yM50eEvYtbVWyfoMzjZT5W4UVs-D_tugvcwHig_JyaX2NKdpg$  for additional information.


* a Ph.D position (3 years) in complex software vulnerability detection through greybox and hybrid fuzzing

* a Ph.D position (3 years) in formal verification of security properties against micro-architectural attacks

* a postdoc position (2 years) in software vulnerability detection in IoT systems through static analysis, fuzzing, symbolic execution and/or machine learning

Under the supervision of our senior researchers, you will be expected to solve research problems, implement your solutions into evaluated prototypes, publish at top conferences and journals, mentor students and broadly participate in the scientific life of the team. All positions comprises both theoretical work and coding. You will be able to dedicate a small fraction of your time to teaching if you want so. Our former team members have been able to secure stimulating positions in academia or industry and we will support you in advancing your career.


Candidates should send a CV, a cover letter, and other information (see the link below) to binsec-jobs at saxifrage.saclay.cea.fr as soon as possible (and at the latest by January 2022). Applications will be reviewed immediately as they arrive (first come, first served). The positions are expected to start as soon as possible in 2022 (upon completion of all administrative requirements).


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