[TYPES/announce] Two postdoc positions at LIS (Aix-Marseille University) and LIX (Ecole Polytechnique)

Noam Zeilberger noam.zeilberger at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 13:16:02 EST 2022

Announcement for two 11-15-month postdoctoral positions funded by the
ANR LambdaComb.

Project summary : LambdaComb is an interdisciplinary project financed
by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche. Broadly, the project
aims to deepen connections between lambda calculus and logic on the
one hand and combinatorics on the other. One important motivation for
the project is the discovery over recent years of a host of surprising
links between subsystems of lambda calculus and enumeration of graphs
on surfaces, or "maps", the latter being an active subfield of
combinatorics with roots in W. T. Tutte's work in the 1960s.  More
informations can be found on the project webpage:

We seek candidates holding or soon to receive a PhD in Computer
Science or Mathematics and with expertise in one or several of the
following areas:

- Category theory (with a focus on monoidal closed categories and
- Combinatorics
- Logic and lattice theory
- Proof theory, types, and Curry-Howard correspondence

The ideal candidate will have a strong background in one of the areas
and at least an interest in the others.

We aim to recruit two postdocs who will be employed respectively at:

* LIS research laboratory (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.lis-lab.fr/__;!!IBzWLUs!G3M763_fgbA1TWWijp2NjbeZtcZGX2ylpqMKkEqnWMnowr9TCsamDj5N152AxfulX3LLyaTO2eZpsQ$ ) in Marseille,
France, working under the mentorship of Luigi Santocanale
* LIX laboratory (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/__;!!IBzWLUs!G3M763_fgbA1TWWijp2NjbeZtcZGX2ylpqMKkEqnWMnowr9TCsamDj5N152AxfulX3LLyaSm1SO5kw$ ) in Palaiseau,
France (south of Paris), working under the mentorship of Noam

Both postdocs will have opportunities for visiting other partner
institutions and for collaborating with other members of the project
(see full list at the project page linked above).

Application process:

- Deadline for applications is March 27, 2022, for a starting date in
September 2022 (or sooner, negotiable).

- Candidates can send their application to Luigi Santocanale
(luigi.santocanale at lis-lab.fr) and/or Noam Zeilberger
(noam.zeilberger at lix.polytechnique.fr) with a subject containing
“[LambdaComb post-doc application]”.

- The application should contain a CV, a brief research statement (1-2
pages) & at least two contacts of reference persons (or reference
letters if available).

- The salary and precise length of the contract will depend on the
successful candidate's prior research experience, with a guaranteed
minimum of 2466 EUR/month gross salary for the LIS postdoc and of 2520
EUR/month gross salary for the LIX postdoc.

- The selection process will be achieved in collaboration with other
project coordinators.

Further enquiries about the position may be addressed to Luigi
Santocanale (luigi.santocanale at lis-lab.fr) or Noam Zeilberger
(noam.zeilberger at lix.polytechnique.fr).

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