[TYPES/announce] RC2022 call for online attendance

Claudio Mezzina cmezzina at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 06:04:31 EDT 2022

============RC2022 call for online attendance============

The 14th Conference on Reversible Computation (RC 2022) will be held in
Urbino on 5-6 July


Invited talks:

- Robert O'Callahan (lead developer of rr https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rr-project.org/__;!!IBzWLUs!WBSYsew0G6CwovinwZv97gf3IQBpK0yuxm4Kb-La7y3h8v4wU5RG3RTNOE1zOibgFJ3XKl0zj4e2DGy1YMOU8wD3s4ug4es$ ): Reverse
Execution In The rr Debugger

- Vincent van Wingerden (Microsoft Europe): an introduction to Azure
Quantum and the Microsoft QDK

If you are interested and would like to attend the conference online, then
please register (free of charge), at your earliest convenience but not
later than Monday 4th July, at this link:


or follow the instruction at

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