[TYPES/announce] Call for Workshop Proposals for <Programming> 2023

Atsushi Igarashi igarashi at kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Oct 7 21:59:21 EDT 2022

<Programming> 2023 : The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming

March 13-17, 2023, Tokyo, Japan 



To build a community and to foster an environment where participants can 
exchange ideas and experiences related to practical software 
development, ‹Programming› will host a number of workshops.

A workshop can be intended as a collaborative forum to exchange recent 
and/or preliminary results, to conduct intensive discussions on a particular 
topic, or to coordinate efforts between representatives of a technical 
community. They can also be regarded as a forum for lively discussion of 
innovative ideas, progress, or practical experience on programming and 
applied software development in general for specific aspects, specific 
problems, or domain-specific needs. 

This year, we would like to encourage organizers to be creative and experiment
with all kinds of events including hallways discussions, academic parties 
besides the more traditional workshops. Possible types of workshops include 
a meeting like a Dagstuhl Seminar or Shonan meeting, a gathering for an 
international research project, a tool demo/tutorial, hands-on workshops 
in which participants experience one or several aspects of practical 
software development, social gathering around a particular topic and so on. 
Open meetings are preferable but closed ones could be accepted. We are flexible 
and welcome innovative social gatherings; if you have any ideas or questions, 
please contact the workshops co-chairs.

The duration of workshops is in general one day, but we encourage the 
submission of half-day workshop proposals on focused topics as well. 

### Submission Deadlines

Deadline: October 21st, 2022

Notifications will go out as soon as possible, within a week after the deadline.

### Workshop Selection Committee

Youyou Cong (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)  
Elisa Gonzalez Boix (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)

### Submission and Workshop Process

Please submit your workshop proposal electronically via the submission system:

Please adhere to the workshop proposal guidelines given below and provide all requested information about the proposed workshop.

Please keep it brief and use the provided form. The intention is not to spend time on proposal writing, but on preparing the organization of the workshop.

To coordinate with the deadlines of the main conference, the following deadlines have to be respected by workshops:

**Workshop webpage and CFP:** November 14th 2022  

**Deadline for submissions to the workshops:**
  - possibly after January 15th 2023 (final notification of issue 3)
  - no later than January 20th 2023

**Notification of authors:** No later than February 6th  

**Deadline for Camera-Ready Papers (Companion Proceedings at ACM DL):**  May 1st 2023

**Workshop dates:** March 13th and 14th 2023 (tentative)

### Workshop Proposal Guidelines

Please include the following information either directly in the proposal, or CFP.
The submission system has a form that includes an abstract (for the website), the CFP, and the remaining proposal. CFPs often cover the same information, duplication is not necessary for such cases. Organizers of a workshop previously co-located at <Programming> are allowed to submit a minimal proposal including information for the questions marked with (*). 

1. What is the motivation for the workshop?
    - Objectives
    - Intended audience
    - Relevance (with respect to the topics of the <Programming> conference)
2(*). Who organizes the workshop?
    - Organizers and primary contact (name / affiliation / email)
    - Brief details on the organizers (previous workshop organizing experience, etc.)
    - Data on potential previous iterations of the workshop
        - How many participants do you expect (please make at least an educated guess)
        - What kind of software do you expect to use to run the workshop (e.g. slack, Zoom, Teams, etc.) 
    - Advertisement: Planed advertisement strategy to ensure participation
3. Is there going to be a workshop program committee?
    - if so, please list the members (indicated as finalized or expected)
4. What is the planned workshop format?
    - Planned deadlines
    - Intended submission format (e.g. intended format for articles, posters, abstracts, or any other kind of submission requested to participate in the workshop)
    - Evaluation process for submissions 
    - Intended workshop format (including duration, number of presentations/talks, planned invited talks/keynotes, etc.)
5(*). What is the intended publication of accepted submissions?
    - ACM DL post companion proceedings and/or website pre/post-proceedings

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