[TYPES/announce] Call for Participation: Eelco Visser Commemorative Symposium, 5 April 2023

Jonathan Aldrich jonathan.aldrich at cs.cmu.edu
Fri Feb 10 23:38:07 EST 2023

*EVCS: Eelco Visser Commemorative Symposium – Call for Participation*

*April 5th, 2023, in the Theatre Hall, X Building, TU Delft*

EVCS website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://symposium.eelcovisser.org__;!!IBzWLUs!R2cu-wBs91QYwNHiISDyTCptZrQRsIcAwZzfitA3svg4UG8G52o5Rwxk2QwS6Miphm3zK99MmhwIhjg3rD-1VUXBKZ0D5tnUUGrXp4nz76UE$ 

A commemorative symposium for Eelco Visser is to be held on 5th April 2023:
the first anniversary of his untimely passing. It will bring together
colleagues from various communities, with presentations of papers on topics
related to his research and his other academic activities.

EVCS has accepted 32 papers:

   - extended abstracts of novel research contributions related to Eelco
   Visser’s work;
   - papers that present some framework or application, and explain its
   relationship to his work;
   - papers that recall and reflect upon personal experiences of his
   contributions in academia or industry.

The presentations at the symposium should generally be accessible to
attendees with a Computer Science background.

*Program outline:*

08:45 Walk in, with coffee and tea
09.15 *Welcome to EVCS*
09:30 *Keynote* *by Arie van Deursen*: *Getting Things Done: The Eelco Way*
09:40 *Session 1*
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 *Session 2*
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 *Session 3*
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 *Session 4*
17:30 *Symposium closing*
18:30 Social Dinner in Delft – *limited availability!*

Session details will appear on the EVCS website in due course. In view of
the special nature of the symposium, the presentations will *not* be

*Registration is obligatory for attending EVCS*. *Please register as soon
as possible! Registration will remain open until Friday March 10th*.

See the symposium website for how to register. Coffee breaks and a light
lunch are included; the fee for attending the social dinner is €25.

For all enquiries about the symposium, please use the contact form
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://symposium.eelcovisser.org/contact__;!!IBzWLUs!R2cu-wBs91QYwNHiISDyTCptZrQRsIcAwZzfitA3svg4UG8G52o5Rwxk2QwS6Miphm3zK99MmhwIhjg3rD-1VUXBKZ0D5tnUUGrXp1X0nApo$ > on the EVCS website or email
symposium at eelcovisser.org.
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