[TYPES/announce] Call for Nominations: ACM SIGPLAN Software Award - deadline extension 17 March 2023
Dominique Devriese
dominique.devriese at kuleuven.be
Sun Feb 12 17:12:49 EST 2023
Dear all,
Please consider nominating a candidate for the ACM SIGPLAN Software Award.
The award recognizes " the development of a software system that has had a significant impact on programming language research, implementations, and tools".
The deadline for nominations has been extended to 17 March, 2023.
More information below.
Given by ACM SIGPLAN to an institution or individual(s) to recognize the development of a software system that has had a significant impact on programming language research, implementations, and tools. The impact may be reflected in the widespread adoption of the system or its underlying concepts by the wider programming language community either in research projects, in the open-source community, or commercially. The award includes a prize of $2,500. The award is presented at SIGPLAN's PLDI conference<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sigplan.org/Conferences/PLDI__;!!IBzWLUs!R9b-m49zC_FgS0HbBmt300JiqssyPgxZK_MH4eHvI4k2g7b-SdeFii8RbBtE5PYP5HoOs1Cw_XDhLwGA53Y5lm63rjBmBuPKYz1tsOWoY9OIhw$ > the following June.
All questions about the Programming Languages Software Award should be directed to the SIGPLAN Awards co-Chairs.
Please use https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://awards.sigplan.org/__;!!IBzWLUs!R9b-m49zC_FgS0HbBmt300JiqssyPgxZK_MH4eHvI4k2g7b-SdeFii8RbBtE5PYP5HoOs1Cw_XDhLwGA53Y5lm63rjBmBuPKYz1tsOUWu2NyhA$ to submit nominations. Nominations submitted on or before January 15th will be considered for award that year.
Each nomnination should include the following items:
* Name of the software system being nominated, the name of the institution or team being nominated, and their contact details
* A short statement explaining why the nominee(s) deserve the award.
* Name, affiliation, phone number, and email address of each of the developers nominated for the award (the nominees)
* Name, affiliation, phone number, and email address of the person making the nomination (the nominator).
* Names and email addresses of 5-10 people who the nominator believes will support the nomination. The awards committee will ask at least three of these people for their opinions.
Award recipients are selected by a committee constituted as follows:
* The Chair of the committee shall be a member of the SIGPLAN Executive Committee (EC), and shall be appointed by the executive committee.
* The SIGPLAN EC Chair shall be an ex-officio member of the committee. If the SIGPLAN EC Chair is unable to serve, he or she may appoint another member of the SIGPLAN EC as a substitute.
* The steering committees of the major SIGPLAN Conferences, POPL, PLDI, ICFP, and SPLASH, shall each appoint a member to the committee.
The current committee comprises:
* Tony Hosking<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cs.anu.edu.au/tony-hosking/__;!!IBzWLUs!R9b-m49zC_FgS0HbBmt300JiqssyPgxZK_MH4eHvI4k2g7b-SdeFii8RbBtE5PYP5HoOs1Cw_XDhLwGA53Y5lm63rjBmBuPKYz1tsOX-1KM7Pw$ >, Australian National U (Chair)
* Jeff Foster<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eecs.tufts.edu/*jfoster/__;fg!!IBzWLUs!R9b-m49zC_FgS0HbBmt300JiqssyPgxZK_MH4eHvI4k2g7b-SdeFii8RbBtE5PYP5HoOs1Cw_XDhLwGA53Y5lm63rjBmBuPKYz1tsOVNeLPSyQ$ >, Tufts U (ex-officio)
* Dominique Devriese<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://distrinet.cs.kuleuven.be/people/DominiqueDevriese__;!!IBzWLUs!R9b-m49zC_FgS0HbBmt300JiqssyPgxZK_MH4eHvI4k2g7b-SdeFii8RbBtE5PYP5HoOs1Cw_XDhLwGA53Y5lm63rjBmBuPKYz1tsOW9HDN1gA$ >, KU Leuven (POPL)
* Manu Sridharan<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://profiles.ucr.edu/app/home/profile/manus__;!!IBzWLUs!R9b-m49zC_FgS0HbBmt300JiqssyPgxZK_MH4eHvI4k2g7b-SdeFii8RbBtE5PYP5HoOs1Cw_XDhLwGA53Y5lm63rjBmBuPKYz1tsOU4uX4k0Q$ >, UC Riverside (PLDI)
* Andreas Rossberg<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://people.mpi-sws.org/*rossberg/__;fg!!IBzWLUs!R9b-m49zC_FgS0HbBmt300JiqssyPgxZK_MH4eHvI4k2g7b-SdeFii8RbBtE5PYP5HoOs1Cw_XDhLwGA53Y5lm63rjBmBuPKYz1tsOUF14armg$ >, MPI Software Systems (ICFP)
* David Grove<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/view.php?person=us-groved__;!!IBzWLUs!R9b-m49zC_FgS0HbBmt300JiqssyPgxZK_MH4eHvI4k2g7b-SdeFii8RbBtE5PYP5HoOs1Cw_XDhLwGA53Y5lm63rjBmBuPKYz1tsOUc6OKy1Q$ >, IBM Research (SPLASH)
Conflicts of Interest
If any member of the committee has a conflict of interest with a given nominee they shall declare that to the committee; once so declared, conflicts of interest shall not automatically prevent a committee member from taking part in the selection process. However, if a member of the committee, or the chair of the committee, feels that the association of a committee member with a nominee would interfere with impartial consideration of the nominees, that conflicted member shall be absented from the relevant parts of the discussion. If a committee member has conflicts of interest with more than one nominee, the Chair of the Committee may ask the constituency that appointed the committee member to select a replacement member. The SIGPLAN EC Chair will adjudicate as necessary
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