[TYPES/announce] APLAS 2023 first Call for Papers

Sato, Ryosuke rsato at is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Tue Apr 4 08:42:35 EDT 2023


21st Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2023)
Taipei, Taiwan, Sun 26 – Wed 29 November 2023


Submission deadline: Thu 15 Jun 2023 AoE
Author response: Mon 31 Jul 12:00 - Wed 2 Aug 12:00 2023 AoE
Author notification: Mon 14 Aug 2023 AoE
Final paper deadline: Wed 6 Sep 2023 AoE
Conference: Sun 26 – Wed 29 Nov 2023

We solicit submissions in the form of regular research papers
describing original scientific research results, including system
development and case studies. Among others, solicited topics include:

- ** programming paradigms and styles ** :
    functional programming; object-oriented programming; probabilistic
  programming; logic
  programming; constraint programming; extensible programming
  languages; programming languages for systems code; novel programming

- ** methods and tools to specify and reason about programs and
  languages ** :

  programming techniques; meta-programming; domain-specific
  languages; proof assistants; type systems; dependent types; program
  logics, static and dynamic program analysis; language-based
  security; model checking; testing;

- ** programming language foundations ** :

  formal semantics; type theory; logical foundations; category
  theory; automata; effects; monads and comonads; recursion and
  corecursion; continuations and effect handlers; program
  verification; memory models; abstract interpretation;

- ** methods and tools for implementation ** :

  compilers; program transformations; rewriting systems;
  partial evaluation; virtual machines; refactoring; intermediate
  languages; run-time environments; garbage collection and memory
  management; tracing; profiling; build systems; program synthesis;

- ** concurrency and distribution ** :

  process algebras; concurrency theory; session types; parallel
  programming; service-oriented computing; distributed and mobile
  computing; actor-based languages; verification and testing of
  concurrent and distributed systems;

- ** applications and emerging topics ** :

  programming languages and PL methods in education, security,
  privacy, database systems, computational biology, signal
  processing, graphics, human-computer interaction, computer-aided
  design, artificial intelligence and machine learning; case
  studies in program analysis and verification.

Submissions should not exceed 17 pages, excluding bibliography in the
Springer LNCS format. LaTeX template is available at:


The accepted papers will be allowed to use one extra page for the
content to accommodate feedback from the reviews in the final paper

Papers should be submitted via HotCRP:


The review process of APLAS 2023 is double-anonymous, with a rebuttal
phase. In your submission, please, omit your names and institutions;
refer to your prior work in the third person, just as you refer to
prior work by others; do not include acknowledgments that might
identify you.

Additional material intended for reviewers but not for publication in
the final version - for example, details of proofs - may be placed in
a clearly marked appendix that is not included in the page limit.
Reviewers are at liberty to ignore appendices and papers must be
understandable without them.

Submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere. Papers must be written in English. The proceedings will be
published as a volume in Springer’s LNCS series. Accepted papers must
be presented at the conference.


APLAS 2023 includes a Posters session and a Student Research
Competition. For more details, please see the website.



General Chair:

  Shin-Cheng Mu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Program Chair:

  Chung-Kil Hur, Seoul National University, Korea

Publicity Chair:

  Ryosuke Sato, University of Tokyo, Japan

Program Committee:

  Soham Chakraborty, TU Delft, Netherlands
  Yu-Fang Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  Ronghui Gu, Columbia University, USA
  Ichiro Hasuo, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
  Ralf Jung, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  Ohad Kammar, University of Edinburgh, UK
  Jeehoon Kang, KAIST, Korea
  Jieung Kim, Inha University, Korea
  Robbert Krebbers, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
  Ori Lahav, Tel Aviv University, Israel
  Doug Lea, State University of New York at Oswego, USA
  Woosuk Lee, Hanyang University, Korea
  Hongjin Liang, Nanjing University, China
  Nuno P. Lopes, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  Chandrakana Nandi, Certora and UW, USA
  Liam O'Connor, The University of Edinburgh, UK
  Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  Jihyeok Park, Korea University, Korea
  Clément Pit-Claudel, EPFL, Switzerland
  Matthieu Sozeau, Inria, France
  Kohei Suenaga, Kyoto University, Japan
  Tarmo Uustalu, Reykjavik University, Iceland
  John Wickerson, Imperial College London, UK
  Danfeng Zhang, Penn State University, USA

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