[TYPES/announce] Call for Journal-First @ ICGT 2023 :: 16th International Conference on Graph Transformation

Christopher Michael POSKITT cposkitt at smu.edu.sg
Wed Apr 5 02:07:38 EDT 2023

SMU Classification: Restricted

[apologies for cross-posting]


16th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2023)

  web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://conf.researchr.org/home/icgt-2023__;!!IBzWLUs!VgqfsBs1fzWjFu9sLDlmoaIELV3TVr0H8BkOOiNuIFnh0PNbnwxc0kZ3ZN67njCP7YypiiIX-hmSBtKBB1w95d32xW6On0OIRIQ$ 

19-20 July in Leicester, UK, as part of STAF 2023

  web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://conf.researchr.org/home/staf-2023__;!!IBzWLUs!VgqfsBs1fzWjFu9sLDlmoaIELV3TVr0H8BkOOiNuIFnh0PNbnwxc0kZ3ZN67njCP7YypiiIX-hmSBtKBB1w95d32xW6OVouiSiQ$ 


We invite authors of previously published papers in all areas of graph transformation to submit a journal-first contribution. Authors of accepted journal-first papers will be invited to present their work at ICGT 2023, enriching the programme, and providing an additional pathway to engage with the community.

Contributions in this category must have been published in high-quality journals in 2019 or later. For ICGT 2023, we will additionally accept contributions that have been published in book chapters or other quality conferences.



Submission Deadline:    25 Apr 2023
Notification:           09 May 2023
Conference:             19-20 Jul 2023

All deadlines are by end-of-day, AoE



* The original contribution must have been peer-reviewed and published in a quality journal, quality conference (other than ICGT), or as a book chapter in 2019 or later.

* It must be within the scope of ICGT (authors should briefly justify this in their submission).

* The paper should not be an extended journal version of a paper previously published at ICGT.

* Authors should indicate whether the paper has previously been presented in equivalent Journal-First tracks of other conferences.

As contributions in this track will have already been peer-reviewed, they will not be reviewed again for technical content. Rather, the Journal-First committee will evaluate presentation proposals against the criteria above.

In the case where we have more submissions than available presentation slots at ICGT 2023, we will prioritise presentation proposals that: (1) will allow more authors to attend the conference, e.g., those with presenters who are not represented in the research papers track; and (2) will best complement the conference’s technical programme.



Please refer to the Journal-First Track page on the ICGT 2023 website:




Programme Chairs

* Maribel Fernandez (King's College London, UK)
* Chris Poskitt (Singapore Management University, Singapore)

Journal-First Committee

* Paolo Bottoni (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
* Reiko Heckel (University of Leicester, UK)
* Fernando Orejas (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain)
* Arend Rensink (University of Twente, Netherlands)



All questions about submissions should be emailed to both PC Chairs
via cposkitt at smu.edu.sg<mailto:cposkitt at smu.edu.sg> and maribel.fernandez at kcl.ac.uk<mailto:maribel.fernandez at kcl.ac.uk>


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