[TYPES/announce] summer school VTSA 2023

Stephan Merz stephan.merz at loria.fr
Fri Jun 9 13:05:56 EDT 2023

Dear colleagues,

the summer school on Verification Techniques, Systems, and Applications (VTSA 2023) will take place from August 28 to September 1, 2023, in Nancy, France. I believe that this announcement is relevant for the audience of the TYPES mailing list.

Please share the information with students and researchers who may be interested.

Best regards,

Stephan Merz


        15th International Summer School on 
  Verification Technology, Systems & Applications 

The 15th edition of the Summer School on Verification Technology, 
Systems and Applications (VTSA) will be organized by Inria Nancy -  Grand Est
in cooperation with Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics Saarbruecken,
the University of Liege, and the University of Luxembourg. The school will take place from 
August 28 to September 1, 2023 at Inria Nancy - Grand Est / LORIA, France.
The following speakers have accepted to give courses at VTSA 2022: 

- Sandrine Blazy (Univ. Rennes 1): Verified Compilation

- Simon Bliudze (Inria Lille): Rigorous System Design using BIP – Correctness by All Means

- Igor Konnov (Informal Systems): Specifying blockchain protocols with TLA+ and Quint and checking them with Apalache

- Martin Leucker (Univ. Lübeck): Theory and Practice of Runtime Verification

- Peter Müller (ETH Zürich): Building Deductive Program Verifiers

Participation is free (except for travel and accommodation costs) 
and open to anybody holding at least a bachelor degree or equivalent 
in computer science. It includes the lectures, daily coffee breaks 
and lunches as well as a school dinner. Attendance is limited 
to 40 participants. Please apply electronically by sending 
to jmueller at mpi-inf.mpg.de: 

- a one-page CV, 

- an application letter explaining your interest in the school and your 
experience in the area, 

- a copy of your bachelor certificate (or equivalent or a more significant 

- a short statement if you want to contribute to the student sessions 

The deadline for application is July 9, 2023. Notification of 
acceptance will be given by July 12, 2023. 

Full details are available at https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/vtsa23/__;!!IBzWLUs!QzuTRtQZypbXTUwDfcGiKEZYer5b6C1qyPYaSnG6rzZucnd2yMg-QhPV9MN-O__tIf-ZMLE38LlO_QdJ6_XOJf-G8cBd-ft2a9nUAQ$ 

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