[TYPES/announce] Meeting IFIP WG 1.6 on Rewriting (5 July 2023): Call for Participation

Cynthia Kop C.Kop at cs.ru.nl
Sat Jun 10 17:03:04 EDT 2023

**      ****    CALL FOR PARTICIPATION    ****
**    Meeting of the IFIP Working Group 1.6 on Rewriting (IFIP WG 1.6)
**    5 July 2023
**    Rome, Italy
** https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ifip-wg-rewriting.cs.ru.nl/events/event-2023.html__;!!IBzWLUs!UEJZqdGWG4RIcg074TFcX_EFurgBySX6XPapesEq4PYRDPUNQyHZaIjOdIgsxEsTV_Uc6LaDKeRpGZj-zJ7axSnKy_Ka$ 

Both members *and non-members* of the working group are invited to
attend the public section of the upcoming meeting of the IFIP Working
Group 1.6 on Rewriting (IFIP WG 1.6)


     10:30 - 12:30: Session 1
     - 50' Thomas Genet:
           Using Tree Automata for Verification, at last  (invited talk)
     - 20' Aart Middeldorp:
           The International School on Rewriting
     - 50' Temur Kutsia:
           Symbolic techniques for quantitative extensions of equality
           (invited talk)

     12:30 - 14:00: Break

     14:00 - 15:45: Session 2
     - 50' Frédéric Blanqui:
           Lambdapi, a proof assistant using rewriting (invited talk)
     - 25' Luigi Liquori:
           A New Rewriting Website (proposal)
     - 30' business meeting (members-only)


The registration page for FSCD 2023 and affiliated events, such as
the meeting of the IFIP WG 1.6, is available here:


Please note that FSCD participants still need to separately register
for IFIP (but there is a discount).

Attending the meeting of the IFIP WG 1.6 is possible both in-person
and remotely. All parts of the programme are public, except for the
members-only business meeting at the end of the programme.


* Chair: Cynthia Kop, Radboud University Nijmegen
* Co-Chair and secretary: Carsten Fuhs, Birkbeck, University of London

* More information about IFIP WG 1.6:

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