[TYPES/announce] VeriProP 2023 - Call for Participation

Fredrik Dahlqvist f.dahlqvist at qmul.ac.uk
Mon Jun 12 06:55:27 EDT 2023

Call for Participation

VeriProP 2023 - 3rd Workshop on Verification of Probabilistic Programs, co-located with CAV 2023

VeriProP aims to bring together researchers interested in the tool-supported verification of probabilistic programs, models, and systems. This includes probabilistic model checking, program verification in the presence of a source of randomness, or formal guarantees for statistical machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence systems.

Practical Details

Co-located with CAV 2023 (https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.i-cav.org/2023/__;!!IBzWLUs!TPnAo7T19Kl3NKAAhqLZPQdYwhnweWYUK-Aa5xuljv5xI5Q9gqz66FmsJhT6yhWKoI2FOjMUn9v7gctT2erH7Fo7yEVuXkmpRLtGepY$ )
Date: Monday, 17 July 2023
Venue: Maison de la Chimie, 28 Rue Saint-Dominique, 75007 Paris, France
Registration: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cav2023.dakini-pco.com__;!!IBzWLUs!TPnAo7T19Kl3NKAAhqLZPQdYwhnweWYUK-Aa5xuljv5xI5Q9gqz66FmsJhT6yhWKoI2FOjMUn9v7gctT2erH7Fo7yEVuXkmp32wgTUg$ 
Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://veriprop.github.io/2023/__;!!IBzWLUs!TPnAo7T19Kl3NKAAhqLZPQdYwhnweWYUK-Aa5xuljv5xI5Q9gqz66FmsJhT6yhWKoI2FOjMUn9v7gctT2erH7Fo7yEVuXkmpJXWOnA4$ 

Invited Speakers

- Christel Baier (TU Dresden) - Probability-raising Causality in Markov Decision Processes
- Sam Staton (University of Oxford) - Semantics and types for non-parametric probabilistic programming
- Djordje Zikelic (ISTA) - TBA

Contributed presentations

- Querying Labelled Data with Probabilistic Programs for Sim-to-Real Validation - Edward Kim, Jay Shenoy, Sebastian Junges, Daniel Fremont, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Sanjit Seshia

- Towards Automated Verification of Expected Sensitivity in Caesar - Alejandro Aguirre, Christoph Matheja and Philipp Schröer

- Asynchronous Probabilistic Couplings in Higher-Order Separation Logic - Simon Oddershede Gregersen, Alejandro Aguirre, Philipp G. Haselwarter, Joseph Tassarotti and Lars Birkedal

- Verifying Performance Properties of Probabilistic Inference - Eric Atkinson, Ellie Y. Cheng, Guillaume Baudart, Louis Mandel and Michael Carbin

- Compositionality in Probabilistic Verification, Statistical Inference, and Stochastic Optimization - Ichiro Hasuo

- On Iteration in Discrete Probabilistic Programming - Mateo Torres-Ruiz, Robin Piedeleu, Alexandra Silva and Fabio Zanasi

- Belief Programming in Probabilistic Environments - Tobias Gürtler and Benjamin Kaminski

- Construction and verification of infinite-dimensional samplers - William Smith and Fredrik Dahlqvist

- Semantics for Cyclic Bayesian Networks - Nikolai Käfer


- Michele Chiari, TU Wien
- Fredrik Dahlqvist, Queen Mary University of London and University College London
- Sebastian Junges, Radboud University
- Benjamin Kaminski, Saarland University and University College London
- Christoph Matheja, Technical University of Denmark
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