[TYPES/announce] YR-CONCUR 2023 -- Call for papers
Léo Stefanesco
leo.lveb at gmail.com
Mon Jun 12 07:23:40 EDT 2023
We invite all the PhD students and young researchers to participate in
the YR-CONCUR workshop, which is co-located with the CONCUR conference
and will take place on September 23rd in Antwerp, Belgium.
The Young Researchers Workshop on Concurrency Theory aims to provide a
platform for PhD students as well as undergraduate, graduate and young
post-doctoral students to exchange new results related to concurrency
theory (e.g. session type) and to receive feedback on their research.
The focus is on informal discussions. All topics related to
concurrency theory are welcome. We plan to have an Open Problem
session, and an Invited Talk.
The format of the submission is a *two page abstract* in single
column. Talks can involve research presented at other conferences and
ongoing research (in the spirit of Highlights conferences).
Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/conferences/confest-2023/workshop/yrconcur/__;!!IBzWLUs!WQRX0FNxTjBHTxvYUyUGpWKE5Wkj9_vIB_Q10vsEM47pqG9mBJEZ0JbuKcb-nsziNJZiZDng4VWh4z0SzwQ9kmA7S7RNB5c$
Submission site: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=yrconcur2023__;!!IBzWLUs!WQRX0FNxTjBHTxvYUyUGpWKE5Wkj9_vIB_Q10vsEM47pqG9mBJEZ0JbuKcb-nsziNJZiZDng4VWh4z0SzwQ9kmA7qyrpN1M$
Submission deadline: 4th July 2023
Notification date: 20th July 2023
Program Committee:
Giovanni Bernardi (Université Paris Cité)
Denis Kuperberg (ENS Lyon)
Karoliina Lehtinen (LIS, Aix-Marseille Université)
Koko Muroya (RIMS, Kyoto university)
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