[TYPES/announce] Writing and Speaking with Style (course materials)

Benjamin Pierce bcpierce at cis.upenn.edu
Tue Jun 20 08:00:00 EDT 2023

Dear Types,

[This announcement is not directly related to types, but I hope it will be
of interest to the Types community, which is home to many who care about
both writing and pedagogy...]

In 2021, Rajeev Alur and I created a course at Penn called *Writing and
Speaking with Style*.  Aimed at PhD students in computer science and other
areas of science and engineering, the course is a semester-long immersion
in effective technical writing and speaking.  Since then, I've run it twice
more, improving and polishing each time.  I think it's pretty good now.  :-)

In hopes that the course materials may be useful to others, all the slide
decks, timeline, readings, and detailed notes for instructors are now
publicly available: you can find it all here
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_vBXbugoLjO171w3wovs3ugmRQI-O6EcSVFDBF7eUzE/edit__;!!IBzWLUs!U7x3zwSCpJvGSxM4MY9zux7kRxt6IZjmEPbvL-MVQ5Qxks3hYxjVLT-6V_zY4nuwbYPDOxitpJB_igBYk_Fgc_Ozd9VZNYwvCVKh$ >

Share and enjoy,

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