[TYPES/announce] PhD Scholarships in cybersecurity

emilio.tuosto at gssi.it emilio.tuosto at gssi.it
Thu Jul 6 11:38:28 EDT 2023

- Department of Computer Science of GSSI (Italy, https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cs.gssi.it__;!!IBzWLUs!V4P68gfxFcFadPoCHS2ApIJP0s1CTe_5ceblNI8JWQCb6RUrp-jisByMB_2e68zON2msFl5G0gJPnnWE4jY2oPCxUx0AWYZ3LfDt5A$ )
- Research theme: Harnessing Societal Infrastructures. Formally
- Deadline for application: August 21, 2023 1PM CEST
- Contact: emilio.tuosto at gssi.it
- More details at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cysec.imtlucca.it/__;!!IBzWLUs!V4P68gfxFcFadPoCHS2ApIJP0s1CTe_5ceblNI8JWQCb6RUrp-jisByMB_2e68zON2msFl5G0gJPnnWE4jY2oPCxUx0AWYa8RXO4KA$ 

The computer science department of the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI, recently ranked the first computer science department in the Italian evaluation exercise, https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.anvur.it/attivita/vqr/vqr-2015-2019/rapporto-finale-anvur-e-rapporti-di-area/sezione-rapporti-di-area/__;!!IBzWLUs!V4P68gfxFcFadPoCHS2ApIJP0s1CTe_5ceblNI8JWQCb6RUrp-jisByMB_2e68zON2msFl5G0gJPnnWE4jY2oPCxUx0AWYbL1gwd0A$ ) co-funds a PhD scholarship in the context of the Italian national PhD program in cybersecurity which includes several Italian institutions and offers grants for 37 research projects leading to a PhD in cybersecurity (see https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cysec.imtlucca.it__;!!IBzWLUs!V4P68gfxFcFadPoCHS2ApIJP0s1CTe_5ceblNI8JWQCb6RUrp-jisByMB_2e68zON2msFl5G0gJPnnWE4jY2oPCxUx0AWYbV0GyXuw$ ). Successful candidates will be trained according to the didactic plan of the PhD program which offers a holistic vision of cybersecurity and, at the same time, the possibility of specialising in one of the following areas:
- Foundational Aspects in Cybersecurity
- Software, System, and Infrastructure Security
- Data Governance & Protection
- Human, Economic, and Legal Aspects in Cybersecurity
(see https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cysec.imtlucca.it/research-projects__;!!IBzWLUs!V4P68gfxFcFadPoCHS2ApIJP0s1CTe_5ceblNI8JWQCb6RUrp-jisByMB_2e68zON2msFl5G0gJPnnWE4jY2oPCxUx0AWYZze3ZapQ$ )

The research theme of the GSSI is

"Harnessing Societal Infrastructures. Formally"

and falls within the area of Foundational Aspects in Cybersecurity. This theme aims to lay out formal methods for the analysis of existing systems and the identification of weaknesses that could lead to cibersecurity attacks. In fact, modern societies rely on infrastructures that are more and more connected through digital networks. This creates complex cyber-physical ecosystems that are vulnerable to many different types of attacks. A source of weakness is that this integration possibly involves systems that were originally designed to operate in (closed) trustworthy settings. Therefore, their integration with other systems, nowadays hardly negotiable, could easily introduce security breaches if done naively. The successful candidate will develop formal approaches to harness existing systems with security guarantees. The project considers a case study involving a platform developed at Actyx (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://developer.actyx.com/__;!!IBzWLUs!V4P68gfxFcFadPoCHS2ApIJP0s1CTe_5ceblNI8JWQCb6RUrp-jisByMB_2e68zON2msFl5G0gJPnnWE4jY2oPCxUx0AWYb3ulgvQw$ ) to support the coordination of factory production.


    Emilio Tuosto

        Gran Sasso Science Institute
        Department of Computer Science
        ORCID: 0000-0002-7032-3281

        Viale F. Crispi, 7 - 67100 L'Aquila (Italy)
        Office: Palazzo Mariani P1-N
        Phone: +39 0862 428 0312

        homepage -> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cs.gssi.it/emilio.tuosto/__;!!IBzWLUs!V4P68gfxFcFadPoCHS2ApIJP0s1CTe_5ceblNI8JWQCb6RUrp-jisByMB_2e68zON2msFl5G0gJPnnWE4jY2oPCxUx0AWYZBPqY-BQ$ 


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