[TYPES/announce] QPL 2023 -- Final Call for Participation

Vladimir Zamdzhiev vladimir.zamdzhiev at inria.fr
Thu Jul 6 11:50:24 EDT 2023

The 20th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL
2023) will take place from 17 July to 21 July 2023 at the "Institut
Henri Poincaré" in Paris, France.

Quantum Physics and Logic is an annual conference that brings together
academic and industry researchers working on mathematical foundations of
quantum computation, quantum physics, and related areas. The main focus
is on the use of algebraic and categorical structures, formal languages,
type systems, semantic methods, as well as other mathematical and
computer scientific techniques applicable to the study of physical
systems, physical processes, and their composition. Work applying
quantum-inspired techniques and structures to other fields (such as
linguistics, artificial intelligence, and causality) is also welcome.

The conference website is https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://qpl2023.github.io/__;!!IBzWLUs!R7psIVFrw1de1cDV3N1C-mfb1eik5raWxb6hQ7bOmC9DRJg0g2WKp-fjc80MMuBu02hwGOBnH_qSFTSLaSKWTZbDjWpx_iKzlHw5Fx__y90$ 

The program is available here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://qpl2023.github.io/program/__;!!IBzWLUs!R7psIVFrw1de1cDV3N1C-mfb1eik5raWxb6hQ7bOmC9DRJg0g2WKp-fjc80MMuBu02hwGOBnH_qSFTSLaSKWTZbDjWpx_iKzlHw5HqD4xI0$ 

Registration is open and it is mandatory for anyone wishing to attend the 

QPL 2023 has received support from:

* Quandela (Diamond Sponsor)
* Quantinuum (Gold Sponsor)
* The University of Chicago (Silver Sponsor)
* Inria (Organisational Support and Funding)

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