[TYPES/announce] Midwest Programming Languages Summit 2023 - Call for Participation
Max New
maxsnew at umich.edu
Sun Aug 13 13:15:50 EDT 2023
The Midwest Programming Languages Summit 2023 will take place at the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor campus on Friday, October 6, 2023.
The Midwest PL Summit is an informal workshop to foster the exchange
of ideas and to promote collaboration among faculty and students in
the Greater Midwest area. Anyone interested in programming languages
and compilers — including applications to areas such as systems,
software engineering, and human-computer interaction — is welcome to
attend. Our aim is to have a broad selection of talks and posters
about ongoing research and any other topics that may be of interest to
the PL community. There will be no formal proceedings, but abstracts
and slides will be distributed on the web after the workshop.
The deadline to submit abstracts for talks is September 6. Abstracts
submission and registration forms are available on the webpage
(https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mwpls2023.engin.umich.edu/__;!!IBzWLUs!XONnRzGC5ID1hWDipVaLLKHLtK5lXeCw7xyfAw-VzrSIi4xnyfS-h9R2lIODVRHAvz8gO_a42MFueJdg1SmxNPjgDCodfI9T$ ). Registration is free and
attendees will be provided with complimentary breakfast, lunch, and
coffee breaks. Travel support for students is available.
-Organizers of MWPLS 2023
Jean-Baptiste Jeannin <jeannin at umich.edu>
Max New <maxsnew at umich.edu>
Cyrus Omar <comar at umich.edu>
Xinyu Wang <xwangsd at umich.edu>
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