[TYPES/announce] PhD positions at the University of Bergen

Håkon Robbestad Gylterud hakon.gylterud at uib.no
Mon Nov 6 06:05:35 EST 2023

Dear everyone,

Department of Informatics has a general announcement for 3 PhD research 
fellow positions. The positions are for any research group at the 
department, but a successful applicant can join the Programming Theory 
group, where I would be happy to advice a PhD thesis in topics related 
to type theory. See my website for a list of research interests[0].

Announcement and application forms here: 

The positions are salaried positions [1], for 3 years, with possibility 
of 25% extending the total time to 4 years.

Thus, feel free to forward the announcement to master students who might 
be interested in doing a PhD.

Best wishes
   —Håkon R. Gylterud
    Associate professor, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen

[0]: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.uib.no/en/persons/H**Akon.Robbestad.Gylterud__;w6U!!IBzWLUs!XnxISgcoOOR-QQpf8GAdwahE-lBJPZyv8hEbRZEsYqbLdyKmltfWWTO4c8-8T1QayYRkpoywjgY3pmk24c5ZOmT91NsjsqbdoZltX3g$ 
[1]: Salary at pay grade 54 (Code 1017) in the state salary scale. This 
currently amounts to an annual salary of NOK 532 200 before taxes.

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