[TYPES/announce] PhD opportunities at the University of Birmingham

Paul Levy p.b.levy at bham.ac.uk
Tue Nov 7 05:51:54 EST 2023

* Imminent funding deadline (1 December) - please contact us immediately if you are interested. *

Dear all,

We invite applications for PhD study at the University of Birmingham.

We are a group of (mostly) theoretical computer scientists who explore fundamental concepts in computation. Our work includes category theory, computational complexity, programming language semantics, proof theory, type theory, verification and much else besides.

See our webpage, with links to individual researchers, here:


Information about PhD applications may be found here:


If you are considering applying, please contact any of us. We will be very happy to discuss the opportunities available.

Best regards,

The Birmingham CS theory group, including:-

Benedikt Ahrens

Rajesh Chitnis

Anupam Das

Martín Escardó

Eric Finster

Dan Ghica

Mirco Giacobbe

Paul Levy

Sonia Marin

Sean Moss

Jakub Opršal

Vincent Rahli

Uday Reddy

Eike Ritter
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