[TYPES/announce] [Deadline Extension] FormaliSE 2024 - Call for Papers

Abhishek Tiwari mig40000 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 05:30:12 EST 2023

# Extended deadlines!

Abstracts: Thursday, 7 December 2023 AoE

Papers: Friday, 15 December 2023 AoE

# Overview

Historically, formal methods academic research and practical software

development have had limited mutual interactions — except possibly in

specialized domains such as safety-critical software. In recent times,

the outlook has considerably improved: on the one hand, formal methods

research has delivered more flexible techniques and tools that can

support various aspects of the software development process — from user

requirements elicitation, to design, implementation, verification and

validation, as well as the creation of documentation. On the other

hand, software engineering has developed a growing interest in

rigorous techniques applied at scale.

The FormaliSE conference series promotes work at the intersection of

the formal methods and software engineering communities, providing a

venue to exchange ideas, experiences, techniques, and results. We

believe more collaboration between these two communities can be

mutually beneficial by fostering the creation of formal methods that

are practically useful and by helping develop higher-quality software.

Originally a workshop event, since 2018 FormaliSE has been organized

as a conference co-located with ICSE. The 12th edition of FormaliSE

will also take place as a co-located conference of ICSE 2024.

# Topics of Interest

Area of interest (include but are not limited to):

* requirements formalization and formal specification;

* approaches, methods, and tools for verification and validation;

* formal approaches to safety and security related issues;

* analysis of performance and other non-functional properties based on
formal approaches;

* scalability of formal method applications;

* integration of formal methods within the software development lifecycle

  (e.g., change management, continuous integration, regression testing, and

* model-based engineering approaches;

* correctness-by-construction approaches for software and systems

* application of formal methods to specific domains (such as, autonomous,
cyber-physical, intelligent, and IoT systems);

* formal methods for AI-based systems, and AI applied in formal method

* formal methods for certification;

* guidelines to use formal methods in practice;

* usability of formal methods;

# Important Dates


|Abstracts due:       |  7 December 2023 |

|Submissions due:     | 15 December 2023 |

|Notifications:       | 12  January 2024 |

|Camera ready copies: | 28  January 2024 |

|FormaliSE conference:| 14-15 April 2024 |


# Paper Submission Guidelines

We accept papers in three categories:

*  ***Full research papers*** describing original research work and

   results. We encourage authors to include validation of their

   contributions by means of a case study or experiments.  We also

   welcome research papers focusing on tools and tool development.

*  ***Case study papers*** discussing a significant application that

   suggests general lessons learned and motivates further research, or

   empirically validates theoretical results (such as a technique's


*  ***Research ideas papers*** describing new ideas in preliminary form,

   in a way that can stimulate interesting discussions at the

   conference, and suggest future work.

All papers submitted to the FormaliSE 2024 conference must be written

in English, must be unpublished original work, and must not be under

review or submitted elsewhere at the time of submission. Submissions

must comply with the FormaliSE's lightweight double-anonymous review

process (see below).

Full research papers and case study papers can take up to 10 pages

including all text, figures, tables and appendices, but excluding

references.  Research ideas papers can take up to 4 pages, plus up to

1 additional page solely for references.

To avoid that authors waste time fitting their papers into the stated

limit at the expense of presentation clarity, paper lengths slightly

exceeding the stated limit will still be considered, provided that the

reviewers find that the presentation is of high quality.

All submissions must be in PDF format and must conform to the [ACM

Primary Article

Template](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template__;!!IBzWLUs!TuXL9jAXataAWRka4w35BGDDhzow83Q91r90O5K46PaFHFUtVfaTIVjlKRixXfPNYOV_Y68uM-iYWu1sUbO6wOqYs_vnth4$ ). In

LaTeX, use options `sigconf`, `review`, and `anonymous`:

`\documentclass[sigconf,review,anonymous]{acmart}`.  These options add

line numbers (which helps reviewers refer to specific lines in a

submission), and omit author information (as required by the

double-anonymous format).

To submit a paper to FormaliSE 2024 use the following HotCRP link:

<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://formalise24.hotcrp.com/__;!!IBzWLUs!TuXL9jAXataAWRka4w35BGDDhzow83Q91r90O5K46PaFHFUtVfaTIVjlKRixXfPNYOV_Y68uM-iYWu1sUbO6wOqYAdawPs0$ >

# Lightweight Double-Anonymous Review Process for Papers

As in recent editions, FormaliSE 2024 will use a lightweight

double-anonymous process. Authors must omit their names and

institutions from the title page, cite their own work in the third

person, and omit acknowledgments that may reveal their identity or

affiliation. The purpose is reducing chances of reviewer bias

influenced by the authors’ identities. The double-anonymous process

is, however, lightweight, which means that it should not pose a heavy

burden for authors, nor should make a paper's presentation weaker

or more difficult to review. Also, advertising the paper as part of

your usual research activities (for example, on your personal

web-page, in a pre-print archive, by email, in talks or discussions

with colleagues) is permitted without penalties.

# Paper Selection

Each paper will be reviewed by at least three program committee

members that will judge its overall quality in terms of its soundness,

significance, novelty, verifiability, and presentation clarity.

FormaliSE 2024 will adopt a lightweight response process: if all the

reviewers of a given paper agree that a clarification from the authors

regarding a specific question could move the paper from "borderline"

to "accept", the chairs will relay the reviewers' questions to the

authors by email, and then share their reply with the reviewers in

HotCRP. The goal of lightweight responses is reducing the chance of

random decisions on borderline papers. Hence, they will only be used

for a minority of submissions; most papers will not require such an

author response. Nevertheless, we would ask the corresponding authors

of all submissions to make sure that they are available to answer

questions by email upon request.

# Artifact Evaluation

Reproducibility of experimental results is crucial to foster an

atmosphere of trustworthy, open, and reusable research. To improve and

reward reproducibility, FormaliSE 2023 continues its Artifact

Evaluation (AE) procedure. An artifact is any additional material

(software, data sets, machine-checkable proofs, etc.) that

substantiates the claims made in the paper and ideally makes them

fully reproducible.

Submission of an artifact is optional but encouraged for all papers

where it can support the results presented in the paper. Artifact

review is single-anonymous (the paper corresponding to an artifact

must still follow the double-anonymous submissions requirements) and

will be conducted concurrently with the paper reviewing process.

Artifacts will be handled by a separate Artifact Evaluation Committee,

and the Artifact Evaluation process will be set up such that the

anonymization of the corresponding papers will not be

compromised. Accepted papers with a successfully evaluated artefact

will be awarded the [EAPLS

badges](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://eapls.org/pages/artifact_badges/__;!!IBzWLUs!TuXL9jAXataAWRka4w35BGDDhzow83Q91r90O5K46PaFHFUtVfaTIVjlKRixXfPNYOV_Y68uM-iYWu1sUbO6wOqYKZxH-PI$ ) that apply (among

"Functional", "Reusable", and "Available"). Awarded badges are to be

added to the camera-ready version of the paper.

Artifacts will be assessed with respect to their consistency with the

results presented in the paper, their completeness, their

documentation, and their ease of use. The Artifact Evaluation will

include an initial check for technical issues; authors of artifacts

may be contacted by email within the first two weeks after artifact

submission to help resolve any technical problems that prevent the

evaluation of an artifact if necessary.

The results of an artifact evaluation will not be available to the

reviewers of the corresponding paper; hence, they will not affect the

paper's acceptance decision. However, reviewers will know whether a

paper has submitted **any** artifacts; this piece of information may be

taken into account to decide whether the paper should be

accepted. Thus, if there are justifiable reasons why a paper's

artifacts cannot be submitted, they should be pointed out in the paper

so that the reviewers can appreciate them and adjust their

expectations accordingly.

Detailed guidelines for preparation and submission of artifacts will

be described in a dedicated page in [FormaliSE 2024's

website](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://formalise2024.github.io/__;!!IBzWLUs!TuXL9jAXataAWRka4w35BGDDhzow83Q91r90O5K46PaFHFUtVfaTIVjlKRixXfPNYOV_Y68uM-iYWu1sUbO6wOqYjwfHwGw$ ).

# Publication

All accepted papers are published as part of the ICSE 2024 Proceedings

in the ACM and IEEE Digital Libraries.

At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for

the conference and present the paper at the conference — physically

or, if the circumstances do not allow so, virtually. Failure to

register an author will result in a paper being removed from the


# Organization

## General Chairs

* Stefania Gnesi, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione (Italy)

* Nico Plat, University of Twente (The Netherlands)

## Program Chairs

* Carlo A. Furia, USI Lugano (Switzerland)

* Antónia Lopes, University of Lisbon (Portugal)

## Artifact Evaluation Chairs

* Tom van Dijk, University of Twente (The Netherlands)

* Raúl Pardo, IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

## Social Media Chairs

* Abhishek Tiwari, University of Passau (Germany)

* Paulo Santos, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)

## Program Committee

* Wolfgang Ahrendt, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)

* Bernhard Aichernig, TU Graz (Austria)

* Toshiaki Aoki, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Japan)

* Cyrille Artho, KTH (Sweden)

* Kyungmin Bae, Pohang University of Science and Technology (Korea)

* Domenico Bianculli, University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

* Simon Bliudze, INRIA Lille - Nord Europe (France)

* Giovanna Broccia, ISTI - CNR (Italy)

* Radu Calinescu, University of York (UK)

* Pablo Castro, National University of Rio Cuarto (AR)

* Ana Cavalcanti, University of York (UK)

* Javier Cámara Moreno, Universidad de Málaga (Spain)

* João F. Ferreira, University of Lisbon (Portugal)

* Antonio Filieri, Imperial College London/AWS (UK/USA)

* Amit Goel, Amazon Web Services  (USA)

* Paula Herber, University of Münster (Germany)

* Marieke Huisman, University of Twente (The Netherlands)

* Marie-Christine Jakobs, LMU Munich (Germany)

* Violet Ka I Pun, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway)

* Eunsuk Kang, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)

* Oleksandr Kolchyn, Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics (Ukraine)

* Anastasia Mavridou, KBR/NASA Ames Research Center (USA)

* Larissa Meinicke, University of Queensland (Australia)

* Chris Poskitt, Singapore Management University (Singapore)

* Virgile Prevosto, CEA List (France)

* Matteo Rossi, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

* Ina Schaefer, KIT (Germany)

* Cristina Seceleanu, Mälardalen University (Sweden)

* Allison Sullivan, University of Texas, Arlington (USA)

* Heike Wehrheim, University of Oldenburg (Germany)

* Kirsten Winter, University of Queensland (Australia)

## Artifact Evaluation Committee

* Sharar Ahmadi, University of Surrey (UK)

* Jaime Arias, University Sorbonne Paris Nord (France)

* Levente Bajczi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)

* Laura Bussi, ISTI-CNR (Italy)

* Gustavo Carvalho, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Brazil)

* Xiao Cheng, University of Technology Sydney (Australia)

* Bishoksan Kafle, The University of Melbourne (Australia)

* Andreas Katis, NASA (USA)

* Livia Lestingi, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

* Robert Müller, University of Siegen (Germany)

* Danilo Pianini, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (Italy)

* Pedro Ribeiro, University of York (UK)

* Cedric Richter, University of Oldenburg (Germany)

* Virgile Robles, CEA List (France)

* Arnab Sharma, University of Oldenburg (Germany)

* Martin Tappler, TU Graz (Austria)

* Hoang-Dung Tran, University of Nebraska-Linco (USA)

* Shaun Azzopardi, University of Malta (Malta)

* Christophe Garion, ISAE-SUPAERO (France)

## Contact Information

We can be reached at oc at formalise.org.
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