[TYPES/announce] Programming Language Implementation Summer School (PLISS)

Laurence Tratt laurie at tratt.net
Fri Dec 13 04:45:45 EST 2024

         Programming Language Implementation Summer School (PLISS)

                      May 26-31, 2025, Bertinoro Italy


Programming languages are our interface to the myriad of computer systems
we interact with on a daily basis. They allow us to craft complex sequences
of operations at increasing high levels of abstraction. How are these
languages designed? How are they implemented? How do we evaluate them?

The sixth Programming Language Implementation Summer School (PLISS) will be
held in Bertinoro, Italy from May 26th to 31st 2025 and will tackle such
issues. This edition of PLISS is largely aimed at PhD students and early
stage postdocs working in and around programming languages, though we will
accept some applicants from other career stages. PLISS helps prepare junior
researchers for further study in the field.

Lectures cover current research and future trends in programming
language design and implementation including: compiler and allocator
optimisations; human and design factors in language design and
implementation; language security and interactions with hardware; and
more. The instructors are highly accomplished researchers and
practitioners with extensive experience designing and engineering
successful languages and tools.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of our sponsors in allowing us to
keep registration costs modest, ensuring that PLISS is open to all.

More details at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://pliss.org/2025/__;!!IBzWLUs!WTF0aXJT6XuMyFV-qJwWAoz-rl0p_iwPIfUKjCmlP1ct-y4_muZsqLMOUekxaygWkd3yaVIObptPJs7_bpAeq6eiGGco$ 

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