[TYPES/announce] PaPoC 2025 - Call for Papers

Gowtham Kaki Gowtham.Kaki at colorado.edu
Thu Dec 12 15:58:59 EST 2024

Call for Papers


PaPoC 2025 - 12th Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data

Co-located with Eurosys 2025 and ASPLOS 2025, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Monday, March 31st, 2025.



Important Dates


Submission deadline

Jan 15, 2025

Notification date

Feb 19, 2025

Camera-Ready deadline

Feb 28, 2025


March 31, 2025




The PaPoC workshop invites three types of submissions:

  *   Short papers (up to 6 pages excluding bibliography) with original contributions, experience reports, or work-in-progress reports (supported by initial validations);
  *   Full papers (up to 12 pages excluding bibliography) which may be concurrently submitted (or accepted) to other venues and do not have the option to be published in the ACM library;
  *   Lightning-talk abstracts, summarized in a maximum of 300 words, reporting preliminary or crazy ideas, new trends, recent experience, or ongoing results.

Aim and Scope


Since its inception in 2014, the PaPoC workshop series has brought together researchers and practitioners who seek to develop better techniques and a better understanding of consistency in distributed systems. We welcome contributions from a wide range of backgrounds: system development, distributed algorithms, concurrency, fault tolerance, databases, programming languages, blockchain, and verification.



The workshop is looking for contributions on the following, and associated, topics:

  *   Design principles, correctness conditions, and programming patterns for scalable distributed data management systems.
  *   Techniques for scaling and improving the performance of strongly consistent systems (e.g., Paxos-like algorithms, state-machine replication protocols and distributed transactional systems).
  *   Techniques for weak and hybrid consistency (such as session guarantees, causal consistency, operational transformation, conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs), invariant-preserving replicated data types, monotonic programming, state merging, operation commutativity, etc).
  *   Data consistency in geo-replicated, peer-to-peer, and edge computing systems.
  *   How to expose consistency vs. performance and scalability trade-offs in the programming model, and how to help developers choose.
  *   How to support composed operations spanning multiple objects (transactions, sagas, workflows).
  *   Techniques or tools to aid the development of replicated data (e.g., reasoning, analysis and verification of application programs using storage systems with various consistency models, visualization techniques for distributed dependencies or state merges, etc.).
  *   Formal methods for distributed systems dealing with strong/weak consistent data (such as techniques for verifying safety, liveness or consistency properties, convergence verification, etc.)
  *   Implementation techniques and optimisations for replicated data types to improve fault tolerance, security, application-level invariants, metadata usage, and controlling divergence.
  *   Studies of performance, scalability, and programmability for the aforementioned systems.

Organizing Committee


2025 Program Chairs:

Davide Frey, Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique, France

Gowtham Kaki, University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Steering Committee

Peter Bailis, Sisu Data

Carlos Baquero, HASLab, INESC TEC & University of Minho, Portugal

Annette Bieniusa, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Carla Ferreira, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal

Alexey Gotsman, IMDEA Software Institute, Spain

Martin Kleppmann, TU Munich, Germany

Heather Miller, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Nuno Preguiça, NOVA-LINCS & NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal

Marco Serafini, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Marc Shapiro, Sorbonne-Universités—LIP6 & Inria, France

Justin Sheehy, Akamai Technologies, USA

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