[TYPES] Concur 2004: Invited speakers

Concur 2004 concur2004 at doc.ic.ac.uk
Fri Mar 12 15:10:10 EST 2004

15th International Conference on Concurrency Theory: CONCUR 2004

New information since first call for papers on the Types list:

Invited speakers

*  Sriram K. Rajamani (Microsoft Research): Invited Talk on Zing (a
    model-checking tool based on ideas from process algebra)

*  Peter O'Hearn (Queen Mary University of London) and Steve Brookes
    (Carnegie-Mellon): Tutorial on Local Reasoning about Concurrent
    Imperative Programs

*  Bengt Jonsson (Uppsala): Tutorial on Regular Model Checking

Submission is now open.

There will be a special issue of the journal Theoretical Computer 
Science associated with Concur 2004.

Second Call for Papers for CONCUR 2004

CONCUR 2004, the 15th International Conference on Concurrency Theory,
takes place at the Royal Society, London, Tuesday 31 August - Friday 3
September 2004. As well as the main event, we will also hold many
workshops on Monday 30th August and Saturday 4th February, as detailed
below.  Further information is available at the conference's web site


Important dates
       Submission: Friday 9 April 2004 (submission is now open)
       Notification: Monday 31 May 2004
       Final version: Tuesday 15 June 2004

The purpose of the CONCUR conferences is to bring together
researchers, developers and students in order to advance the theory of
concurrency, and promote its applications. Interest in this topic is
continuously growing, as a consequence of the importance and ubiquity
of concurrent systems and their applications, and of the scientific
relevance of their foundations.

Submissions are solicited in all areas of semantics, logics and
verification techniques for concurrent systems. Principal topics
include (but are not limited to): - Basic models and logics of
concurrent and distributed computation (such as process algebras,
Petri nets, domain theoretic or game theoretic models, modal and
temporal logics).  - Specialized or enriched models (such as circuits,
synchronous systems, real time and hybrid systems, stochastic systems,
data bases, mobile and migrating systems, parametric protocols,
security protocols).  - Related verification techniques and tools
(such as state-space exploration, model-checking, synthesis,
abstraction, automated deduction, testing).  - Related programming
models (such as distributed, constraints or object oriented, graph
rewriting, as well as associated type systems, static analyses,
abstract machines, and environments).

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract not exceeding 15
pages electronically via the web submission form at the conference's
web site.  Submissions will be evaluated by the program committee
for inclusion in the proceedings, which will be published by
Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
series. Papers must contain original contributions, be clearly
written, and include appropriate reference to and comparison with
related work.  Simultaneous submissions to other conferences are not

There will be a special issue of the journal Theoretical Computer 
Science associated with Concur 2004.

Invited speakers

*  Sriram K. Rajamani (Microsoft Research): Invited Talk on Zing (a
    model-checking tool based on ideas from process algebra)

*  Peter O'Hearn (Queen Mary University of London) and Steve Brookes
    (Carnegie-Mellon): Tutorial on Local Reasoning about Concurrent
    Imperative Programs

*  Bengt Jonsson (Uppsala): Tutorial on Regular Model Checking


     * General chair: Philippa Gardner
     * Programme Committee co-chairs: Philippa Gardner, Nobuko Yoshida
     * Workshops organisers: Vladimiro Sassone, Julian Rathke
     * Local organisers: Iain Phillips, Sergio Maffeis, Alex Ahern

Program committee
       Philippa Gardner, co-chair, UK
       Nobuko Yoshida, co-chair, UK
       Luca Aceto,  Denmark
       Bruno Blanchet, Germany/France
       Steve Brookes, USA
       Luca De Alfaro, USA
       Paul Gastin, France
       Petr Jancar, Czech Republic
       Joost-Pieter Katoen, Netherlands
       Dietrich Kuske, Germany
       Cosimo Laneve, Italy
       Michael Mendler, Germany
       Ugo Montanari, Italy
       Catuscia Palamidessi, France
       Vladimiro Sassone, UK
       PS Thiagarajan, Singapore
       Antti Valmari,  Finland
       Wang Yi, Sweden

Monday workshops

  - Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics, SOS 2004
    URL = http://www.cs.auc.dk/~luca/SOS-WORKSHOP
    Contact = Luca Aceto <luca at cs.auc.dk>

  - 11th International Workshop in Expressiveness in Concurrency,
      EXPRESS 2004
    URL = http://www.win.tue.nl/express04
    Contact = Flavio Corradini <flavio.corradini at unicam.it>

  - II Workshop on Object-Oriented Developments, WOOD 2004
    URL = http://www.dsi.unive.it/wood2004
    Contact = Viviana Bono <bono at di.unito.it>

  - 3rd International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages
      and Software Architectures, FOCLASA 2004
    URL = http://www.info.fundp.ac.be/~jmj/Foclasa04
    Contact = Jean-Marie JACQUET <jmj at info.fundp.ac.be>

  - 2nd International Workshop on Security Issues in Coordination
      Models, Languages and Systems, SECCO 2004
    URL = http://www.cs.unibo.it/secco04/
    Contact = Gianluigi Zavattaro <zavattar at cs.unibo.it>

  - BIOCONCUR 2004
    URL = http://www.imm.dtu.dk/bioconcur04
    Contact = Anna Ingolfsdottir <annai at decode.is>

Friday afternoon + Saturday

  - Global Ubiquitous Computing
    URL = http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/fgc04
    Contact = Julian Rathke <julianr at susx.ac.uk>

Saturday workshops

  - 3rd International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods in
      VerifiCation, PDMC 2004
    URL = http://www.fi.muni.cz/~brim/PDMC04/
    Contact = Martin Leucker <Martin.Leucker at it.uu.se>

  - First International Workshop on Practical Applications of Stochastic
      Modelling, PASM 2004
    URL = http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/pasm2004
    Contact = Jeremy Bradley <jb at doc.ic.ac.uk>

  - Infinity
    URL = http://www.lfcs.ed.ac.uk/Infinity04
    Contact = Julian Bradfield <jcb at inf.ed.ac.uk>

  - Fourth International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical
      Systems, AVoCS 2004
    URL = http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~mrh/AVoCS04.html
    Contact = Michael Huth <mrh at doc.ic.ac.uk>

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