[TYPES] Workshop on Foundations of Global Ubiquitous Computing -
Call for Papers
Julian Rathke
J.Rathke at sussex.ac.uk
Tue Apr 20 15:32:13 EDT 2004
3rd Joint Workshops on Foundations of Global Ubiquitous Computing
and UK Grand Challenge in Science for Global Ubiquitous Computing.
The Royal Society, London, UK
Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th September, 2004.
Affiliated with CONCUR 2004
Deadline for submission: Monday 4th June, 2004
Notification of acceptance: Monday 5th July, 2004
Final version due: August, 2004
FGUC'04 workshop: Friday & Saturday 3rd-4th September, 2004
The growing diffusion of large-scale networks of computing
devices of varying character and the concomitant services and
applications provided for such networks is promoting Global Ubiquitous
Computing (GUC) as an emerging model of computation. Processes and
data deployed in a secure, highly distributed fashion across a panoply
of interconnected devices which may individually exhibit high failure
rates but together form a reliable, dependable whole, are
characteristic of this model.
Based on computation in networks with highly dynamic execution
environments, the model needs "... a coherent informatic science whose
concepts, calculi, theories and automated tools allow descriptive and
predictive analysis of GUC at each level of abstraction."
The Foundations of Global Ubiquitous Computing workshop therefore
focusses on semantic aspects of Global Ubiquitous Computing, and
invites submissions of original scientific work in this area. Central
topics include:
Calculi, logics, semantic models, type systems and verification techniques
Mobile and spatial computation, security and privacy, resource control,
trust, and distributed data.
The workshop will consist of two days of invited talks and
presentations of accepted paper contributions. We invite paper
submissions on the theoretical foundations of global ubiquitous
computing. Papers must contain original contributions and not be
longer than 15 standard size (A4) pages.
Papers should be submitted by email as PostScript or pdf files to
julianr at sussex.ac.uk. A separate message containing author names,
title of paper, and a text only abstract should also be sent to
julianr at sussex.ac.uk
Proceedings of the workshop will be published as a volume in
Elsevier's ENTCS series. The author's instructions and style files for
the ENTCS series can be found at http://math.tulane.edu/~entcs/
INVITED SPEAKERS: Robin Milner (Cambridge)
Mogens Nielsen (Aarhus, Brics)
Phil Wadler (Edinburgh)
Gérard Boudol (Inria, Sophia Antipolis)
Cédric Fournet (Microsoft Research, UK)
Robert Harper (CMU)
Thomas Hildebrandt (Copenhagen)
Kohei Honda (Queen Mary, London)
Julian Rathke (Sussex, Chair)
Davide Sangiorgi (Bologna)
Roberto Segala (Verona)
Stephanie Weirich (U.Penn)
Julian Rathke
(julianr at sussex.ac.uk)
Department of Informatics
University of Sussex, UK
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