[TYPES] Workshop on Games in Design and Verification - Final CFP

Luca de Alfaro announce at dvlab.net
Wed Apr 21 12:24:46 EDT 2004

[We apologize for duplicate messages]

                         Final Call for Papers

                    Games in Design and Verification

                                GDV 2004


                    Workshop co-located with CAV 2004
                       Boston, Massachusetts, USA
                              July 18, 2004

   The goal of the GDV 2004 workshop is to bring together researchers
   interested in the application of game theory to system design,
   analysis, and verification. Games provide a model for interaction
   that has found many applications both in the theory of systems
   (semantics of programming languages, semantics of interaction) and
   in the practice of system design (controller synthesis, modular
   verification, security analysis). This workshop aims at covering a
   spectrum from theoretical results to concrete applications. The
   topics of interest include:

     * Games and component-based design and verification
     * Games as models for component interaction
     * Game theory in semantics
     * Games for control and scheduler synthesis
     * Logics for games
     * Algorithms for solving games
     * Game models in the design and verification of distributed systems
     * Games in the design of multi-agent systems

  Invited Speakers

  Rupak Majumdar      UCLA
  Luke Ong            Oxford University
  Wieslaw Zielonka    Universite Denis Diderot, Paris 7

  Paper Submission

   Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract not exceeding 15
   pages.  Accepted formats are Postscript and PDF.  Submission is now


   We expect that the proceedings of the workshop will be published as
   a volume in the ENTCS series. The proceedings will also be made
   available at the workshop.

  Important Dates

  Paper submission:     April 30
  Notification:         May   30
  Final version:        June  30

  Program Committee

  Luca de Alfaro (chair)     UC Santa Cruz
  Radha Jagadeesan           DePaul University
  Orna Kupferman             Hebrew University
  PS Thiagarajan             National University of Singapore
  Wolfgang Thomas            RWTH Aachen
  Igor Walukiewicz           LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux-1


gdv04 at soe.ucsc.edu

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