[TYPES] Two open PhD positions in formal methods in Oslo

Olaf Owe olaf at ifi.uio.no
Wed Aug 11 10:26:32 EDT 2004

with apologies for multiple copies

                      Open Positions

           PhD positions in formal methods

The group for Precise Modelling and Analysis at the Department of
Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway, is working on tools and
languages for object-oriented and component-based software
development. Our current research focus includes
    * object-orientation and open distributed systems
    * specification and verification of OO-programs
    * formal methods capturing run-time modifications to OO-programs
    * language support for openness and distribution
    * rewriting logic

Our research combines theoretical foundations with the goal to develop
practical tools and languages to capture software adaptability

Two PhD positions are available at the group, funded by the Norwegian
Research Council as part of the the project

"CREOL: A formal framework for reflective component modelling"

The Creol project is a research project to investigate programming
constructs and reasoning control in the context of open distributed
systems, and in particular the issue of maintenance control, taking an
object-oriented approach. The project focuses on support for component
adaptability, combined with a platform for executable specification
and analysis of system models. This allows an investigation at two
levels: a theoretical framework for reasoning about software and
software updates, and a tool for practical experimentation with the
consequences and possibilities of the theoretical choices. The goal of
the project is to develop a formal framework and tool for reasoning
about dynamic and reflective modifications in open distributed
systems, ensuring reliability and correctness of the overall system.

Further information about the Creol project and the available
positions may be found at


* The positions are for 3 years, but may be extended to 4 years
comprising some teaching obligations.
* The position(s) are available from October 1, 2004, but the start date
may be delayed if necessary.  
* Applications with all necessary enclosures must be received by 
1st September 2004. 
* Salary at scale of pay 42-46 (p.t. NOK 307.000 - 328.000), 
depending on relevant working experience.

Applications must include complete information about education at both
bachelor and master level, and documented scientific experience. All
employees must satisfy the entrance requirements for the doctoral
degree programme at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences. Women are especially encouraged to apply.

Please use the following address for applications:

REF 04/7906
Universitetet i Oslo, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
v. personalkonsulent Grete Andresen
Postboks 1032 Blindern, 0315 Oslo, NORWAY

Applications may also be submitted electronically to
grete.andresen at matnat.uio.no

For further information on the positions, please contact 
Professor Olaf Owe, tlf. + 00 47 22 85 24 49, e-mail olaf at ifi.uio.no

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