[TYPES] Job opening

Lars Birkedal birkedal at itu.dk
Mon Aug 16 16:59:33 EDT 2004

    Assistant or Associate Professorships in 
    Logic and Semantics at the 
    IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

The IT University of Copenhagen invites applications for a position as
Assistant or Associate Professor in the Department of Theoretical Computer
Science. The position is available from January 1st 2005.

The candidates research area should fall within Logic and Semantics,
understood broadly to cover semantics of logics and programming languages,
mathematical logic, categorical logic and type theory, domain theory,
(categorical) models of concurrency and mobility, verification and model
checking, fault models, embedded systems, and mobile computation.

Please see

for the full official announcement.

Application deadline is September 17, 2004.

best wishes,
Lars Birkedal

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