[TYPES] SEFM 2004: Early registration ends on Friday (28.08)!

Bernhard K. Aichernig bka at iist.unu.edu
Tue Aug 24 15:25:57 EDT 2004

              Early registration deadline: 27 August 2004

         Advance registration ends 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

                    CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: SEFM 2004
                Second IEEE International Conference on
                  Beijing, China 26 -- 30 September 2004

The Second IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and
Formal Methods (SEFM 2004) will be held in Beijing, the capital of
China, during 28-30 September 2004.

The technical programme of the conference on 28-30 September includes
five outstanding invited talks, 38 presentations of high quality
papers selected from 144 submissions. For the detailed programme,
please visit


There will be four very good affiliated tutorials on 26 and 27
September 2004. Information about the tutorials is available at

The International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
(WAOSD 2004) will be on 27 September:

Scholarships for participants from developing countries are
available. For details, please visit

For information about registration, hotel, visa application and social
events, please visit the conference website.


   The aim of the conference is to bring together practitioners and
   researchers from academia, industry and government to advance the
   state of the art in formal methods, to scale up their application in
   software industry and to encourage their integration with practical
   engineering methods.


   SEFM 2004 solicits research papers related to, but not limited to,
   the following principal topics:

    *    requirement analysis and specification
    *    software architectures and their description languages
    *    software specification, validation and verification
    *    software design and refinement
    *    models of programs and systems
    *    object and multi-agent systems
    *    coordination and feature interaction
    *    integration of formal and informal methods
    *    integration of different formal methods
    *    component-based development
    *    service-oriented development
    *    aspect-oriented development
    *    formal aspects of security and mobility
    *    model checking and theorem proving
    *    fault-tolerant, real-time and hybrid systems
    *    analysis of safety-critical systems
    *    formal aspects of software evolution and maintenance
    *    formal methods for testing, re-engineering and reuse
    *    light-weight formal methods
    *    prototyping and visualisation
    *    CASE tools and tool integration
    *    application to industrial cases
    *    formal methods for industrial standardisation
    *    socio-economic implications of the use of formal methods

   The proceedings of the conference will be published by the IEEE
   Computer Society Press.

   The best papers will be selected to be published in the
   International Journal on Software and Systems Modelling
   published by Springer http://www.sosym.org


   Early registration ends:            27 August 2004 (5pm EST)
   Cancellation deadline:              27 August 2004
   On-site registration only:     after 7 September 2004
   Tutorials and workshop:          26-27 September 2004
   SEFM 2004 in Beijing, China:     28-30 September 2004

General Chairs

   Jifeng He (UNU/IIST, Macao SAR China)
   Fuqing Yang (Peking University, China)

Program Committee Chairs

   Jorge R. Cuellar (Siemens Research, Munich, Germany)
   Zhiming Liu (UNU/IIST, Macao SAR China)

Publicity Chairs

   Gianna Reggio (University of Genova, Italy)
   Hanpin Wang (Peking University, China)

Finance Chair

   Antonio Cerone (The Univ of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia)

Organization Chair

   Hanping Wang (Peking University, China)

Tutorial and Workshop Chair

   Bernhard Aichernig (UNU/IIST, Macao SAR China)

Steering Committee

   Manfred Broy (Technical Univ Munich, Germany)
   Antonio Cerone (The Univ of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia)
   Geoff Dromey (Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia)
   Mike Hinchey (NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, USA)
   Mathai Joseph (TRDDC, Pune, India)
   Zhiming Liu (UNU/IIST, Macao SAR China)
   Andrea Maggiolo-Schettini (University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy)

Program Committee

   Egidio Astesiano (University of Genova, Italy)
   David Basin (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
   Gabriel Baum (National University of La Plata, Argentina)
   Tommaso Bolognesi (CNR-ISTI, Pisa, Italy)
   Marcello Bonsangue (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
   Jonathan Bowen (London South Bank University, UK)
   Frank de Boer (CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
   David Deharbe (DIMAp/UFRN, Natal, RN, Brazil)
   Jin Song Dong (National University, Singapore)
   José Luiz Fiadeiro (University of Leicester, UK)
   Riccardo Focardi (University of Venezia, Italy)
   Paul Gastin (University of Paris, France)
   Uwe Glaesser (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC Canada)
   Bernhard Gramlich (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
   Nicolas Halbwachs (Verimag, Grenoble, France)
   Connie Heitmeyer (ITD, Naval Res Lab, Washington, DC, USA)
   Teruo Higashino (Osaka University, Japan)
   Mike Hinchey (NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, USA)
   Joern Janneck (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
   Zhi Jin (Institute of Mathematics, CAS, Beijing, China)
   Ekkart Kindler (University of Paderborn, Germany)
   Padmanabhan Krishnan (Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia)
   Yassine Lakhnech (IMAG, Grenoble, France)
   Kung-Kiu Lau (Manchester University, UK)
   K. Rustan M. Leino (Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA)
   Xiaoshan Li (Macao University, Macao)
   Huimin Lin (Institute of Software, CAS, Beijing, China)
   Jian Lu (Nanjing University, China)
   Tiziana Margaria (University of Dortmund, Germany)
   Ron van der Meyden (UNSW/NICTA, Sydney, Australia)
   Ana Moreira (New University of Lisbon, Portugal)
   Jonathan S. Ostroff (York University, Toronto, Canada)
   Paritosh Pandya (TIFR, , Mumbai, India)
   Anders P. Ravn (Aalborg University, Denmark)
   Augusto Sampaio (Federal Univ of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil)
   Vladimiro Sassone (University of Sussex, UK)
   Shmuel Tyszerowicz (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
   Mark Utting (University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand)
   Heike Wehrheim (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
   Martin Wirsing (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany)
   Jim Woodcock (University of Kent, UK)
   Wang Yi (Uppsala University, Sweden)
   Gianluigi Zavattaro (University of Bologna, Italy)
   Naixiao Zhang (Peking University, China)
   John Zic (Motorola Australia, Sydney, Australia

Bernhard Aichernig, Research Fellow of UNU-IIST  www.iist.unu.edu/~bka
Go to China for SEFM 2004                    www.iist.unu.edu/SEFM2004
and ICTAC 2004.                             www.iist.unu.edu/ICTAC2004
Plan to attend ASE 2004!                        www.ase-conference.org
See you at FM 2005                              www.csr.ncl.ac.uk/fm05

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