[TYPES] Great works in programming languages (collected responses)

Benjamin C. Pierce bcpierce at saul.cis.upenn.edu
Fri Sep 24 11:20:47 EDT 2004

A few weeks ago, I posted a query to the Types list asking people to
name their "five most important papers ever written in the area of
programming languages."  This page collects the responses I received:


Many thanks to Frank Atanassow, David Benson, Nick Benton, Karl Crary,
Olivier Danvy, Mariangiola Dezani, Dan Friedman, Alwyn Goodloe, Pieter
Hartel, Michael Hicks, Robert Irwin, Luis Lamb, Rod Moten, Rishiyur
Nikhil, Tobias Nipkow, Jens Palsberg, and John Reynolds for their

    - Benjamin

BENJAMIN C. PIERCE, Professor                                               
Dept. of Computer & Information Science     
University of Pennsylvania                                    +1 215 898-2012
3330 Walnut St.                                          Fax: +1 215 898-0587
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA                http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce

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