[TYPES] union types and overloading

Neelakantan Krishnaswami neelk at gs3106.sp.cs.cmu.edu
Sun Oct 3 21:26:29 EDT 2004

Kwangkeun Yi writes:
> I would like to extend our ML compiler's type system so that it
> allow functions to be defined over the sum of multiple
> datatypes. (union types?)
> Could you point me to some papers that I have to check out to avoid
> reinvention or to expect possible obstacles?


Barry Jay's paper "The Pattern Calculus" is about exactly what you


Another approach is to use row polymorphism to type extensible
sums. Ocaml has this feature, and calls it "polymorphic variants". I
think Didier Remy's paper "Records and Variants as a Natural Extension
of ML" introduced the idea.


Neel Krishnaswami
neelk at cs.cmu.edu

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