[TYPES] mapping oo structural to name (sub)types

Sophia Drossopoulou scd at doc.ic.ac.uk
Fri Feb 18 13:14:14 EST 2005

I would like to know whether there is literature on mapping
types for object oriented languages in a structural system
onto types in a name system.

In particular, I would like the mapping to be subtype preserving,
that is, for types t_1 and t_2, if
     t_1 is a subtype of t_2 in  the structural system,
and t_1 and t_2 are mapped to, say, t_3 and t_4, then  does it hold that
      t_3 is a subtype of t_4 in the name system?

Thanks in advance for any answers; of which I will post
a summary.

Sophia Drossopoulou
Department of Computing,    http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~scd
Imperial College            London, UK

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