2005 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jan 4 12:17:28 EDT 2005
Ending: Fri Dec 30 18:22:31 EDT 2005
Messages: 536
- [TYPES] ICALP 2006 -- Call for Affiliated Workshops
Convegno ICALP '06
WRLA Acct (Denker)
- [TYPES] CFP: MICAI-2005 Artificial Intelligence,
Springer LNAI: submission reminder and CFP-2
Alexander Gelbukh (MICAI)
- [TYPES] AVoCS '05 [First CALL for PAPERS]
AVoCS 2005
- [TYPES] 9th Asian Logic Conference
Asian Logic Conference 2005
- [TYPES] GTTSE Summer School: Early registration deadline April 15
GTTSE 2005
- [TYPES] ICLP 2005: Call for Papers
ICLP 2005
- [TYPES] ICLP 2005 Doctoral Consortium: Call for Applications
ICLP 2005
- [TYPES] ICLP 2005: Call for Workshops
ICLP 2005
- [TYPES] ICLP 2005: Call for Workshops
ICLP 2005
- [TYPES] ICLP 2005: Call for Papers
ICLP 2005
- [TYPES] ICLP 2005: Extended Deadlines
ICLP 2005
- [TYPES] ICLP 2005: Call for Posters
ICLP 2005
- [TYPES] ICLP 2005: Call for Participation
ICLP 2005
- [TYPES] ICALP 2006 -- Preliminary Call For Papers
ICALP 2006
- [TYPES] CLIMA VI :: First Call for Papers
clima VI <clima-vi at deis.unibo.it>
- [TYPES] CLIMA VI :: Final Call for Papers and Tutorial Programme
clima VI <clima-vi at deis.unibo.it>
- [TYPES] CLIMA VI :: new deadline April 15
clima VI <clima-vi at deis.unibo.it>
- [TYPES] First CLIMA Contest: participate by May 20, 2005
clima VI <clima-vi at deis.unibo.it>
- [TYPES] Call for Participation and studentship applications for
clima VI <clima-vi at deis.unibo.it>
- [TYPES] Announcement: TYPES Summer School, August 15 - 26
Bengt Nordström
- [TYPES] Announcement: TYPES Summer School, August 15 - 26
Bengt Nordström
- [TYPES] Extended Deadline DAIS'05
Hartmut König
- [TYPES] CFP: Library-Centric Software Design - LCSD'05
Jaakko Järvi
- [TYPES] The AVISPA Tool v.1.0 - Official release
- [TYPES] ARSPA'05: Call for Participation
- [TYPES] Parametricity with subtyping and a Top type
Martin Abadi
- [TYPES] Subtyping, extensional equality, and contravariance
Andreas Abel
- [TYPES] FOSSACS 2006 --- Call for Papers
Luca Aceto
- [TYPES] FOSSACS 2006 --- Final CFP
Luca Aceto
- [TYPES] CADE-20 workshop on Disoproving
Wolfgang Ahrendt
- [TYPES] DISPROVING 2005, Last Call for Papers
Wolfgang Ahrendt
Wolfgang Ahrendt
- [TYPES] SEFM 2005 Call for Participation
Wolfgang Ahrendt
- [TYPES] Call for Tutorials - ICTAC05
Bernhard K. Aichernig
- [TYPES] Call for Papers - ICTAC05 (Hanoi)
Bernhard K. Aichernig
- [TYPES] Call for Papers: FACS'05 - Macao
Bernhard K. Aichernig
- [TYPES] QAPL 2006 - call for papers
Bernhard K. Aichernig
- [TYPES] School of Logic in Montreux, Switzerland
- [TYPES] Paper on Dependent Types in Programming
Thorsten Altenkirch
- [TYPES] TYPES 2006 workshop
Thorsten Altenkirch
- [TYPES] normalization and programming languages
Thorsten Altenkirch
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Thorsten Altenkirch
- [TYPES] CFP - CSFW18 - Aix-en-Provence
Roberto Amadio
- [TYPES] OOPS at SAC 2006
Davide Ancona
- [TYPES] PAT2005 Summer School Announcement
Jesper Andersen
- [TYPES] Reminder: PAT2005 Summer School
Jesper Andersen
- [TYPES] The 17th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT'05)
Jesper Andersen
- [TYPES] UPDATE: NWPT05 Annoucenment
Jesper Andersen
- [TYPES] CFP: CONCUR 2005 - Concurrency Theory
CONCUR 2005 Announcements
- [TYPES] CONCUR 2005: Call for Participation
CONCUR 2005 Announcements
- [TYPES] CONCUR 2005: Call for Participation,
Early Registration Jul 20
CONCUR 2005 Announcements
- [TYPES] Limited use of negation types?
Jim Apple
- [TYPES] Beth Dissertation Prize
Carlos Areces
- [TYPES] ESSLLI 2006 - Call for Course and Workshop Proposals
Carlos Areces
- [TYPES] E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize Winner
Carlos Areces
David Aspinall
- [TYPES] PADL'06 Call for Papers
Logic Programming Rsrch Association
- [TYPES] Post-Doc position at Paris-Nord
Patrick Baillot
- [TYPES] CFP: Workshop on Implicit Computational Complexity (Geocal'06)
Patrick Baillot
- [TYPES] Semantics of Intersection Type
Steffen van Bakel
- [TYPES] DALT 2005: second call for papers
Matteo Baldoni
- [TYPES] FACS'05 Call for Papers
Luis Barbosa
- [TYPES] FACS'05: Deadline Extended 29 July
Luis Barbosa
- [TYPES] Announcing SMT-COMP
Clark Barrett
- [TYPES] [SEFM 2005] CfParticipation - Early Registration ends 31 July 2005
Bernhard Beckert
- [TYPES] CFP --- LPAR 2005 WS: Empirically Successful Automated
Reasoning in Higher-Order Logic (ESHOL)
Christoph Benzmueller
- [TYPES] Submission Deadline Extension -- ESHOL WS at LPAR 2005
Christoph Benzmueller
- [TYPES] IJCAR 2006: Call For Papers (CFP)
Sergey Berezin
- [TYPES] CiE06: 2nd Call for Papers
Ulrich Berger
- [TYPES] CiE 2006 - Student Grants and grants for researchers from the former Soviet Union
Ulrich Berger
- [TYPES] SFM-05:Moby -- spring school on mobile computing (2nd
Marco Bernardo
- [TYPES] 2nd CfP: 10th Symposium on Database Programming Languages
(DBPL 05)
Gavin Bierman
- [TYPES] Call for participation - DBPL'05
Gavin Bierman
- [TYPES] ICFP 2005 - Call for Participation
Dariusz Biernacki
- [TYPES] 1st Int. Workshop on Applications of Constraint Satisfaction
and Programming to Computer Security (CPSec)
Stefano Bistarelli
- [TYPES] CPSec workshop
Stefano Bistarelli
- [TYPES] CPSec 2005: Extended Submission Deadline
Stefano Bistarelli
- [TYPES] *** Final Call for Papers (Increased Page Limit): ML
Workshop 2005
Matthias Blume
- [TYPES] Call for Participation: ML Workshop 2005
Matthias Blume
- [TYPES] REMINDER: Proposals for workshops (ICFP '06) due this Friday!
Matthias Blume
- [TYPES] normalization and programming languages
Gerard Boudol
- [TYPES] Semantics of Intersection Type
Gerard Boudol
- [TYPES] ISAAC: Young Researcher Position at ITC-IRST, Trento
Marco Bozzano
- [TYPES] Job advert: Lecturership, Edinburgh
Julian Bradfield
- [TYPES] Structures and Deduction Workshop CfP - ICALP '05 Satellite
Paola Bruscoli
- [TYPES] Structures and Deduction Workshop 2nd cfp - ICALP'05
Paola Bruscoli
- [TYPES] SD05: Deadline extension
Paola Bruscoli
- [TYPES] Accepted Papers - Structures and Deduction Workshop
(ICALP'05 Satellite)
Paola Bruscoli
- [TYPES] Professor Eiichi Goto
Bruno Buchberger
- [TYPES] IFL'05 - 2nd Call for Papers (new: Accomodation/Registration
Andrew Butterfield
- [TYPES] ICALP'05 Invited Speakers and Workshop Announcements
Luis Caires
Luis Caires
- [TYPES] CfP FOCLASA'05 at CONCUR 2005: Foundations of Coordination
Languages and Software Architectures
Foclasa 2005 (Carlos Canal)
- [TYPES] CfP WCAT'05 at ECOOP 2005: Coordination and Adaptation
Techniques for Software Entities
Carlos Canal
- [TYPES] Latex input mode
Giuseppe Castagna
- [TYPES] Latex input mode
Giuseppe Castagna
- [TYPES] CFP: PLAN-X 2006
Giuseppe Castagna
- [TYPES] Research Position at DoCoMo USA Labs
Ajay Chander
- [TYPES] Research Fellowships in Databases and Digital Curation,
University of Edinburgh
James Cheney
- [TYPES] PDPAR'05: Submission deadline extended to April 18, 2005
Alessandro Cimatti
- [TYPES] PDPAR'05 call for participation
Alessandro Cimatti
- [TYPES] MathSAT: PhD positions at ICT-Trento
Alessandro Cimatti
- [TYPES] Research position in Coalgebras and Formal Verification at Southampton
Corina Cirstea
Horatiu Cirstea
- [TYPES] 2nd Workshop on the Rewriting Calculus
Horatiu Cirstea
- [TYPES] PLID'05 call for contributions and participation
David Clark
- [TYPES] PLID 2005 call for participation
David Clark
- [TYPES] FOAL 2005 Deadline Extended
Curtis Clifton
- [TYPES] [Fwd: Re: Semantics of Intersection Type]
Adriana Compagnoni
- [TYPES] Semantics of Intersection Types
Adriana Compagnoni
- [TYPES] CSL'06 workshops and Ackermann Award
Computer Science Logic '06 Conference
Computer Science Logic '06 Conference
- [TYPES] Fundamenta Informaticae: special issue on the Logic for Pragmatics (call for papers)
Tristan Crolard
- [TYPES] Terminology in operational semantics
Roy L. Crole
- [TYPES] goedel prize 2006 (deadline for nominations Jan. 31, 2006)
Pierre-Louis Curien
- [TYPES] Call for papers and workshop proposals - DAIS 2006
- [TYPES] Second call for papers - DAIS 2006
- [TYPES] Second call for papers - DAIS 2006
- [TYPES] CLA call for papers
René David
- [TYPES] CfP: OOPSLA Workshop on Multiparadigm Programming in OO Languages
Kei Davis
- [TYPES] Call for Papers for the Sixth Tbilisi Symposium on Language,
Logic and Computation
Paul Dekker
- [TYPES] Announcement and 1-st CfP Amsterdam Colloquium 2005
Paul Dekker
- [TYPES] CFP: Workshop on Software Certificate Mangement
Ewen Denney
Mariangiola Dezani
- [TYPES] cfp: COSMICAH 2005
Dino Distefano
- [TYPES] second cfp: COSMICAH 2005
Dino Distefano
Dino Distefano
- [TYPES] COSMICAH 2005: Call for participation
Dino Distefano
- [TYPES] [CFP] ProMAS'05 @ AAMAS 2005 - Third International Workshop
on Programming Multi-Agent Systems
Juergen Dix
- [TYPES] Positions available at UCD
Simon Dobson
- [TYPES] uses of higher-order/applicative functors in practice
Derek Dreyer
- [TYPES] Parametricity with subtyping and a Top type
Derek Dreyer
- [TYPES] mapping oo structural to name (sub)types
Sophia Drossopoulou
- [TYPES] Stevens / Columbia / IBM Research Security & Privacy Day
Dominic Duggan
- [TYPES] terminology for different kinds of proof terms?
Carl Eastlund
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Carl Eastlund
- [TYPES] Limited use of negation types?
Carl Eastlund
- [TYPES] FGJ interpreter
Burak Emir
- [TYPES] PASTE 2005 CFP: Workshop on Program Analaysis for Software
Michael Ernst
- [TYPES] PASTE 2005 call for participation: Program Analysis for
Software Tools & Engineering
Michael Ernst
- [TYPES] normalization and programming languages
Jon Fairbairn
- [TYPES] Vacancy, Database Group, School of Informatics,
Univesity of Edinburgh
Yrsa Roca Fannberg
- [TYPES] Calculemus 2005 Call for Participation
William Farmer
- [TYPES] FGJ interpreter
Matthias Felleisen
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Matthias Felleisen
- [TYPES] PPDP 2005 Second Call for Papers
Amy Felty
- [TYPES] PPDP 2005 Submission Deadline Extended to February 22
Amy Felty
- [TYPES] PPDP 2005 Call for Participation
Amy Felty
Workshop on Lambda Calculus, Type Theory and Natural Language
Maribel Fernandez
- [TYPES] CFP: Developments on Computational Models (satellite of
Maribel Fernandez
- [TYPES] Developments in Computational Models (DCM'05) - Call for
Maribel Fernandez
- [TYPES] 2nd Workshop on Lambda-Calculus, Type Theory and Natural Language --- Call for Participation
Maribel Fernandez
- [TYPES] CFP: MSCS special issue on Developments in Computational Models
Maribel Fernandez
- [TYPES] PhD grant: Computational Applications of Nominal Sets
Maribel Fernandez
- [TYPES] 2005 ICFP Programming Contest
Robby Findler
- [TYPES] *Extended Deadline* ASE WS "Software Certificate Management"
Bernd Fischer
- [TYPES] Algebraic Process Calculi: Call for Participation
Wan Fokkink
- [TYPES] A geometry problem for proof systems
Peter Freyd
- [TYPES] Limited use of negation types?
Alain Frisch
- [TYPES] PhD positions, theory
Philippa Gardner
- [TYPES] lectureship at Imperial
Philippa Gardner
- [TYPES] [CFP] MICAI-2005,
Mexican International conference on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
(Springer LNAI)
Alexander Gelbukh
Thomas Genet
- [TYPES] Book Announcement: A Theory of Distributed Objetcs
Gerstner, Ralf, Springer DE
- [TYPES] ESSLLI'05 Student Session: 2nd Call for Papers
Judit Gervain
- [TYPES] ESSLLI'05 StuS: Deadline extended until 22nd February 2005
Judit Gervain
- [TYPES] Post.Doc and Assist. Prof. position Radboud University
Herman Geuvers
- [TYPES] Job Advert
N Ghani
- [TYPES] PhD Position
N Ghani
- [TYPES] CMCS 2006
Neil X Ghani
- [TYPES] Games for Logic and Programming Languages: Deadline
Dan Ghica
- [TYPES] Etaps Workshop on Games for Logic and Programming Languages
Dan Ghica
- [TYPES] Call for Papers: APAL Special Issue on Game Semantics
Dan Ghica
- [TYPES] Research position at University of Birmingham
Dan Ghica
- [TYPES] CFP: SAVCBS'05 (Specification & Verification of
Component-Based Systems)
Dimitra Giannakopoulou
Dimitra Giannakopoulou
- [TYPES] Terminology in operational semantics
Johan Glimming
- [TYPES] SPIN 2005 Call for Participation
Patrice Godefroid
Goldin, Dina
- [TYPES] CFP - NETCA Workshop on Verification and Theorem Proving for
Continuous Systems
Hanne Gottliebsen
- [TYPES] NETCA Workshop - Final Call for Participation
Hanne Gottliebsen
- [TYPES] FroCoS 2005: Last Call for Papers
Bernhard Gramlich
- [TYPES] FroCoS 2005: Final cfp - extended submission deadline: May
16, 2005
Bernhard Gramlich
- [TYPES] FroCoS'05: Call for Participation (Early Reg. Deadline: Sept. 1, 2005)
Bernhard Gramlich
- [TYPES] 4-year PhD Positions at UPM -- MOBIUS EU Project
- [TYPES] Splitting types into types-announce and types-discuss
Nathaniel Gray
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Radu Grigore
- [TYPES] Research Assistant Position in Model Driven Engineering for
Reliable Distributed Systems, Luxembourg
Nicolas Guelfi
- [TYPES] Parametricity with subtyping and a Top type
- [TYPES] CfP: Curry and Functional Logic Programming 2005
Michael Hanus
- [TYPES] ACM PEPM 2006 -- Call For Papers
John Hatcliff
- [TYPES] Parametricity with subtyping and a Top type
Matt Hellige
Michael Hicks
- [TYPES] LOPSTR'05 call for papers
P M Hill
- [TYPES] Program logics for imperative higher-order functions and
Kohei Honda
- [TYPES] Terminology in operational semantics
David Hopwood
- [TYPES] Call for contributions: Industrial Session at the Applied
Semantics (APPSEM) Workshop
John Hughes
J. Huitink
- [TYPES] London PhD Studentships in Quantitative Information Flow
Sebastian Hunt
- [TYPES] Research positions in Mobility and Security at Edinburgh
Ian.Stark at ed.ac.uk
- [TYPES] postdoc opening in VERIMAG, Grenoble (France)
Radu Iosif
- [TYPES] postdoc on component-based embedded systems at Verimag (France)
Radu Iosif
- [TYPES] Postdoctoral position in coordination languages and web
Jean-Marie JACQUET
- [TYPES] Coordination 2005: Grants
Jean-Marie JACQUET
- [TYPES] normalization and programming languages
Barry Jay
- [TYPES] Doctoral Studentships in Computing Science
Jeremy.Gibbons at comlab.ox.ac.uk
- [TYPES] AMAST06 CFP (Feb closing date)
Michael Johnson
- [TYPES] SPACE 2006 registration
Richard Jones
- [TYPES] SPACE 2006: Call for Participation
Richard Jones
- [TYPES] FLOPS 2006 Deadline Extended to November 18
Yoshihiko Kakutani
- [TYPES] ESSLLI 2005 registration Now open
Fairouz Kamareddine
Fairouz Kamareddine
- [TYPES] FINAL CALL FOR ESSLLI05 registration
Fairouz Kamareddine
- [TYPES] normalization and programming languages
Andrew Kennedy
- [TYPES] MKM 2005 (Mathematical Knowledge Management) first Call for
Michael Kohlhase
- [TYPES] MKM 2005 (Mathematical Knowledge Management) first Call for
Michael Kohlhase
- [TYPES] Second CfP: MKM 2005 (extended deadline: May 15)
Michael Kohlhase
- [TYPES] MKM 2005 Final CfP
Michael Kohlhase
- [TYPES] MKM 2005 Program and Final Call for Participation (Early
Registration Deadline ends Monday)
Michael Kohlhase
- [TYPES] postdoc position: arbitrary precision geometric computation
Michal Konecny
- [TYPES] Limited use of negation types?
Neelakantan Krishnaswami
- [TYPES] Job: Lectureship
Alexander Kurz
- [TYPES] PhD Studentship available
Alexander Kurz
- [TYPES] CfP: AiML 2006
Alexander Kurz
- [TYPES] PhD studentship, Probabilistic Model Checking with PRISM
Marta Kwiatkowska
- [TYPES] SCP special issue on Foundations of AOP --- Last CFC +
Deadline extension
Ralf Laemmel
- [TYPES] Paper Announcement: Free Boolean Categories
Francois Lamarche
- [TYPES] Call for participation: Summer school on Gen. and Transf.
Techn. in SE, 4-8 July 2005, Braga
Ralf Lammel
- [TYPES] Technical report on typed OO-FP programming
Ralf Lammel
- [TYPES] Call for papers -- FOAL 2006: Foundations ofAspect-Oriented Languages
Ralf Lammel
- [TYPES] AVoCS '05 [Call for Participation]
Ranko Lazic
- [TYPES] Haskell workshop 2005: call for papers
Daan Leijen
- [TYPES] Haskell workshop 2005 -- Call for participation.
Daan Leijen
- [TYPES] call for papers ML Workshop 2005
Xavier Leroy
- [TYPES] CfP: PDMC'05 at ICALP'05
Martin Leucker
- [TYPES] PDMC'05 Deadline Extension
Martin Leucker
- [TYPES] Midlands Graduate School
Paul B Levy
- [TYPES] PhD studentships
Paul B Levy
- [TYPES] postdoc position: semantics of nondeterminism
Paul B Levy
- [TYPES] MTCoord'05: First call for papers
Isabelle Linden
- [TYPES] Call for papers: MoveLog05
James Lipton
- [TYPES] Final Call for papers: MoveLog05 (ICLP workshop)
James Lipton
- [TYPES] International M.Sc. Program in COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC
Int. Center for Computational Logic
- [TYPES] Announcement: APPSEM-II Summer School, Sep 8-12
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
- [TYPES] CFP: APPSEM05 Workshop
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
- [TYPES] CfP: Applied Semantics, Special Issue of J of TCS
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
- [TYPES] Semantics of Intersection Type
Kenneth Louden
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
William Lovas
- [TYPES] ACM SAC 2006 CFP: Software Verification Track
Lunjin Lu
- [TYPES] Extended Deadline - ACM SAC'06: Software Verification Track
Lunjin Lu
- [TYPES] A geometry problem for proof systems
Yong Luo
- [TYPES] normalization and programming languages
Yong Luo
- [TYPES] RA position at Royal Holloway, Univ of London
Zhaohui Luo
- [TYPES] CFP: Term Graph Rewriting - special issue of MSCS
Ian Mackie
Ian Mackie
- [TYPES] [GDV05] First Call for Papers
Rupak Majumdar
- [TYPES] [GDV 2005] Call for Participation
Rupak Majumdar
- [TYPES] New paper and questions/answers web page for Poly*,
a retargetable polymorphic type system for mobility calculi
Henning Makholm
- [TYPES] Complexity of row unification
Henning Makholm
- [TYPES] Complexity of row unification
Henning Makholm
- [TYPES] Type inference and principal typings for record
concatenation and mixin modules
Henning Makholm
- [TYPES] 2nd CFP - Student session - LACL 2005
Renaud Marlet
- [TYPES] research positions B
Carlos Martin-Vide
- [TYPES] sabbatical positions 2005-5
Carlos Martin-Vide
- [TYPES] research positions 2005-6 (Ramon y Cajal)
Carlos Martin-Vide
- [TYPES] research positions 2005-7 (Juan de la Cierva)
Carlos Martin-Vide
- [TYPES] research positions 2005-8
Carlos Martin-Vide
- [TYPES] research positions 2005-9
Carlos Martin-Vide
- [TYPES] sabbatical positions: 2005-10
Carlos Martin-Vide
- [TYPES] 5th International PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications 2005-2007
Carlos Martin-Vide
- [TYPES] CfP: 3rd International Workshop on Formal Aspects in
Security and Trust (FAST2005)
Fabio Martinelli
- [TYPES] FAST2005: Extended deadline for the 3rd International
Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust
Fabio Martinelli
- [TYPES] Parametricity with subtyping and a Top type
Simone Martini
- [TYPES] RDP 2005 Call for Participation
Hasegawa Masahito
- [TYPES] TLCA 2005 Call for Participation
Hasegawa Masahito
- [TYPES] Lectures on Categorical structures for system modelling
Markus Michelbrink
- [TYPES] professor positions in Innsbruck
Aart Middeldorp
- [TYPES] PhD Studentships at Swansea University
Prof Faron G Moller
- [TYPES] Latex input mode
Stefan Monnier
- [TYPES] PhD in aspect-oriented languages
Oege de Moor
- [TYPES] postdoc at Oxford
Oege de Moor
Cesar A. Munoz
- [TYPES] CSL'05 - Second Call for Papers
Andrzej Murawski
- [TYPES] ACKERMANN AWARD - Second Call for Submissions
Andrzej Murawski
- [TYPES] CSL'05 Call for Participation
Andrzej Murawski
- [TYPES] A geometry problem for proof systems
Andrew Myers
- [TYPES] CFP: PLAN-X 2006
Anders Møller
- [TYPES] CFP: PLAN-X 2006 - deadline extended
Anders Møller
- [TYPES] Call for Demonstration Proposals - PLAN-X 2006
Anders Møller
- [TYPES] PLAN-X 2006: Call for Participation
Anders Møller
- [TYPES] [CfP] DisCoVeri - satellite event of CONCUR - August 26, 2005
Uwe Nestmann
- [TYPES] Positions available:Microsoft Research - University of
Trento Centre
Nones, Elisabetta
- [TYPES] Positions available:Microsoft Research - University of
Trento Centre
Nones, Elisabetta
- [TYPES] ETAPS Workshop on the Grand Challenge of Software
Peter O'Hearn
- [TYPES] Post-doc position in Martin Odersky's group, EPFL,
Martin Odersky
- [TYPES] Positions in IT Security at Siemens Corporate Technology, Munich, Germany
David von Oheimb
- [TYPES] 7th GPCE Young Researchers Workshop Deadline: June 30, 2005
GPCE YRW Organizers
- [TYPES] CFP: Intuitionistic Modal Logic and Applications (IMLA'05)
Frank Pfenning
- [TYPES] Final CFP: Intuitionistic Modal Logic and Applications
Frank Pfenning
- [TYPES] RTA'06: 1st Call for Papers
Frank Pfenning
- [TYPES] Express'05 First CFP
Iain Phillips
- [TYPES] CADE-20: final call for papers
Brigitte Pientka
- [TYPES] CADE'05: Call for Participation and Accepted Papers
Brigitte Pientka
- [TYPES] Paper: "Contextual Modal Type Theory"
Brigitte Pientka
- [TYPES] Book announcement: Advanced Topics in Types and Programming
Benjamin Pierce
- [TYPES] ICFP 2005 - Accepted papers
Benjamin Pierce
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Benjamin Pierce
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Benjamin Pierce
- [TYPES] ICFP 2005 - Final Call for Papers
Benjamin C. Pierce
- [TYPES] Goedel prize 2005
Curien Pierre-Louis
- [TYPES] Claire Jones
Gordon Plotkin
- [TYPES] CFP: CLASE at ETAPS deadline extension
Iman Hafiz Poernomo
- [TYPES] Constructive Logic for Automated Software Engineering
(CLASE) at ETAPS deadline extension
Iman Hafiz Poernomo
- [TYPES] Constructive Logic for Automated Software Engineering
(CLASE) at ETAPS deadline extension
Iman Hafiz Poernomo
- [TYPES] ICFEM 2005 * Call for Workshops and Tutorials * IC Formal
Engineering Methods *
Mike Poppleton
- [TYPES] Complexity of row unification
Francois Pottier
- [TYPES] First release of AlphaCaml
Francois Pottier
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
David J. Pym
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
David J. Pym
- [TYPES] Sixth Annual IBM Programming Languages Day (Call for
Mukund Raghavachari
- [TYPES] IBM PL Day --- schedule and final reminder
Mukund Raghavachari
- [TYPES] Job offer in Munich in Theoretical Computer Science
Ralph.Matthes at ifi.lmu.de
- [TYPES] Latex input mode
Norman Ramsey
- [TYPES] PhD Fellowships at GSLT
Aarne Ranta
- [TYPES] EAAI'06 cfp
Francesco Ranzato
- [TYPES] Geocal06: first announcement
Laurent Regnier
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Laurent Regnier
- [TYPES] FIT 2005 -- 1st CfP
Jakob Rehof
- [TYPES] CfP: Graph Transformation for Verification and Concurrency
(Concur 2005 satellite)
Arend Rensink
- [TYPES] Terminology in operational semantics
Arend Rensink
- [TYPES] GT-VC @ Concur 2005: Second Call for Papers
Arend Rensink
- [TYPES] Semantics of Intersection Type
Arend Rensink
- [TYPES] type-sensitive CFA?
John Reppy
- [TYPES] type-sensitive CFA?
John Reppy
- [TYPES] CFP - Advanced Studies in Mathematics and Logic
- [TYPES] Postdoc in Chicago - Joint Project between DePaul and Bell Labs
James Riely
- [TYPES] Semantics of Intersection Type
Simona Ronchi Della Rocca
- [TYPES] CALCO: 1st call for Participation
Markus Roggenbach
- [TYPES] Latex input mode
Bill Rounds
- [TYPES] [ECOOP 2006 / Final CFP / D - 3 weeks]
Olivier Roux
- [TYPES] FINAL CFP: 7th Intl Workshop on Logic & Computational
Jim Royer
- [TYPES] post-doc job in functional programming
Colin Runciman
- [TYPES] Announcement: The Fortress Language Specification
Sukyoung Ryu
- [TYPES] workshop on invertibility of terms
- [TYPES] FCS05: Foundations of Computer Security - call for papers
Andrei Sabelfeld
- [TYPES] FCS05: Foundations of Computer Security - deadline extended
Andrei Sabelfeld
- [TYPES] FCS05 call for participation
Andrei Sabelfeld
- [TYPES] TGC: final programme
Davide Sangiorgi
- [TYPES] PostDoc position in Bologna
Davide Sangiorgi
- [TYPES] urgent: 2 "ricercatore" positions in Bologna
Davide Sangiorgi
- [TYPES] CFP: M4M-4 (Methods for Modalities 2005)
Holger Schlingloff
- [TYPES] PhD and Postdoc positions available at INRIA Grenoble for
Kell Calculus research
Alan Schmitt
- [TYPES] PhD position in Monadic Computational Logics
Lutz Schroeder
- [TYPES] FLoC 2006 Preliminary Announcement
Kreutzer + Schweikardt
- [TYPES] FLoC 2006: Call For Workshop Proposals
Kreutzer + Schweikardt
- [TYPES] LICS 2006 Call for Workshops
Kreutzer + Schweikardt
- [TYPES] Research Fellow/Postdoc (UOttawa)
P. Scott
- [TYPES] Second Announcement-Octoberfest '05
P. Scott
- [TYPES] Tenure-track Position at U. Ottawa
Phil Scott
- [TYPES] Announcement of paper on differential categories
Robert Seely
- [TYPES] CALCO Young Researchers Workshop (CALCO-jnr 2005)
Monika Seisenberger
- [TYPES] LICS Workshop on Quantum Programming Languages
Peter Selinger
- [TYPES] Call for participation: Quantum Programming Languages
Peter Selinger
- [TYPES] Call For Papers: Workshop on Logic-based methods in
Programming Environments (in conjunction with ICLP'05)
A Serebrenik
- [TYPES] NEW DEADLINE Call For Papers: Workshop on Logic-based
methods in Programming Environments (in conjunction with ICLP'05)
A Serebrenik
- [TYPES] [ICLP 2006] Call for WORKSHOP proposals
A Serebrenik
- [TYPES] WLPE 2005: Call for Participation
A Serebrenik
- [TYPES] Call For Papers - ICLP 2006
A Serebrenik
- [TYPES] Lisbon positions in quantum computation and information
Amilcar Sernadas
- [TYPES] ESOP 2006 Call for papers
Peter Sestoft
- [TYPES] The POPLmark Challenge
Peter Sewell
- [TYPES] Rigorous HOL specification for TCP, UDP, and Sockets
Peter Sewell
- [TYPES] Call for Papers for CICLOPS'2005
Fernando Silva
- [TYPES] CFP for CICLOPS 2005
Fernando Silva
- [TYPES] LICS 2005: Call for Short Presentations
Alex Simpson
- [TYPES] LICS 2005: Call for Participation
Alex Simpson
- [TYPES] normalization and programming languages
François-Régis Sinot
- [TYPES] normalization and programming languages
François-Régis Sinot
- [TYPES] Call for Papers: Fifth International Conference on
Integrated Formal Methods (IFM 2005)
Graeme Smith
Scott Smolka
- [TYPES] Small types workshop: Constructive analysis,
types and exact real numbers.
Bas Spitters
- [TYPES] CfP: Workshop: Constructive analysis,
types and exact real numbers
Bas Spitters
- [TYPES] CfP: The 5th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling
Jonathan Sprinkle
- [TYPES] Decidability of polymorphic recursion revisited
Lukasz Stafiniak
- [TYPES] type-sensitive CFA?
Paul A. Steckler
- [TYPES] FGJ interpreter
Alexandra Stefan
- [TYPES] Deadline extended: FMOODS'05 (abstracts 24.Jan.05,
papers 1.Feb.05)
Martin Steffen
- [TYPES] Call for Participation: DAIS-FMOODS 2005 (June 15-17, 2005,
Martin Steffen
- [TYPES] FMOODS 06: 1st Call for Papers
Martin Steffen
- [TYPES] FMOODS 06: 2nd Call for Papers
Martin Steffen
- [TYPES] CFP: FOOL/WOOD '06 - Foundations and Developments of
Object-Oriented Languages
Christopher A. Stone
- [TYPES] 2nd CFP: FOOL/WOOD '06 - Foundations and Developments of Object-Oriented Languages
Christopher A. Stone
- [TYPES] Workshop on Logic programming and concurrency
Lutz Strassburger
- [TYPES] Final CFP: Bounded Model Checking workshop (BMC'05)
Ofer Strichman
- [TYPES] IFL'05 - preliminary CFP
Glenn Strong
- [TYPES] Natural Language and Knowledge Representation/Reasoning (CFP)
Jana Sukkarieh
- [TYPES] HM(x) vs Theory of Qualified Types
Martin Sulzmann
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Eijiro Sumii
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Eijiro Sumii
S. P. Suresh
- [TYPES] type-sensitive CFA?
Josef Svenningsson
- [TYPES] CFP: The Second MetaOCaml Workshop
Kedar Swadi
- [TYPES] Second MetaOCaml Workshop: Final CFP
Kedar Swadi
- [TYPES] Parametricity with subtyping and a Top type
Tim Sweeney
- [TYPES] Subtyping, extensional equality, and contravariance
Tim Sweeney
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Tim Sweeney
- [TYPES] 1st CFP - ICFEM '05 -
- [TYPES] type-sensitive CFA?
Nadia Tawbi
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
David Teller
- [TYPES] CFP: KAZAM workshop
Hayo Thielecke
- [TYPES] PhD studentship
Hayo Thielecke
Alwen Tiu
- [TYPES] Final CFP: MERLIN'05 at ICFP'05
Alwen Tiu
- [TYPES] Call for Participation: MERLIN 2005
Alwen Tiu
- [TYPES] Call for Participation: MoveLog'05
Alwen Tiu
- [TYPES] TIME'05 Last Call for Papers (extended deadline)
David Toman
- [TYPES] RTA'05: 1st Call for Participation
Ralf Treinen
- [TYPES] ATVA 2005: Announcement and Preliminary Call for Papers
Yih-Kuen Tsay
- [TYPES] ATVA 2005: Final CFP (New Deadline: May 27)
Yih-Kuen Tsay
- [TYPES] Semantics of Intersection Type
DeLiguoro Ugo
- [TYPES] UNIF'05 Deadline Extended
Pawel Urzyczyn
- [TYPES] UNIF'05 Call for Participation
Pawel Urzyczyn
- [TYPES] normalization and programming languages
Pawel Urzyczyn
- [TYPES] MFCS'06 - call for papers
Pawel Urzyczyn
- [TYPES] Paper: The essence of dataflow programming
Tarmo Uustalu
- [TYPES] Paper: A compositional natural semantics and Hoare logic for low-level languages
Tarmo Uustalu
- [TYPES] MPC 2006 First Call for Papers
Tarmo Uustalu
- [TYPES] 11th Est. Winter School in Comp. Sci., Call for Participation
Tarmo Uustalu
- [TYPES] research positions 2005-11
- [TYPES] sabbatical positions 2005-12
- [TYPES] research positions 2005-14
- [TYPES] ACM PODS 2006, first call for papers
Stijn Vansummeren
- [TYPES] PODS 2006 Call For Papers
Stijn Vansummeren
- [TYPES] A Special Programme on Logic and Algorithm
Moshe Vardi
- [TYPES] ACM Transactions on Computational Logic - Call for
Moshe Vardi
- [TYPES] Job opening in Microsoft on program analysis and security defect detection
Ramanathan Venkatapathy
- [TYPES] normalization and programming languages
Rene Vestergaard
- [TYPES] CfC: GPCE'05 - Generative Programming and Component
Eelco Visser
- [TYPES] CFP: GPCE'05 -- Generative Programming and Component
Eelco Visser
- [TYPES] Final CFP: GPCE'05 -- Generative Programming and Component
Eelco Visser
- [TYPES] Call for Participation: GPCE'05 - Generative Programming and
Component Engineering
Eelco Visser
- [TYPES] Early registration: GPCE'05 -- Generative Programming and Component Engineering
Eelco Visser
- [TYPES] Last call for registration: GPCE'05 (deadline 2 september)
Eelco Visser
- [TYPES] ETAPS 2007: Call for Satellite Events
Joost Visser
- [TYPES] PhD vacancy at the VU
Roel de Vrijer
- [TYPES] research vacancies in Amsterdam (VU, CWI) and Utrecht
Roel de Vrijer
- [TYPES] FLOPS 2006: Eighth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
Philip Wadler
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Philip Wadler
- [TYPES] POPL 06 Call for Papers
David Walker
- [TYPES] POPL 06: now accepting submissions
David Walker
- [TYPES] SPACE 2006: Call for Papers
David Walker
- [TYPES] POPL 2006 Call for Participation
David Walker
- [TYPES] POPL 06: Final Call for Participation
David Walker
- [TYPES] FORTE 2005: Call-for-Papers
Farn Wang
- [TYPES] FORTE 2005: Submission deadline extended to April 20, 2005
Farn Wang
- [TYPES] FORTE 2005: FIRM deadline extension: Monday 25 April 2005
Farn Wang
- [TYPES] FORTE 2005: Preliminary Program and the 1st Call for Participation
Farn Wang
- [TYPES] Latex input mode
Geoffrey Alan Washburn
- [TYPES] Latex input mode
Geoffrey Alan Washburn
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Geoffrey Alan Washburn
- [TYPES] Coordination 2005: First call for participation
Stephanie Weirich
- [TYPES] A message from the moderator
Stephanie Weirich
- [TYPES] Postdoc at the Center for Embedded Systems for Critical Applications (CESCA)
Stephanie Weirich
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Stephanie Weirich
- [TYPES] stricter moderation...?
Stephanie Weirich
- [TYPES] terminology for different kinds of proof terms?
Joe Wells
- [TYPES] Re: terminology for different kinds of proof terms?
Joe Wells
- [TYPES] Latex input mode
Joe Wells
- [TYPES] Research Job: Compositional Analysis for Mobility & Concurrency @ Heriot-Watt U., Scotland, UK
Joe Wells
- [TYPES] normalization and programming languages
Joe Wells
- [TYPES] PhD position in formal mathematics at RU Nijmegen
Freek Wiedijk
- [TYPES] Book and Web-Page Announcement
Herbert Wiklicky
- [TYPES] CfP: SAS'05 - 12th International Static Analysis Symposium
Herbert Wiklicky
- [TYPES] CfP: SAS'05 - 12th International Static Analysis Symposium
Herbert Wiklicky
- [TYPES] Call for Participation/Programme: SAS'05
Herbert Wiklicky
- [TYPES] Preliminary Call for Papers: QAPL @ ETAPS06 (Vienna)
Herbert Wiklicky
- [TYPES] COORDINATION 2006: Preliminary Call for Papers
Herbert Wiklicky
- [TYPES] QAPL'06 (ETAPS Satellite): Call for Papers
Herbert Wiklicky
- [TYPES] Extended Deadline: QAPL'06 (ETAPS Satellite, Vienna)
Herbert Wiklicky
- [TYPES] CfP LDTA 2006
Eric Van Wyk
- [TYPES] CFP: Iaugural Issue of the International Journal of IT & Web
Hamdi Yahyaoui
- [TYPES] APLAS 2005 -- Call For Posters
Hongseok Yang
- [TYPES] Semantics of Intersection Type
Hongseok Yang
Yunwen Ye
- [TYPES] REMINDER: ASE05 calls for Tutorial, Workshop,
Doctoral Symposium and Demo are due Jun 17
Yunwen Ye
- [TYPES] ASE05 Workshop Software Assurance Tools Techniques and Metrics CfP
Yunwen Ye
- [TYPES] ASE05 Workshop Traceability in Emerging Forms of Software Engineering CfP
Yunwen Ye
Kwangkeun Yi
- [TYPES] Call for Participation APLAS'05
Kwangkeun Yi
- [TYPES] SAS 2006: First Call for Paper
Kwangkeun Yi
- [TYPES] Summer School on Reliable Computing: Call for Participation
Steve Zdancewic
- [TYPES] Summer School on Reliable Computing -- Revised Registration
Steve Zdancewic
- [TYPES] Job: Postdoc (two years)
ak155 at mcs.le.ac.uk
- [TYPES] [LACL05] - Call For Participation
maxime amblard
- [TYPES] Latex input mode
apostolo at obelix.ee.duth.gr
- [TYPES] DALT 2005 deadline extension: 18 March
- [TYPES] workshop on invertibility of terms -- call for registration
- [TYPES] Decidability of polymorphic recursion revisited
camarao at dcc.ufmg.br
- [TYPES] CATS'06 - call for papers
cbj at it.uts.edu.au
- [TYPES] Intelligent Cybernetic Systems Journal Call For Papers
xiaochun cheng
- [TYPES] Ackermann Award
csl06 at inf.u-szeged.hu
- [TYPES] research position in logic and discrete maths
rené david
- [TYPES] HM(x) vs Theory of Qualified Types
robert dockins
- [TYPES] Formal Methods 2005: Call for Participation
events-admin at fmeurope.org
- [TYPES] Final Call for Participation: ForTIA Industry Day at FM'05
events-admin at fmeurope.org
- [TYPES] 7th ECOOP Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like
logozzo francesco
- [TYPES] CMSB 2005: Second Announcement
gdp at inf.ed.ac.uk
- [TYPES] ESCAR Call for Papers
geoff at cs.miami.edu
- [TYPES] LPAR-12 in Jamaica
geoff at cs.miami.edu
- [TYPES] ESCAR in Tallinn, 2nd CFP
geoff at cs.miami.edu
- [TYPES] ESCAR in Tallinn, final CFP
geoff at cs.miami.edu
- [TYPES] lambda-mu
mahmoud abou ghaly
- [TYPES] SPIN 2005 Call for Papers
god at bell-labs.com
- [TYPES] CFP: Combining Theory and Systems Building in Pervasive Computing
hilde at itu.dk
- [TYPES] Re: SOS 2005: Programme
iu3 at mcs.le.ac.uk
- [TYPES] summer school on concurrency
jv at cs.purdue.edu
- [TYPES] LPNMR'05: Papers Submission Open
lpnmr05.publicity at mat.unical.it
- [TYPES] LPNMR'05: Call for Systems and Applications
lpnmr05.publicity at mat.unical.it
- [TYPES] LPNMR'05: Call for Participation
lpnmr05 at mat.unical.it
- [TYPES] ARSPA'05: Workshop on Automated Reasoning for Security
Protocol Analysis (co-located with ICALP'05)
lvigano at inf.ethz.ch
- [TYPES] ARSPA'05: Workshop on Automated Reasoning for Security
Protocol Analysis (NEW: ENTCS publication of proceedings)
lvigano at inf.ethz.ch
- [TYPES] ARSPA'05: Deadline Extended (Workshop on Automated Reasoning
for Security Protocol Analysis, co-located with ICALP'05)
lvigano at inf.ethz.ch
- [TYPES] ECOOP 2005 First Workshop on Building a System Using
Patterns -- Deadline extended
m.fayad at sjsu.edu
- [TYPES] ECOOP 2005 First Workshop on Building a System Using
Patterns -- Deadline extended
m.fayad at sjsu.edu
- [TYPES] Call for Papers MMM_ACNS-05
- [TYPES] Geocal06: call for participation
regnier at iml.univ-mrs.fr
- [TYPES] Terminology in operational semantics
sanjiva at cse.iitd.ernet.in
- [TYPES] Reduction of Martin-Loef type theory with the logical
framework to one without it
anton setzer
- [TYPES] PhD positions+weblink
smriis at dcs.qmul.ac.uk
- [TYPES] SOS 2005: Call for Papers
sos2005 at mcs.le.ac.uk
- [TYPES] CfP: International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security 2006
types-list at m-strasser.de
- [TYPES] Int. Conference on Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security 2006 - Submission deadline: January 22, 2006
types-list at m-strasser.de
- [TYPES] CFP: TCS special issue on Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis
vigano at inf.ethz.ch
- [TYPES] WRLA 2006 CFP submission deadline November 11
wrla06 at csl.sri.com
zijiang.yang at wmich.edu
Last message date:
Fri Dec 30 18:22:31 EDT 2005
Archived on: Sat Dec 31 14:24:02 EDT 2005
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).