[TYPES] CFP: CONCUR 2005 - Concurrency Theory

CONCUR 2005 Announcements concur05announce at dvlab.net
Fri Feb 18 02:23:09 EST 2005

			     CONCUR 2005

	 16th International Conference on Concurrency Theory

	      San Francisco, CA, USA, August 23-26, 2005

			   Call for Papers

CONCUR 2005, the 16th International Conference on Concurrency Theory,
will take place in San Francisco, California, on August 23-26, 2005.
Eleven workshops will be held in affiliation with CONCUR 2005.
Further information is available at the web site:


The purpose of the CONCUR conferences is to bring together researchers
working on the theory of concurrency and its applications.
Submissions are solicited in all areas of semantics, logics, and
verification techniques for concurrent systems.  The principal topics
include (but are not limited to):

- Basic models and logics of concurrent and distributed computation
  (such as process algebras, Petri nets, domain theoretic or game
  theoretic models, modal and temporal logics).

- Specialized models or classes of systems (such as circuits,
  synchronous systems, real time and hybrid systems, stochastic
  systems, data bases, mobile and migrating systems, parametric
  protocols, security protocols).

- Related verification techniques and tools (such as state-space
  exploration, model-checking, synthesis, abstraction, automated
  deduction, testing).

- Related programming models (such as distributed, constraints or
  object oriented, graph rewriting, as well as associated type
  systems, static analyses, abstract machines, and environments).

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract; submissions will
be evaluated by the program committee for inclusion in the
proceedings, which will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series.  Papers must contain original
contributions, be clearly written, and include appropriate reference
to and comparison with related work.  Simultaneous submission to
other conferences with published proceedings is not allowed.

Authors are required to submit a paper title and a short abstract
before submitting the extended abstract.  The short abstract should
not exceed 200 words, and it should be entered in ASCII at the
conference web site.  The extended abstract should not exceed 15
pages, and it should be formatted according to Springer-Verlag LNCS
guidelines.  If necessary, the extended abstract may be supplemented
with a clearly marked appendix, which will be reviewed at the
discretion of the program committee.

Invited speakers:

   Rajeev Alur		    UPenn               (joint CONCUR/SPIN speaker)
   Dawson Engler            Stanford University (joint CONCUR/SPIN speaker)
   Christos Papadimitriou   UC Berkeley
   Luca Cardelli 	    Microsoft Research, Cambridge

Important dates:

   Short Abstract Submission:     March 28, 2005
   Extended Abstract Submission:  April  1, 2005 4pm UTC
   Notification:                  May   18, 2005
   Final version due:             June   8, 2005

Affiliated workshops:

   Eleven workshops will be affiliated with CONCUR 2005: BioCONCUR,
   SecCo, and SPIN.


   General chair: Luca de Alfaro
   Programme Committee co-chairs: Martín Abadi, Luca de Alfaro

Program Committee:

   Martín Abadi (co-chair)    UC Santa Cruz
   Christel Baier             Universität Bonn
   Jos Baeten                 Eindhoven University of Technology
   Albert Benveniste          IRISA/INRIA
   Luis Caires                Universidade Nova de Lisboa
   Giuseppe Castagna          CNRS/École Normale Supérieure
   Marsha Chechik             University of Toronto
   Vincent Danos              CNRS/Université Paris VII
   Luca de Alfaro (co-chair)  University of California, Santa Cruz
   Javier Esparza             University of Stuttgart
   Cédric Fournet             Microsoft Research, Cambridge
   Dimitra Giannakopoulou     NASA Ames Research Center
   Anna Ingólfsdóttir         Aalborg University
   Radha Jagadeesan           DePaul University
   Bengt Jonsson              Uppsala University
   Antonin Kucera             Masaryk University
   Orna Kupferman             Hebrew University
   Cosimo Laneve              Università di Bologna
   Kim Larsen                 Aalborg University
   John Mitchell              Stanford University
   Ugo Montanari              Università di Pisa
   Catuscia Palamidessi       INRIA Futurs & LIX
   Prakash Panangaden         McGill University
   Shaz Qadeer                Microsoft Research, Redmond
   Vijay Saraswat             IBM TJ Watson Research Lab
   Vladimiro Sassone          University of Sussex
   Philippe Schnoebelen       CNRS/École Normale Supérieure de Cachan
   Frits Vaandrager           Radboud University Nijmegen
   Mahesh Viswanathan         University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
   Igor Walukiewicz           Université Bordeaux
   Glynn Winskel              University of Cambridge


CONCUR 2005 - concur05 at soe.ucsc.edu

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