[TYPES] Research Fellowships in Databases and Digital Curation, University of Edinburgh

James Cheney jcheney at inf.ed.ac.uk
Sun Jun 19 19:37:57 EDT 2005

I am posting the below job advertisement on behalf of Peter Buneman.  It
may not appear to be particularly relevant to types, logic or programming
languages, but there are many potential areas of overlap, including
security, XML processing, distributed systems/coordination, and
theoretical aspects of database query and programming languages. For
example, "data publishing" turns out to mean developing ways to reliably
transform data from one form (e.g. tables in a database) to another form
(e.g. XML matching an XML Schema); XML programming languages and type
systems are clearly relevant to this.

"Digital curation" is a rather broad blanket term for what people that
maintain and improve large scientific databases (think Human Genome
Project) do.  Many things of interest to the Types community turn out to
be relevant to digital curation.  For example, some astronomers involved
with DCC are interested in constructing a "safe data analysis
environment", that is, a centralized server storing tens/hundreds of
terabytes of sky survey data.  For these scientists, "curation" means not
only collecting and storing the data indefinitely, but providing (safe)  
access to it for astronomers at other instutitions (since it is not
feasible for them to download their own copy).  Language-based security 
techniques may be relevant to these kinds of problems.

NB: More information on the Database Group and Digital Curation Centre can
be found at




       Research Fellowships in Databases and Digital Curation
              University of Edinburgh

Researchers with strong skills in theory, algorithms or systems
building, and preferably with experience in databases, are sought for
three research posts in the Database Research Group and the newly-funded
Digital Curation Centre at the University of Edinburgh.

Successful applicants, with a PhD in Computer Science or related
discipline and a promising publication record, will contribute to one
or more of the following topics: digital curation; security in XML and
databases; data provenance, annotation and cleansing; XML storage and
compression; query evaluation and optimisation; expressive power and
complexity of query languages; peer to peer computation; stream
database systems; data models, schema matching and information
capacity; data integration, publishing and transformation; scientific
databases; databases and high-performance computing.

For more information, and to apply for one of these positions, please

For any other information, please contact one of
  Peter Buneman (opb)
  Wenfei Fan (wenfei)
  Stratis Viglas (sviglas)
all at inf.ed.ac.uk

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