[TYPES] Intelligent Cybernetic Systems Journal Call For Papers

xiaochun cheng x.cheng at reading.ac.uk
Mon Jun 20 20:31:46 EDT 2005


My Prolog program to prove the relevance between TYPES list and Intelligent
Cybernetic Systems Journal.

related(Intelligent_Cybernetic_Systems_Journal, intelligence).
related(intelligence, abstraction_and_refinement_Computing).
related(abstraction_and_refinement_Computing, TypeTheory).
related(TypeTheory, Types-list).

related(A,B) :- related(A,X), related(X,B).

?- related(Intelligent_Cybernetic_Systems_Journal, Types-list).



Subject: Intelligent Cybernetic Systems Journal Call For Papers


Call for Papers

Intelligent Cybernetic Systems

ISSN 1746-5907

Guidelines for Authors

Aims and Scope

The Journal Intelligent Cybernetic Systems (ICS) publishes high quality
research papers containing original contributions in experimental,
theoretical and applied aspects of intelligent systems and cybernetics,
including, but not limited to following topics:

Intelligent Systems, Robotic Systems, System Modelling and Control, Adaptive
Control Systems, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Safety Reliability
and Quality Assurance, Decision Support Systems, Manufacturing Systems, Data
Mining, Large Scale Systems, Human Machine Systems, Soft Computing, Fuzzy
Logic Systems, Neural Systems, Computational Intelligence, Knowledge Based
Systems, Agent-based Systems, Swarm Engineering, Emerging and Evolutionary
Methods, Biological Cybernetics.

Submission of papers

Papers should be submitted to the editors and must be in English. PDF format
is preferred. Paper submission should include a statement that the paper has
not been submitted or published elsewhere. Paper submission email address is

 icseditors at cybernetic.org.uk

It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to ICS have not
been published and will not be submitted or published elsewhere in English
or any other language, without the written consent of the publisher.
Responsibility for the contents of the paper rests upon the authors and not
upon ICS, the Editors, or the Publisher.

Types of contribution

Submitted articles may be of three basic types:

Regular papers: Detailed discussion involving new research, applications or
developments. (around 12 printed pages or 12000 words.)

Brief papers: Brief presentations of new technical concepts and
developments. (around 6 printed pages or 6000 words.)

Correspondence: Letters to the Editor about the journal or to authors
commenting on previously published papers. In the latter case, the Editor
will give the authors an opportunity to respond. (around 3 printed pages or
3000 words.)

Manuscript preparation

General: Manuscripts must be formatted in double-column single-spaced format
with wide margins on A4 white paper. The font size of 10 pt is required. The
fax number, e-mail address and postal address of the corresponding author,
who should easily be identified with an asterisk and footnote, should be
given. Full postal addresses of all co-authors must be included. 

Text: Manuscripts should include the following parts (in order): Title,
Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgement if
applicable, Appendices, References, and Biographies.

Illustrations: All illustrations must be provided in a camera-ready form,
which are suitable for reproduction. Photographs, charts and diagrams are
all to be referred to as "Figure(s)" and should be numbered consecutively in
the order to which they are referred. They should be included within the 
text. Every figure must have a caption.

Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively with suitable captions.

Biographies: A short biography of every author should be provided for
regular and brief papers.  

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