[TYPES] Formal treatment of intersection/union/arrow subtyping?

Dan Smith dlsmith at rice.edu
Thu Apr 10 17:28:07 EDT 2008

Thank you all for your useful pointers.

In skimming a number of papers related to these references, I have yet  
to come upon the ideal presentation I'm looking for.  I would love to  
see a paper that:

- Extends lambda-sub (the simply-typed lambda-calculus with subtyping)  
with intersection and union types.

- Defines typing and subtyping in this calculus using simple  
operational semantics, in the style used by Pierce.

- Develops a subtyping algorithm in two stages: first, by defining  
subtyping "declaratively" -- explicitly including rules like  
transitivity -- and then redefining it using syntax-directed rules  
(and proving that the two definitions are equivalent).

- Includes in its declarative subtyping definition the two rules I  
mentioned below for distribution over arrow types.

Of course, this is just the lazy route -- given the papers that I  
*have* seen, I ought to be able with some effort to extract the  
concepts that would be presented in my ideal paper.  And I can accept  
that.  (My apologies if any of the references I've been pointed to  
meet these criteria, and I just wasn't perceptive enough to catch  
it.)  But I thought I'd be more explicit about what I'm looking for,  
just in case anyone is aware of something that meets or is close to  
these criteria.


On Apr 9, 2008, at 10:15 AM, Dan Smith wrote:
> [ The Types Forum, http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list 
>  ]
> Benjamin Pierce's PhD work involved a calculus combining System F,
> intersection types, and bounded quantification (Programming With
> Intersection Types and Bounded Polymorphism, 1991).  His earlier work
> aspired to including union types in this calculus as well, but that
> was apparently dropped (Programming with Intersection Types, Union
> Types, and Polymorphism, 1991).
> What is the best place to find a similar calculus that includes union
> types?  In particular, I'm looking for a similar formal treatment of
> subtyping that includes the following rules ("&" is intersection; "|"
> is union):
> S->T1 & S->T2 <: S->(T1 & T2)
> S1->T & S2->T <: (S1 | S2)->T
> Any help would be appreciated.
> --Dan

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