[Unison-hackers] [unison-svn] r402 - in trunk/src: . ubase

vouillon@seas.upenn.edu vouillon at seas.upenn.edu
Fri Jan 15 10:28:25 EST 2010

Author: vouillon
Date: 2010-01-15 10:28:23 -0500 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 402

* New preferences "noupdate=root", "nodeletion=root", "nocreation=root"
  that prevent Unison from performing files updates, deletions or
  creations on the given root.
* GTK UI: do not reload the preference file before a new update
  detection if it is unchanged
* Limit the number of simultaneous external copy program
  ("copymax" preference)

Modified: trunk/src/RECENTNEWS
--- trunk/src/RECENTNEWS	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/RECENTNEWS	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
+* New preferences "noupdate=root", "nodeletion=root", "nocreation=root"
+  that prevent Unison from performing files updates, deletions or
+  creations on the given root.
+* GTK UI: do not reload the preference file before a new update
+  detection if it is unchanged
+* Limit the number of simultaneous external copy program
+  ("copymax" preference)
 * GTK UI:
   - take into account the "height" preference again
   - the internal list of selected reconciler item was not always in

Modified: trunk/src/copy.ml
--- trunk/src/copy.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/copy.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -693,6 +693,12 @@
      ^ "added if the value of {\\tt copyprog} contains the string "
      ^ "{\\tt rsync}.")
+let copymax =
+  Prefs.createInt "copymax" ~local:true 1
+    "!maximum number of simultaneous copyprog transfers"
+    ("A number indicating how many instances of the external copying utility \
+      Unison is allowed to run simultaneously (default to 1).")
 let formatConnectionInfo root =
   match root with
     Common.Local, _ -> ""
@@ -762,6 +768,8 @@
     "finishExternalTransfer" finishExternalTransferLocal
+let copyprogReg = Lwt_util.make_region 1
 let transferFileUsingExternalCopyprog
              rootFrom pathFrom rootTo fspathTo pathTo realPathTo
              update desc fp ress id useExistingTarget =
@@ -791,7 +799,9 @@
              ^ (Uutil.quotes fromSpec) ^ " "
              ^ (Uutil.quotes toSpec) in
   Trace.log (Printf.sprintf "%s\n" cmd);
-  let _,log = External.runExternalProgram cmd in
+  Lwt_util.resize_region copyprogReg (Prefs.read copymax);
+  Lwt_util.run_in_region copyprogReg 1
+    (fun () -> External.runExternalProgram cmd) >>= fun (_, log) ->
   debug (fun() ->
            let l = Util.trimWhitespace log in
            Util.msg "transferFileUsingExternalCopyprog %s: returned...\n%s%s"

Modified: trunk/src/external.ml
--- trunk/src/external.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/external.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
          "\n\n" ^ Util.process_status_to_string returnValue
          "") in
-    (returnValue,mergeResultLog) 
-  end else Lwt_unix.run (
+    Lwt.return (returnValue,mergeResultLog) 
+  end else
     let (out, ipt, err) as desc = System.open_process_full cmd in
     let out = Lwt_unix.intern_in_channel out in
     let err = Lwt_unix.intern_in_channel err in
@@ -94,4 +94,4 @@
          then ""
          else "\n\n" ^ Util.process_status_to_string returnValue)))
       (* Stop typechechecker from complaining about non-exhaustive pattern above *)
-      | _ -> assert false))
+      | _ -> assert false)

Modified: trunk/src/external.mli
--- trunk/src/external.mli	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/external.mli	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 (* Unison file synchronizer: src/external.mli *)
 (* Copyright 1999-2009, Benjamin C. Pierce (see COPYING for details) *)
-val runExternalProgram : string -> Unix.process_status * string
+val runExternalProgram : string -> (Unix.process_status * string) Lwt.t
 val readChannelTillEof : in_channel -> string

Modified: trunk/src/fileinfo.ml
--- trunk/src/fileinfo.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/fileinfo.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -150,14 +150,13 @@
 let ignoreInodeNumbers =
   Prefs.createBool "ignoreinodenumbers" false
-    "!Use creation times for detecting updates"
+    "!ignore inode number changes when detecting updates"
     ("When set to true, this preference makes Unison not take advantage \
-      of inode numbers during fast update detection even when running \
-      on a Unix system.  This switch should be used with care, as it \
+      of inode numbers during fast update detection. \
+      This switch should be used with care, as it \
       is less safe than the standard update detection method, but it \
       can be useful for synchronizing VFAT filesystems (which do not \
-      support inode numbers) mounted on Unix systems.  \
-      The {\\tt fastcheck} option should also be set to true.")
+      support inode numbers) mounted on Unix systems.")
 let _ = Prefs.alias ignoreInodeNumbers "pretendwin"
 let stamp info =

Modified: trunk/src/files.ml
--- trunk/src/files.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/files.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@
 let diffCmd =
   Prefs.createString "diff" "diff -u CURRENT2 CURRENT1"
-    "!command for showing differences between files"
+    "!set command for showing differences between files"
     ("This preference can be used to control the name and command-line "
      ^ "arguments of the system "
      ^ "utility used to generate displays of file differences.  The default "
@@ -873,7 +873,8 @@
           (Fspath.quotes (Fspath.concat workingDirForMerge newarch)) in
       Trace.log (Printf.sprintf "Merge command: %s\n" cmd);
-      let returnValue, mergeResultLog = External.runExternalProgram cmd in
+      let returnValue, mergeResultLog =
+        Lwt_unix.run (External.runExternalProgram cmd) in
       Trace.log (Printf.sprintf "Merge result (%s):\n%s\n"
                    (showStatus returnValue) mergeResultLog);

Modified: trunk/src/globals.ml
--- trunk/src/globals.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/globals.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -40,14 +40,13 @@
      ^ "that, if Unison is invoked later with a slightly different name "
      ^ "for the same root, it will be able to locate the correct archives.")
-let setRawRoots l =
-  Prefs.set rawroots l
+let setRawRoots l = Prefs.set rawroots (Safelist.rev l)
-let rawRoots () = Prefs.read rawroots
+let rawRoots () = Safelist.rev (Prefs.read rawroots)
-let rootsInitialName () =
+let rawRootPair () =
   match rawRoots () with
-    [r2; r1] -> (r1, r2)
+    [r1; r2] -> (r1, r2)
   | _        -> assert false
 let theroots = ref []
@@ -67,7 +66,7 @@
        cont >>= (fun l ->
        return (r' :: l))))
     roots (return []) >>= (fun roots' ->
-  theroots := Safelist.rev roots';
+  theroots := roots';
   return ())
 (* Alternate interface, should replace old interface eventually *)
@@ -76,8 +75,8 @@
   let roots = rawRoots () in
   theroots :=
     Safelist.map Remote.canonize ((Safelist.map Clroot.parseRoot) roots);
-  theroots := Safelist.rev !theroots (* Not sure why this is needed... *)
+  theroots := !theroots
 let roots () =
   match !theroots with
     [root1;root2] -> (root1,root2)

Modified: trunk/src/globals.mli
--- trunk/src/globals.mli	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/globals.mli	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 (* line                                                                      *)
 val rawRoots : unit -> string list
 val setRawRoots : string list -> unit
+val rawRootPair : unit -> string * string
 (* Parse and canonize roots from their raw names                             *)
 val installRoots : (string -> string -> string) option -> unit Lwt.t

Modified: trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml
--- trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -102,3 +102,4 @@

Modified: trunk/src/path.ml
--- trunk/src/path.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/path.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
 let equal (p1 : local) (p2 : local) = p1 = p2
 (* Pref controlling whether symlinks are followed. *)
-let followPred = Pred.create "follow"
+let followPred = Pred.create ~advanced:true "follow"
     ("Including the preference \\texttt{-follow \\ARG{pathspec}} causes Unison to \
       treat symbolic links matching \\ARG{pathspec} as `invisible' and \
       behave as if the object pointed to by the link had appeared literally \

Modified: trunk/src/props.ml
--- trunk/src/props.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/props.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
 let dontChmod =
   Prefs.createBool "dontchmod" 
-  "!When set, never use the chmod system call"
+  "!when set, never use the chmod system call"
   (  "By default, Unison uses the 'chmod' system call to set the permission bits"
   ^ " of files after it has copied them.  But in some circumstances (and under "
   ^ " some operating systems), the chmod call always fails.  Setting this "
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@
              let cmd = "/usr/local/bin/sudo -u root /usr/bin/touch -m -a -t "
                        ^ tstr ^ " " ^ Fspath.quotes abspath in
              Util.msg "Running external program to set utimes:\n  %s\n" cmd;
-             let (r,_) = External.runExternalProgram cmd in
+             let (r,_) = Lwt_unix.run (External.runExternalProgram cmd) in
              if r<>(Unix.WEXITED 0) then raise (Util.Transient "External time-setting command failed")
            end else
              Fs.utimes abspath v v)

Modified: trunk/src/recon.ml
--- trunk/src/recon.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/recon.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -68,9 +68,7 @@
   if      root="older" then `Older
   else if root="newer" then `Newer
-    let roots = Safelist.rev (Globals.rawRoots()) in
-    let r1 = Safelist.nth roots 0 in
-    let r2 = Safelist.nth roots 1 in
+    let (r1, r2) = Globals.rawRootPair () in
     debug (fun() ->
        Printf.eprintf "root2direction called to choose %s from %s and %s\n"
          root r1 r2);
@@ -82,7 +80,7 @@
 let forceRoot: string Prefs.t =
   Prefs.createString "force" ""
-    "force changes from this replica to the other"
+    "!force changes from this replica to the other"
     ("Including the preference \\texttt{-force \\ARG{root}} causes Unison to "
      ^ "resolve all differences (even non-conflicting changes) in favor of "
      ^ "\\ARG{root}.  "
@@ -114,7 +112,7 @@
 let preferRoot: string Prefs.t =
   Prefs.createString "prefer" ""
-    "choose this replica's version for conflicting changes"
+    "!choose this replica's version for conflicting changes"
     ("Including the preference \\texttt{-prefer \\ARG{root}} causes Unison always to "
      ^ "resolve conflicts in favor of \\ARG{root}, rather than asking for "
      ^ "guidance from the user.  (The syntax of \\ARG{root} is the same as "
@@ -158,6 +156,71 @@
+let actionKind fromRc toRc =
+  let fromTyp = fromRc.typ in
+  let toTyp = toRc.typ in
+  if fromTyp = toTyp then `UPDATE else
+  if toTyp = `ABSENT then `CREATION else
+type prefs = { noDeletion : bool; noUpdate: bool; noCreation : bool }
+let shouldCancel rc1 rc2 prefs =
+  match actionKind rc1 rc2 with
+    `UPDATE   -> prefs.noUpdate
+  | `DELETION -> prefs.noUpdate || prefs.noDeletion
+  | `CREATION -> prefs.noCreation
+let filterRi prefs1 prefs2 ri =
+  match ri.replicas with
+    Problem _ ->
+      ()
+  | Different diff ->
+      if
+        match diff.direction with
+          Replica1ToReplica2 -> shouldCancel diff.rc1 diff.rc2 prefs2
+        | Replica2ToReplica1 -> shouldCancel diff.rc2 diff.rc1 prefs1
+        | Conflict | Merge   -> false
+      then
+        diff.direction <- Conflict
+let noDeletion =
+  Prefs.createStringList "nodeletion" ~local:true
+    "prevent file deletions on one replica"
+    ("Including the preference \\texttt{-nodeletion \\ARG{root}} prevents \
+      Unison from performing any file deletion on root \\ARG{root}.\n\
+      This preference can be included twice, once for each root, if you \
+      want to prevent any creation.")
+let noUpdate =
+  Prefs.createStringList "noupdate" ~local:true
+    "prevent file updates and deletions on one replica"
+    ("Including the preference \\texttt{-noupdate \\ARG{root}} prevents \
+      Unison from performing any file update or deletion on root \
+      \\ARG{root}.\n\
+      This preference can be included twice, once for each root, if you \
+      want to prevent any update.")
+let noCreation =
+  Prefs.createStringList "nocreation" ~local:true
+    "prevent file creations on one replica"
+    ("Including the preference \\texttt{-nocreation \\ARG{root}} prevents \
+      Unison from performing any file creation on root \\ARG{root}.\n\
+      This preference can be included twice, once for each root, if you \
+      want to prevent any creation.")
+let filterRis ris =
+  let (root1, root2) = Globals.rawRootPair () in
+  let getPref root pref = List.mem root (Prefs.read pref) in
+  let getPrefs root =
+    { noDeletion = getPref root noDeletion;
+      noUpdate = getPref root noUpdate;
+      noCreation = getPref root noCreation }
+  in
+  let prefs1 = getPrefs root1 in
+  let prefs2 = getPrefs root2 in
+  Safelist.iter (fun ri -> filterRi prefs1 prefs2 ri) ris
 (* Use the current values of the '-prefer <ROOT>' and '-force <ROOT>'        *)
 (* preferences to override the reconciler's choices                          *)
 let overrideReconcilerChoices ris =
@@ -171,13 +234,12 @@
                    if rootp<>"" then begin
                      let dir = root2direction rootp in
                        setDirection ri dir forcep
-                   end) ris
+                   end) ris;
+  filterRis ris
 (* Look up the preferred root and verify that it is OK (this is called at    *)
 (* the beginning of the run, so that we don't have to wait to hear about     *)
 (* errors                                                                    *)
-(* This should also check for the partial version, but this needs a way to   *)
-(* extract the associated values from a Pred.t                               *)
 let checkThatPreferredRootIsValid () =
   let test_root predname = function
     | "" -> ()
@@ -190,7 +252,23 @@
   let (root,pred) = lookupPreferredRoot() in
   if root<>"" then test_root (match pred with `Force -> "force" | `Prefer -> "prefer") root;
   Safelist.iter (test_root "forcepartial") (Pred.extern_associated_strings forceRootPartial);
-  Safelist.iter (test_root "preferpartial") (Pred.extern_associated_strings preferRootPartial)
+  Safelist.iter (test_root "preferpartial") (Pred.extern_associated_strings preferRootPartial);
+  let checkPref pref prefName =
+    try
+      let root =
+        List.find (fun r -> not (List.mem r (Globals.rawRoots ())))
+          (Prefs.read pref)
+      in
+      let (r1, r2) = Globals.rawRootPair () in
+      raise (Util.Fatal (Printf.sprintf
+        "%s (given as argument to '%s' preference)\n\
+         is not one of the current roots:\n  %s\n  %s" root prefName r1 r2))
+    with Not_found ->
+      ()
+  in
+  checkPref noDeletion "nodeletion";
+  checkPref noUpdate   "noupdate";
+  checkPref noCreation "nocreation"
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (*                    Main Reconciliation stuff                              *)

Modified: trunk/src/remote.ml
--- trunk/src/remote.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/remote.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@
          Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNRESET, _, _)
        | Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, _, _)
          (* Windows may also return the following errors... *)
-       | Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EINVAL, _, _) ->
+       | Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EINVAL, _, _)
+       | Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EUNKNOWNERR (-64), _, _) ->
          (* Client has closed its end of the connection *)
            lostConnection ()
        | _ ->

Modified: trunk/src/ubase/prefs.ml
--- trunk/src/ubase/prefs.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/ubase/prefs.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 let profileName = ref None
+let profileFiles = ref []
 let profilePathname n =
   let f = Util.fileInUnisonDir n in
@@ -27,6 +28,18 @@
     None -> raise (Util.Transient("No preference file has been specified"))
   | Some(n) -> profilePathname n
+let profileUnchanged () =
+  List.for_all
+    (fun (path, info) ->
+       try
+         let newInfo = System.stat path in
+         newInfo.Unix.LargeFile.st_kind = Unix.S_REG &&
+         info.Unix.LargeFile.st_mtime = newInfo.Unix.LargeFile.st_mtime &&
+         info.Unix.LargeFile.st_size = newInfo.Unix.LargeFile.st_size
+       with Unix.Unix_error _ ->
+         false)
+    !profileFiles
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* When preferences change, we need to dump them out to the file we loaded   *)
@@ -46,8 +59,9 @@
 let addresetter f = resetters := f :: !resetters
-let resetToDefaults () = Safelist.iter (fun f -> f()) !resetters
+let resetToDefaults () =
+  Safelist.iter (fun f -> f()) !resetters; profileFiles := []
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* When the server starts up, we need to ship it the current state of all    *)
@@ -322,9 +336,13 @@
    in the same order as in the file. *)
 let rec readAFile filename : (string * int * string * string) list =
   let chan =
-    try System.open_in_bin (profilePathname filename)
-    with Sys_error _ ->
-      raise(Util.Fatal(Printf.sprintf "Preference file %s not found" filename)) in
+    try
+      let path = profilePathname filename in
+        profileFiles := (path, System.stat path) :: !profileFiles;
+        System.open_in_bin path
+    with Unix.Unix_error _ | Sys_error _ ->
+      raise(Util.Fatal(Printf.sprintf "Preference file %s not found" filename))
+  in
   let bom = "\xef\xbb\xbf" in (* BOM: UTF-8 byte-order mark *)
   let rec loop lines =
     match (try Some(input_line chan) with End_of_file -> None) with

Modified: trunk/src/ubase/prefs.mli
--- trunk/src/ubase/prefs.mli	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/ubase/prefs.mli	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -104,6 +104,9 @@
 (* Calculate the full pathname of a preference file                          *)
 val profilePathname : string -> System.fspath
+(* Check whether the profile file is unchanged                               *)
+val profileUnchanged : unit -> bool
 (* Add a new preference to the file on disk (the result is a diagnostic      *)
 (* message that can be displayed to the user to verify where the new pref    *)
 (* went)                                                                     *)

Modified: trunk/src/ubase/util.ml
--- trunk/src/ubase/util.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/ubase/util.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -125,7 +125,11 @@
     Unix.Unix_error(err,fnname,param) ->
       let s =   "Error in " ^ m ^ ":\n"
               ^ (Unix.error_message err)
-              ^ " [" ^ fnname ^ "(" ^ param ^ ")]" in
+              ^ " [" ^ fnname ^ "(" ^ param ^ ")]%s" ^
+              (match err with
+                 Unix.EUNKNOWNERR n -> Format.sprintf " (code %d)" n
+               | _                  -> "")
+      in
       debug "exn"
         (fun() -> msg "Converting a Unix error to %s:\n%s\n" kindStr s);
       reraise s

Modified: trunk/src/uicommon.ml
--- trunk/src/uicommon.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/uicommon.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -313,6 +313,15 @@
     Sys.Break      -> "Terminated!"
   | Util.Fatal(s)  -> Printf.sprintf "Fatal error: %s" s
   | Util.Transient(s) -> Printf.sprintf "Error: %s" s
+  | Unix.Unix_error (err, fun_name, arg) ->
+      Printf.sprintf "Uncaught unix error: %s failed%s: %s%s"
+        fun_name
+        (if String.length arg > 0 then Format.sprintf " on \"%s\"" arg else "")
+        (Unix.error_message err)
+        (match err with
+           Unix.EUNKNOWNERR n -> Format.sprintf " (code %d)" n
+         | _                  -> "")
+  | Invalid_argument s -> Printf.sprintf "Invalid argument: %s" s
   | other -> Printf.sprintf "Uncaught exception %s" (Printexc.to_string other)
 (* precondition: uc = File (Updates(_, ..) on both sides *)
@@ -464,7 +473,7 @@
   let r2 = match getSecondRoot() with None -> exit 0 | Some r -> r in
   (* Remember them for this run, ordering them so that the first
      will come out on the left in the UI *)
-  Globals.setRawRoots [r2;r1];
+  Globals.setRawRoots [r1; r2];
   (* Save them in the current profile *)
   ignore (Prefs.add "root" r1);
   ignore (Prefs.add "root" r2)
@@ -477,14 +486,14 @@
 let firstTime = ref(true)
 (* Roots given on the command line *)
-let rawRoots = ref []
+let cmdLineRawRoots = ref []
 (* BCP: WARNING: Some of the code from here is duplicated in uimacbridge...! *)
 let initPrefs ~profileName ~displayWaitMessage ~getFirstRoot ~getSecondRoot
               ~termInteract =
   (* Restore prefs to their default values, if necessary *)
   if not !firstTime then Prefs.resetToDefaults();
-  Globals.setRawRoots !rawRoots;
+  Globals.setRawRoots !cmdLineRawRoots;
   (* Tell the preferences module the name of the profile *)
   Prefs.profileName := Some(profileName);
@@ -644,9 +653,9 @@
       match Util.StringMap.find "rest" args with
         [] -> ()
       | [profile] -> clprofile := Some profile
-      | [root1;root2] -> rawRoots := [root1;root2]
-      | [root1;root2;profile] ->
-          rawRoots := [root1;root2];
+      | [root2;root1] -> cmdLineRawRoots := [root1;root2]
+      | [root2;root1;profile] ->
+          cmdLineRawRoots := [root1;root2];
           clprofile := Some profile
       | _ ->
@@ -664,7 +673,7 @@
     (match !clprofile with
       None -> Util.msg "No profile given on command line"
     | Some s -> Printf.eprintf "Profile '%s' given on command line" s);
-    (match !rawRoots with
+    (match !cmdLineRawRoots with
       [] -> Util.msg "No roots given on command line"
     | [root1;root2] ->
         Printf.eprintf "Roots '%s' and '%s' given on command line"
@@ -674,7 +683,7 @@
   let profileName =
     begin match !clprofile with
       None ->
-        let clroots_given = !rawRoots <> [] in
+        let clroots_given = !cmdLineRawRoots <> [] in
         let n =
           if not(clroots_given) then begin
             (* Ask the user to choose a profile or create a new one. *)

Modified: trunk/src/uigtk2.ml
--- trunk/src/uigtk2.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/uigtk2.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -3768,9 +3768,14 @@
   let reloadProfile () =
-    match !Prefs.profileName with
-      None -> ()
-    | Some(n) -> clearMainWindow (); loadProfile n true in
+    let n =
+      match !Prefs.profileName with
+        None   -> assert false
+      | Some n -> n
+    in
+    clearMainWindow ();
+    if not (Prefs.profileUnchanged ()) then loadProfile n true
+  in
   let detectCmd () =
     getLock detectUpdatesAndReconcile;
@@ -4026,7 +4031,7 @@
          ~callback:(fun () ->
             doAction (fun ri _ ->
                         Recon.setDirection ri `Older `Prefer))
-         "Resolve conflicts in favor of least recently modified");
+         "Resolve Conflicts in Favor of Least Recently Modified");
     ignore (actionMenu#add_separator ());
     grAdd grAction

Modified: trunk/src/uimacbridge.ml
--- trunk/src/uimacbridge.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/uimacbridge.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
       match Util.StringMap.find "rest" args with
         [] -> ()
       | [profile] -> clprofile := Some profile
-      | [root1;root2] -> Globals.setRawRoots [root1;root2]
-      | [root1;root2;profile] ->
+      | [root2;root1] -> Globals.setRawRoots [root1;root2]
+      | [root2;root1;profile] ->
           Globals.setRawRoots [root1;root2];
           clprofile := Some profile
       | _ ->

Modified: trunk/src/uimacbridgenew.ml
--- trunk/src/uimacbridgenew.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/uimacbridgenew.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@
       match Util.StringMap.find "rest" args with
         [] -> ()
       | [profile] -> clprofile := Some profile
-      | [root1;root2] -> Globals.setRawRoots [root1;root2]
-      | [root1;root2;profile] ->
+      | [root2;root1] -> Globals.setRawRoots [root1;root2]
+      | [root2;root1;profile] ->
           Globals.setRawRoots [root1;root2];
           clprofile := Some profile
       | _ ->

Modified: trunk/src/update.ml
--- trunk/src/update.ml	2010-01-15 08:29:26 UTC (rev 401)
+++ trunk/src/update.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
@@ -524,9 +524,11 @@
   Props.same_time oldInfo.Fileinfo.desc newInfo.Fileinfo.desc
+  Props.length oldInfo.Fileinfo.desc = Props.length newInfo.Fileinfo.desc
+    &&
   match Fileinfo.stamp oldInfo, Fileinfo.stamp newInfo with
     Fileinfo.InodeStamp in1, Fileinfo.InodeStamp in2 -> in1 = in2
-  | Fileinfo.CtimeStamp t1,  Fileinfo.CtimeStamp t2  -> t1  = t2
+  | Fileinfo.CtimeStamp _,   Fileinfo.CtimeStamp _   -> true
   | _                                                -> false
 let archiveUnchanged fspath newInfo =
@@ -1042,10 +1044,8 @@
        this switch under Windows most of the time and occasionally \
        run Unison once with {\\tt fastcheck} set to \
        \\verb|false|, if you are \
-       worried that Unison may have overlooked an update.  The default \
-       value of the preference is \\verb|auto|, which causes Unison to \
-       use fast checking on Unix replicas (where it is safe) and slow \
-       checking on  Windows replicas.  For backward compatibility, \
+       worried that Unison may have overlooked an update. \
+       For backward compatibility, \
        \\verb|yes|, \\verb|no|, and \\verb|default| can be used in place \
        of \\verb|true|, \\verb|false|, and \\verb|auto|.  See \
        \\sectionref{fastcheck}{Fast Checking} for more information.")
@@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@
    || (Prefs.read fastcheck = `Default (*&& Util.osType = `Unix*))
 let immutable = Pred.create "immutable" ~advanced:true
-   ("This preference specifies paths for directories whose \
+  ("This preference specifies paths for directories whose \
      immediate children are all immutable files --- i.e., once a file has been \
      created, its contents never changes.  When scanning for updates, \
      Unison does not check whether these files have been modified; \
@@ -1063,13 +1063,13 @@
 let immutablenot = Pred.create "immutablenot" ~advanced:true
-   ("This preference overrides {\\tt immutable}.")
+  ("This preference overrides {\\tt immutable}.")
 type scanInfo =
-  { fastCheck : bool;
-    dirFastCheck : bool;
-    dirStamp : Props.dirChangedStamp;
-    showStatus : bool }
+    { fastCheck : bool;
+      dirFastCheck : bool;
+      dirStamp : Props.dirChangedStamp;
+      showStatus : bool }
 (** Status display **)
@@ -1085,26 +1085,26 @@
    the status display message -- thus effectively serializing the client 
    and server! *)
 let showStatusAddLength scanInfo info =
-    let len1 = Props.length info.Fileinfo.desc in
-    let len2 = Osx.ressLength info.Fileinfo.osX.Osx.ressInfo in
+  let len1 = Props.length info.Fileinfo.desc in
+  let len2 = Osx.ressLength info.Fileinfo.osX.Osx.ressInfo in
     if len1 >= bigFileLengthFS || len2 >= bigFileLengthFS then
       fileLength := bigFileLength
       fileLength :=
         min bigFileLength
-         (!fileLength + Uutil.Filesize.toInt len1 + Uutil.Filesize.toInt len2)
+          (!fileLength + Uutil.Filesize.toInt len1 + Uutil.Filesize.toInt len2)
 let showStatus scanInfo path =
-    fileLength := !fileLength + smallFileLength;
-    if !fileLength >= bigFileLength then begin
-      fileLength := 0;
-      let t = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+  fileLength := !fileLength + smallFileLength;
+  if !fileLength >= bigFileLength then begin
+    fileLength := 0;
+    let t = Unix.gettimeofday () in
       if t -. !t0 > 0.05 then begin
         if scanInfo.showStatus then
           Uutil.showUpdateStatus (Path.toString path);
         t0 := t
-    end
+  end
 let showStatusDir path = ()
@@ -1114,11 +1114,11 @@
    they are scanned -- but this seems worse: it prints far too much stuff.
    So I'm going to revert to the old version. *)
-let showStatus path = ()
-let showStatusAddLength info = ()
-let showStatusDir path =
+  let showStatus path = ()
+  let showStatusAddLength info = ()
+  let showStatusDir path =
   if not !Trace.runningasserver then begin
-        Trace.statusDetail ("scanning... " ^ Path.toString path);
+  Trace.statusDetail ("scanning... " ^ Path.toString path);

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