[Unison-hackers] [unison-svn] r403 - trunk/src

vouillon@seas.upenn.edu vouillon at seas.upenn.edu
Fri Jan 15 18:25:09 EST 2010

Author: vouillon
Date: 2010-01-15 18:25:09 -0500 (Fri, 15 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 403

* Implemented 'partial' versions of 'noupdate', 'nodeletion' and 'nocreation'
* Check sooner (before connecting to another machine) that the roots
  given as argument to all these preference are well-formed

Modified: trunk/src/Makefile
--- trunk/src/Makefile	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
+++ trunk/src/Makefile	2010-01-15 23:25:09 UTC (rev 403)
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@
 # NAME, VERSION, and MAJORVERSION, automatically generated
 -include Makefile.ProjectInfo
-Makefile.ProjectInfo: mkProjectInfo $(wildcard ../.bzr/branch/last-revision)
-	./mkProjectInfo > $@
+Makefile.ProjectInfo: mkProjectInfo.ml $(wildcard ../.bzr/branch/last-revision)
+	ocaml str.cma unix.cma ./mkProjectInfo.ml > $@
-mkProjectInfo: mkProjectInfo.ml
-	ocamlc -o $@ unix.cma str.cma $^
+#mkProjectInfo: mkProjectInfo.ml
+#	ocamlc -o $@ unix.cma str.cma $^
 	$(RM) mkProjectInfo

Modified: trunk/src/RECENTNEWS
--- trunk/src/RECENTNEWS	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
+++ trunk/src/RECENTNEWS	2010-01-15 23:25:09 UTC (rev 403)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+* Implemented 'partial' versions of 'noupdate', 'nodeletion' and 'nocreation'
+* Check sooner (before connecting to another machine) that the roots
+  given as argument to all these preference are well-formed
 * New preferences "noupdate=root", "nodeletion=root", "nocreation=root"

Modified: trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml
--- trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
+++ trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml	2010-01-15 23:25:09 UTC (rev 403)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* You shouldn't need to edit below. *)
-let revisionString = "$Rev: 400$";;
+let revisionString = "$Rev: 402$";;
 (* extract a substring using a regular expression *)
 let extract_str re str =
@@ -97,9 +97,3 @@
 Printf.printf "VERSION=%d.%d.%d\n" majorVersion minorVersion pointVersion;;
 Printf.printf "NAME=%s\n" projectName;;

Modified: trunk/src/pred.ml
--- trunk/src/pred.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
+++ trunk/src/pred.ml	2010-01-15 23:25:09 UTC (rev 403)
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@
     end in
   (compiled, v)
-let create name ?(advanced=false) fulldoc =
+let create name ?(local=false) ?(advanced=false) fulldoc =
   let pref = 
-    Prefs.create name []
+    Prefs.create name ~local []
       ((if advanced then "!" else "")
        ^ "add a pattern to the " ^ name ^ " list")
@@ -111,15 +111,17 @@
   let pref = Prefs.read p.pref in
   let compiledList = Safelist.map compile_pattern (Safelist.append p.default pref) in
   let compiled = Rx.alt (Safelist.map fst compiledList) in
+  let handleCase rx =
+    if (Case.ops())#caseInsensitiveMatch then Rx.case_insensitive rx
+    else rx
+  in
   let strings = Safelist.filterMap
                   (fun (rx,vo) ->
                      match vo with
                        None -> None
-                     | Some v -> Some (rx,v))
+                     | Some v -> Some (handleCase rx,v))
                   compiledList in
-  p.compiled <-
-    if (Case.ops())#caseInsensitiveMatch then Rx.case_insensitive compiled
-    else compiled;
+  p.compiled <- handleCase compiled;
   p.associated_strings <- strings;
   p.last_pref <- pref;
   p.last_def <- p.default;
@@ -160,3 +162,9 @@
   recompile_if_needed p;
   let s = (Case.ops())#normalizeMatchedString s in
   snd (Safelist.find (fun (rx,v) -> Rx.match_string rx s) p.associated_strings)
+let assoc_all p s =
+  recompile_if_needed p;
+  let s = (Case.ops())#normalizeMatchedString s in
+  Safelist.map snd
+    (Safelist.filter (fun (rx,v) -> Rx.match_string rx s) p.associated_strings)

Modified: trunk/src/pred.mli
--- trunk/src/pred.mli	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
+++ trunk/src/pred.mli	2010-01-15 23:25:09 UTC (rev 403)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 (* Create a new predicate and register it with the preference module.  The first
    arg is the name of the predicate; the second is full (latex) documentation. *)
-val create : string -> ?advanced:bool -> string -> t  
+val create : string -> ?local:bool -> ?advanced:bool -> string -> t  
 (* Check whether a given path matches one of the default or current patterns *)
 val test : t -> string -> bool
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
    if no pattern with an associated string matches. *)
 val assoc : t -> string -> string
+(* Return all strings associated to a matching pattern. *)
+val assoc_all : t -> string -> string list
 (* Add list of default patterns to the existing list.  (These patterns are
    remembered even when the associated preference is cleared). *)
 val addDefaultPatterns : t -> string list -> unit

Modified: trunk/src/recon.ml
--- trunk/src/recon.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
+++ trunk/src/recon.ml	2010-01-15 23:25:09 UTC (rev 403)
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 let forceRootPartial: Pred.t =
   Pred.create "forcepartial" ~advanced:true
-    ("Including the preference \\texttt{forcepartial \\ARG{PATHSPEC} -> \\ARG{root}} causes Unison to "
+    ("Including the preference \\texttt{forcepartial = \\ARG{PATHSPEC} -> \\ARG{root}} causes Unison to "
      ^ "resolve all differences (even non-conflicting changes) in favor of "
      ^ "\\ARG{root} for the files in \\ARG{PATHSPEC} (see \\sectionref{pathspec}{Path Specification} "
      ^ "for more information).  "
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 let preferRootPartial: Pred.t =
   Pred.create "preferpartial" ~advanced:true
-    ("Including the preference \\texttt{preferpartial \\ARG{PATHSPEC} -> \\ARG{root}} "
+    ("Including the preference \\texttt{preferpartial = \\ARG{PATHSPEC} -> \\ARG{root}} "
      ^ "causes Unison always to "
      ^ "resolve conflicts in favor of \\ARG{root}, rather than asking for "
      ^ "guidance from the user, for the files in \\ARG{PATHSPEC} (see "
@@ -156,39 +156,11 @@
-let actionKind fromRc toRc =
-  let fromTyp = fromRc.typ in
-  let toTyp = toRc.typ in
-  if fromTyp = toTyp then `UPDATE else
-  if toTyp = `ABSENT then `CREATION else
-type prefs = { noDeletion : bool; noUpdate: bool; noCreation : bool }
-let shouldCancel rc1 rc2 prefs =
-  match actionKind rc1 rc2 with
-    `UPDATE   -> prefs.noUpdate
-  | `DELETION -> prefs.noUpdate || prefs.noDeletion
-  | `CREATION -> prefs.noCreation
-let filterRi prefs1 prefs2 ri =
-  match ri.replicas with
-    Problem _ ->
-      ()
-  | Different diff ->
-      if
-        match diff.direction with
-          Replica1ToReplica2 -> shouldCancel diff.rc1 diff.rc2 prefs2
-        | Replica2ToReplica1 -> shouldCancel diff.rc2 diff.rc1 prefs1
-        | Conflict | Merge   -> false
-      then
-        diff.direction <- Conflict
 let noDeletion =
   Prefs.createStringList "nodeletion" ~local:true
     "prevent file deletions on one replica"
     ("Including the preference \\texttt{-nodeletion \\ARG{root}} prevents \
-      Unison from performing any file deletion on root \\ARG{root}.\n\
+      Unison from performing any file deletion on root \\ARG{root}.\n\n\
       This preference can be included twice, once for each root, if you \
       want to prevent any creation.")
@@ -197,7 +169,7 @@
     "prevent file updates and deletions on one replica"
     ("Including the preference \\texttt{-noupdate \\ARG{root}} prevents \
       Unison from performing any file update or deletion on root \
-      \\ARG{root}.\n\
+      \\ARG{root}.\n\n\
       This preference can be included twice, once for each root, if you \
       want to prevent any update.")
@@ -205,21 +177,83 @@
   Prefs.createStringList "nocreation" ~local:true
     "prevent file creations on one replica"
     ("Including the preference \\texttt{-nocreation \\ARG{root}} prevents \
-      Unison from performing any file creation on root \\ARG{root}.\n\
+      Unison from performing any file creation on root \\ARG{root}.\n\n\
       This preference can be included twice, once for each root, if you \
       want to prevent any creation.")
+let noDeletionPartial =
+  Pred.create "nodeletionpartial" ~local:true ~advanced:true
+    ("Including the preference \
+      \\texttt{nodeletionpartial = \\ARG{PATHSPEC} -> \\ARG{root}} prevents \
+      Unison from performing any file deletion in \\ARG{PATHSPEC} \
+      on root \\ARG{root} (see \\sectionref{pathspec}{Path Specification} \
+      for more information).")
+let noUpdatePartial =
+  Pred.create "noupdatepartial" ~local:true ~advanced:true
+    ("Including the preference \
+      \\texttt{noupdatepartial = \\ARG{PATHSPEC} -> \\ARG{root}} prevents \
+      Unison from performing any file update or deletion in \
+      \\ARG{PATHSPEC} on root \\ARG{root} (see \
+      \\sectionref{pathspec}{Path Specification} for more information).")
+let noCreationPartial =
+  Pred.create "nocreationpartial" ~local:true ~advanced:true
+    ("Including the preference \
+      \\texttt{nocreationpartial = \\ARG{PATHSPEC} ->  \\ARG{root}} prevents \
+      Unison from performing any file creation in \\ARG{PATHSPEC} \
+      on root \\ARG{root} (see \\sectionref{pathspec}{Path Specification} \
+      for more information).")
+let partialCancelPref actionKind =
+  match actionKind with
+    `DELETION -> noDeletionPartial
+  | `UPDATE   -> noUpdatePartial
+  | `CREATION -> noCreationPartial
+let cancelPref actionKind =
+  match actionKind with
+    `DELETION -> noDeletion
+  | `UPDATE   -> noUpdate
+  | `CREATION -> noCreation
+let actionKind fromRc toRc =
+  let fromTyp = fromRc.typ in
+  let toTyp = toRc.typ in
+  if fromTyp = toTyp then `UPDATE else
+  if toTyp = `ABSENT then `CREATION else
+let shouldCancel path rc1 rc2 root2 =
+  let test kind =
+    List.mem root2 (Prefs.read (cancelPref kind))
+      ||
+    List.mem root2 (Pred.assoc_all (partialCancelPref kind) path)
+  in
+  match actionKind rc1 rc2 with
+    `UPDATE   -> test `UPDATE
+  | `DELETION -> test `UPDATE || test `DELETION
+  | `CREATION -> test `CREATION
+let filterRi root1 root2 ri =
+  match ri.replicas with
+    Problem _ ->
+      ()
+  | Different diff ->
+      if
+        match diff.direction with
+          Replica1ToReplica2 ->
+            shouldCancel (Path.toString ri.path1) diff.rc1 diff.rc2 root2
+        | Replica2ToReplica1 ->
+            shouldCancel (Path.toString ri.path1) diff.rc2 diff.rc1 root1
+        | Conflict | Merge ->
+            false
+      then
+        diff.direction <- Conflict
 let filterRis ris =
   let (root1, root2) = Globals.rawRootPair () in
-  let getPref root pref = List.mem root (Prefs.read pref) in
-  let getPrefs root =
-    { noDeletion = getPref root noDeletion;
-      noUpdate = getPref root noUpdate;
-      noCreation = getPref root noCreation }
-  in
-  let prefs1 = getPrefs root1 in
-  let prefs2 = getPrefs root2 in
-  Safelist.iter (fun ri -> filterRi prefs1 prefs2 ri) ris
+  Safelist.iter (fun ri -> filterRi root1 root2 ri) ris
 (* Use the current values of the '-prefer <ROOT>' and '-force <ROOT>'        *)
 (* preferences to override the reconciler's choices                          *)
@@ -253,11 +287,11 @@
   if root<>"" then test_root (match pred with `Force -> "force" | `Prefer -> "prefer") root;
   Safelist.iter (test_root "forcepartial") (Pred.extern_associated_strings forceRootPartial);
   Safelist.iter (test_root "preferpartial") (Pred.extern_associated_strings preferRootPartial);
-  let checkPref pref prefName =
+  let checkPref extract (pref, prefName) =
       let root =
         List.find (fun r -> not (List.mem r (Globals.rawRoots ())))
-          (Prefs.read pref)
+          (extract pref)
       let (r1, r2) = Globals.rawRootPair () in
       raise (Util.Fatal (Printf.sprintf
@@ -266,9 +300,12 @@
     with Not_found ->
-  checkPref noDeletion "nodeletion";
-  checkPref noUpdate   "noupdate";
-  checkPref noCreation "nocreation"
+  List.iter (checkPref Prefs.read)
+    [noDeletion, "nodeletion"; noUpdate, "noupdate"; noCreation, "nocreation"];
+  List.iter (checkPref Pred.extern_associated_strings)
+    [noDeletionPartial, "nodeletionpartial";
+     noUpdatePartial, "noupdatepartial";
+     noCreationPartial, "nocreationpartial"]
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (*                    Main Reconciliation stuff                              *)

Modified: trunk/src/uicommon.ml
--- trunk/src/uicommon.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
+++ trunk/src/uicommon.ml	2010-01-15 23:25:09 UTC (rev 403)
@@ -545,6 +545,8 @@
     promptForRoots getFirstRoot getSecondRoot;
+  Recon.checkThatPreferredRootIsValid();
   (* The following step contacts the server, so warn the user it could take
      some time *)
   if not (Prefs.read contactquietly || Prefs.read Trace.terse) then
@@ -597,8 +599,6 @@
                         Printf.eprintf "       %s\n" (root2string r))
        Printf.eprintf "\n");
-  Recon.checkThatPreferredRootIsValid();
     (validateAndFixupPrefs () >>=

Modified: trunk/src/uimacbridge.ml
--- trunk/src/uimacbridge.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
+++ trunk/src/uimacbridge.ml	2010-01-15 23:25:09 UTC (rev 403)
@@ -153,6 +153,9 @@
   Trace.debug "" (fun() -> Prefs.dumpPrefsToStderr() );
   (* FIX: if no roots, ask the user *)
+  Recon.checkThatPreferredRootIsValid();
   let localRoots,remoteRoots =
       (function Clroot.ConnectLocal _ -> true | _ -> false)
@@ -207,8 +210,6 @@
        Printf.eprintf "\n"
-  Recon.checkThatPreferredRootIsValid();
     (Uicommon.validateAndFixupPrefs () >>=

Modified: trunk/src/uimacbridgenew.ml
--- trunk/src/uimacbridgenew.ml	2010-01-15 15:28:23 UTC (rev 402)
+++ trunk/src/uimacbridgenew.ml	2010-01-15 23:25:09 UTC (rev 403)
@@ -224,6 +224,9 @@
   Trace.debug "" (fun() -> Prefs.dumpPrefsToStderr() );
   (* FIX: if no roots, ask the user *)
+  Recon.checkThatPreferredRootIsValid();
   let localRoots,remoteRoots =
       (function Clroot.ConnectLocal _ -> true | _ -> false)
@@ -293,8 +296,6 @@
        Printf.eprintf "\n"
-  Recon.checkThatPreferredRootIsValid();
     (Uicommon.validateAndFixupPrefs () >>=

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