[TYPES/announce] Deadline extension--Sixth miniKanren and Relational Programming Workshop

Ekaterina Verbitskaia kajigor at gmail.com
Thu May 30 06:10:41 EDT 2024

Dear all,

The deadline of the miniKanren and Relational programming workshop has been
extended. The new deadline is 6 June 2024 (AoE).

Below is the call for papers with all the details.

Best Regards,
Ekaterina Verbitskaia


DEADLINE: 6 June 2024, (Any time in the world)
WEBSITE: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://icfp24.sigplan.org/home/minikanren-2024__;!!IBzWLUs!Ry3q3P6Qyu-OyqCf48MODJ0GSGN8qwiCALF8tQ6ll3-lunvErun_ilhu0oS6OdWHXGLjZNrZmTkDC1oCgGn3FDEvT_MM7A$ 
LOCATION: Milan, Italy (co-located with ICFP)
DATE: 6 September 2024

The 2024 Sixth miniKanren and Relational Programming Workshop is
calling for submissions.

Full papers are due 30 May 2024.
Authors will be notified by 4 July 2024
Camera-ready versions are due 22 August 2024.
All deadlines are (23:59 UTC-12), "Anywhere on Earth".

The miniKanren and Relational Programming Workshop is a workshop for
the miniKanren family of relational (pure constraint logic programming)
languages: miniKanren, microKanren, core.logic, OCanren, Guanxi, etc.
The workshop solicits papers and talks on the design, implementation, and
application of miniKanren-like languages. A major goal of the workshop is
to bring together researchers, implementors, and users from
the miniKanren community, and to share expertise and techniques
for relational programming. Another goal for the workshop is to push the
state of the art of relational programming — for example, by developing new
techniques for writing interpreters, type inferencers, theorem provers,
abstract interpreters, CAD tools, and other interesting programs as
relations, which are capable of being “run backward,” performing synthesis,

Submission Information

Submission Page: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://minikanren24.hotcrp.com/__;!!IBzWLUs!Ry3q3P6Qyu-OyqCf48MODJ0GSGN8qwiCALF8tQ6ll3-lunvErun_ilhu0oS6OdWHXGLjZNrZmTkDC1oCgGn3FDF7NkcRHw$ 

Paper submissions must use the format acmart and its sub-format acmsmall.
Here is the preamble in LaTeX:
\documentclass[acmsmall,screen,review,anonymous]{acmart}. The LaTeX
template for this format is available at:

Submissions must be anonymized and should not contain any identifying
information. It is recommended to use the review option when submitting a
paper; this option enables line numbers for easy reference in reviews.

We want to encourage all kinds of submissions. We expect short papers as
well as longer papers. As a rough guideline, with the new ACM format, a
short paper would be 2 to 7 pages and a long paper 8 to 25 pages.

Authors are encouraged to publish any code associated to their papers under
an open source license, so that reviewers may try the code and verify the

Proceedings will be published on https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://arxiv.org/__;!!IBzWLUs!Ry3q3P6Qyu-OyqCf48MODJ0GSGN8qwiCALF8tQ6ll3-lunvErun_ilhu0oS6OdWHXGLjZNrZmTkDC1oCgGn3FDG0D7qpHw$ .

Publication of a paper at this workshop is not intended to
replace conference or journal publication, and does not preclude
re-publication of a more complete or finished version of the paper at some
later conference or in a journal.


Ekaterina Verbitskaia, Co-chair
Joseph Near, Co-chair

Program Committee:

Dmitry Boulytchev, Saint Petersburg State University
Robert Glück, University of Copenhagen
Weixi Ma, Meta
Massimo Nocentini
Lisa Zhang, University of Toronto Mississauga
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