[TYPES/announce] SSTiC 2013: 2nd registration deadline 26 March

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Sun Mar 24 13:17:14 EDT 2013

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SSTiC 2013

Tarragona, Spain

July 22-26, 2013

Organized by
Rovira i Virgili University



+++ 2nd registration deadline: March 26 +++


SSTiC 2013 will be an open forum for the convergence of top class well
recognized computer scientists and people at the beginning of their research
career (typically PhD students) as well as consolidated researchers.

SSTiC 2013 will cover the whole spectrum of computer science by means of 74
six-hour courses dealing with hot topics at the frontiers of the field. By
actively participating, lecturers and attendees will share the idea of
scientific excellence as the main motto of their research work.


Graduate students from around the world. There are no pre-requisites in
terms of the academic degree the attendee must hold. However, since there
will be several levels among the courses, in the description of some of them
reference may be made to specific knowledge background.

SSTiC 2013 is appropriate also for people more advanced in their career who
want to keep themselves updated on developments in the field.

Finally, senior researchers will find it fruitful to listen and discuss with
people who are main references of the diverse branches of computing


8 parallel sessions will be held during the whole event. Participants will
be able to freely choose the courses they will be willing to attend as well
as to move from one to another.


Palau Firal i de Congressos de Tarragona
Arquitecte Rovira, 2
43001 Tarragona


Divyakant Agrawal (Santa Barbara) [intermediate] Scalable Data Management in
Enterprise and Cloud Computing Infrastructures

Shun-ichi Amari (Riken) [introductory] Information Geometry and Its

James Anderson (Chapel Hill) [intermediate] Scheduling and Synchronization
in Real-Time Multicore Systems

Pierre Baldi (Irvine) [intermediate] Big Data Informatics Challenges and
Opportunities in the Life Sciences

Yoshua Bengio (Montréal) [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning of

Stephen Brewster (Glasgow) [advanced] Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction

Bruno Buchberger (Linz) [introductory] Groebner Bases: An Algorithmic Method
for Multivariate Polynomial Systems. Foundations and Applications

Rajkumar Buyya (Melbourne) [intermediate] Cloud Computing

Jan Camenisch (IBM Zurich) [intermediate] Cryptography for Privacy

John M. Carroll (Penn State) [introductory] Usability Engineering and
Scenario-based Design

Jeffrey S. Chase (Duke) [intermediate] Trust Logic as an Enabler for Secure
Federated Systems

Larry S. Davis (College Park) [intermediate] Video Analysis of Human

Paul De Bra (Eindhoven) [intermediate] Adaptive Systems

Marco Dorigo (Brussels) [introductory] An Introduction to Swarm Intelligence
and Swarm Robotics

Paul Dourish (Irvine) [introductory] Ubiquitous Computing in a Social

Max J. Egenhofer (Maine) [introductory/intermediate] Qualitative Spatial
Relations: Formalizations and Inferences

Richard M. Fujimoto (Georgia Tech) [introductory] Parallel and Distributed

David Garlan (Carnegie Mellon) [advanced] Software Architecture: Past,
Present and Future

Mario Gerla (Los Angeles) [intermediate] Vehicle Cloud Computing

Georgios B. Giannakis (Minnesota) [advanced] Sparsity and Low Rank for
Robust Data Analytics and Networking

Ralph Grishman (New York) [intermediate] Information Extraction from Natural

Mark Guzdial (Georgia Tech) [introductory] Computing Education Research:
What We Know about Learning and Teaching Computer Science

Francisco Herrera (Granada) [intermediate] Imbalanced Classification:
Current Approaches and Open Problems

Paul Hudak (Yale) [introductory] Euterpea: From Signals to Symphonies Using

Syed Ali Jafar (Irvine) [intermediate] Interference Alignment

Niraj K. Jha (Princeton) [intermediate] FinFET Circuit Design

George Karypis (Minnesota) [introductory] Introduction to Parallel
Computing: Architectures, Algorithms, and Programming

Aggelos K. Katsaggelos (Northwestern) [intermediate/advanced] Sparsity-based
Advances in Image Processing

Arie E. Kaufman (Stony Brook) [advanced] Advances in Visualization

Carl Kesselman (Southern California) [intermediate] Biomedical Informatics
and Big Data

Hugo Krawczyk (IBM Research) [intermediate] An Introduction to the Design
and Analysis of Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols

Pierre L'Ecuyer (Montréal) [intermediate] Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in
Simulation: Theory and Practice

Laks Lakshmanan (British Columbia) [intermediate/advanced] Information and
Influence Spread in Social Networks

Wenke Lee (Georgia Tech) [introductory] DNS-based Monitoring of Malware

Maurizio Lenzerini (Roma La Sapienza) [intermediate] Ontology-based Data

Ming C. Lin (Chapel Hill) [introductory/intermediate] Physically-based
Modeling and Simulation

Jane W.S. Liu (Academia Sinica) [intermediate] Critical Information and
Communication Technologies for Disaster Preparedness and Response

Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (Nanyang Tech) [introductory] Modelling and
Animating Virtual Humans

Satoru Miyano (Tokyo) [intermediate] How to Hack Cancer Systems with
Computational Methods

Aloysius K. Mok (Austin) [intermediate] From Real-time Systems to
Cyber-physical Systems

Daniel Mossé (Pittsburgh) [intermediate] Asymmetric Multicore Management

Hermann Ney (Aachen) [intermediate/advanced] Probabilistic Modelling for
Natural Language Processing - with Applications to Speech Recognition,
Handwriting Recognition and Machine Translation

Cathleen A. Norris (North Texas) & Elliot Soloway (Ann Arbor) [introductory]
Primary & Secondary Educational Computing in the Age of Mobilism

Jeff Offutt (George Mason) [intermediate] Cutting Edge Research in
Engineering of Web Applications

David Padua (Urbana) [intermediate] Parallel Programming with Abstractions

Bijan Parsia (Manchester) [introductory] The Semantic Web: Conceptual and
Technical Foundations

Massoud Pedram (Southern California) [intermediate] Energy Efficient
Architectures and Information Processing Systems

Jian Pei (Simon Fraser) [intermediate/advanced] Mining Uncertain and
Probabilistic Data

Charles E. Perkins (FutureWei) [intermediate/advanced] Beyond 4G

Prabhakar Raghavan (Google) [introductory/intermediate] Web Search and

Sudhakar M. Reddy (Iowa) [introductory] Design for Test and Test of Digital
VLSI Circuits

Phillip Rogaway (Davis) [introductory/intermediate] Provably Secure
Symmetric Encryption

Gustavo Rossi (La Plata) [intermediate] Topics in Model Driven Web

Kaushik Roy (Purdue) [introductory/intermediate] Low-energy Computing

Robert Sargent (Syracuse) [introductory] Validating Models

Douglas C. Schmidt (Vanderbilt) [intermediate] Patterns and Frameworks for
Concurrent and Networked Software

Bart Selman (Cornell) [intermediate] Fast Large-scale Probabilistic and
Logical Inference Methods

Mubarak Shah (Central Florida) [intermediate/advanced] Visual Crowd

Ron Shamir (Tel Aviv) [introductory] Revealing Structure in Disease
Regulation and Networks

Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv) [introductory/intermediate] Geometric Arrangements
and Incidences: Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Algebra

Satinder Singh (Ann Arbor) [introductory/advanced] Reinforcement Learning:
On Machines Learning to Act from Experience

Dawn Xiaodong Song (Berkeley) [introductory] Selected Topics in Computer

Daniel Thalmann (Nanyang Tech) [intermediate] Simulation of Individuals,
Groups and Crowds and Their Interaction with the User

Mike Thelwall (Wolverhampton) [introductory] Sentiment Strength Detection
for the Social Web

Julita Vassileva (Saskatchewan) [introductory/intermediate] Engaging Users
in Social Computing Systems

Philip Wadler (Edinburgh) [introductory] Topics in Lambda Calculus and Life

Yao Wang (Polytechnic New York) [introductory/advanced] Video Compression:
Fundamentals and Recent Development

Gio Wiederhold (Stanford) [introductory] Software Economics: How Do the
Results of the Intellectual Efforts Enter the Global Market Place

Ian H. Witten (Waikato) [introductory] Data Mining Using Weka

Limsoon Wong (National Singapore) [introductory/intermediate] The Use of
Context in Gene Expression and Proteomic Profile Analysis

Michael Wooldridge (Oxford) [introductory] Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent

Ronald R. Yager (Iona) [introductory/intermediate] Fuzzy Sets and Soft

Philip S. Yu (Illinois Chicago) [advanced] Mining Big Data

Justin Zobel (Melbourne) [introductory/intermediate] Writing and Research
Skills for Computer Scientists


It has to be done at


Since a large number of attendees are expected and the capacity of the venue
is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first
served basis. The registration period will be closed when the capacity of
the venue will be complete.


They are the same (a flat rate) for all people by the corresponding
deadline. They give the right to attend all courses.


Information about accommodation is available on the website of the School.


Participants will be delivered a certificate of attendance.


Announcement of the programme: January 26, 2013

Six registration deadlines: February 26, March 26, April 26, May 26, June
26, July 26, 2013


Lilica Voicu:
florentinalilica.voicu at urv.cat 


SSTiC 2013
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University
Av. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona, Spain

Phone: +34-977-559543
Fax: +34-977-558386


Ajuntament de Tarragona
Diputació de Tarragona
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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