[TYPES/announce] Research and teaching assistant in Logic and Semantics at LMU Munich

Martin Hofmann hofmann at ifi.lmu.de
Wed Oct 16 06:57:24 EDT 2013

A position for a

Research and Teaching Assistant

at the chair for Theoretical Computer Science at Ludwig-Maximilians
University Munich is available.  This position is for 3 years
initially with the option of an extension by another 3 years.

The research area should fall within Logic and Semantics, understood
broadly to cover semantics of logics and programming languages,
program analysis, mathematical logic, categorical logic and type
theory, verification and model-checking, logical aspects of
computational complexity.

The position carries a teaching load of 5 hours/week during term
time. Typically, assistants are in charge of organisation, tutorials,
and exercises for a larger undergraduate course. Later on, assistants
can also give advanced courses on their research topic and related
areas so as to gain experience with independent teaching.

Applicants should have a relevant PhD degree. Candidates with an
excellent Master's degree are also encouraged to apply; in that case
there is the opportunity to obtain a PhD on the position.

We offer a modern, friendly, and cooperative working environment.  The
position is available at the Institute for Informatics of
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, Germany. LMU is an equal
opportunities employer.  According to tier A13 of German civil
servants' remuneration table the salary is roughly 3,000EUR/month
before tax, depending on age and family situation.

Applications should be sent by E-Mail to Sigrid Roden
roden at tcs.ifi.lmu.de as a single PDF file containing in particular CV,
research statement, and the names of two potential referees.

There is no
deadline. Applications will be assessed on an on-going basis until the
position is filled.  Questions about the position can be directed to
Martin Hofmann (hofmann at ifi.lmu.de).

Prof. Martin Hofmann
Institut fuer Informatik der
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen
Lehr- und Forschungseinheit fuer Theoretische Informatik

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