[TYPES/announce] PhD positions at Stevens in PL and Systems

Ricardo Medel ricardo.h.medel at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 11:54:12 EST 2021

I got my PhD at Stevens in the 2000's. It's a great small university in a
nice city (close to the Big One!) and a great place for working on
programming languages, with a relevant community around (great universities
& companies very close by), so I recommend it if you are interested.

Ricardo Medel
linkedin.ricardomedel <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricardomedel__;!!IBzWLUs!HdxEPnQm8pjOjoXJHtCWcUb3IAnMfLPxnaYCIxN7TudRYjlXr_H3wVq6gSjAS0U9mE9QNagWXSADNQ$ >

El mié, 22 dic 2021 a las 12:04, Michael Greenberg
(<michael at greenberg.science>) escribió:

> [ The Types Forum (announcements only),
>      http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]
> The Cypress group at Stevens is recruiting PhD students. With eight
> research faculty, we do a broad range of theoretical and practical
> work. Eric Koskinen, Dave Naumann, and I will be particularly of
> interest to the TYPES crowd, but people like Tegan Brennan, Georgios
> Portokalidis, and Jun Xu work on adjacent PL/SE/security/systems
> topics.
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cs.stevens.edu/cypress/people/__;!!IBzWLUs!BFwPKYyax6Ai8OJEM4UazeUOF_lVKWwm_2NBJLa2ljqjPG0O0Q6C5twd-zRIbNk7x0VQe5U3ZU8zIw$
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.weaselhat.com/2021/09/17/im-looking-for-phd-students/__;!!IBzWLUs!BFwPKYyax6Ai8OJEM4UazeUOF_lVKWwm_2NBJLa2ljqjPG0O0Q6C5twd-zRIbNk7x0VQe5VP3mxvBA$
> Stevens is in Hoboken, NJ, directly across the Hudson from New York
> City.
> Applications are reviewed on a rolling
> basis.
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://gradadmissions.stevens.edu/apply/__;!!IBzWLUs!BFwPKYyax6Ai8OJEM4UazeUOF_lVKWwm_2NBJLa2ljqjPG0O0Q6C5twd-zRIbNk7x0VQe5XpEB-9QQ$
> GRE/GMAT can be
> waived---contact me for more information.
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